Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 115 - Election Authorities and Conduct of Elections
Section 115.291 - Procedure for absentee ballots — declared emergencies, delivery and return of ballots — envelopes, refusal to accept ballot prohibited when — use of drop box prohibited.

Effective - 28 Aug 2022, 6 histories
115.291. Procedure for absentee ballots — declared emergencies, delivery and return of ballots — envelopes, refusal to accept ballot prohibited when — use of drop box prohibited. — 1. Upon receiving an absentee ballot by mail, the voter shall mark the ballot in secret, place the ballot in the ballot envelope, seal the envelope and fill out the statement on the ballot envelope. The affidavit of each person voting an absentee ballot shall be subscribed and sworn to before the election official receiving the ballot, a notary public or other officer authorized by law to administer oaths, unless the voter is voting absentee due to incapacity or confinement due to the provisions of section 115.284, illness or physical disability on election day, or the voter is a covered voter as defined in section 115.902. If the voter is blind, unable to read or write the English language, or physically incapable of voting the ballot, the voter may be assisted by a person of the voter's own choosing. Any person assisting a voter who is not entitled to such assistance, and any person who assists a voter and in any manner coerces or initiates a request or a suggestion that the voter vote for or against or refrain from voting on any question, ticket or candidate, shall be guilty of a class one election offense. If, upon counting, challenge or election contest, it is ascertained that any absentee ballot was voted with unlawful assistance, the ballot shall be rejected.
2. Except as provided in subsection 4 of this section, each absentee ballot that is not cast by the voter in person in the office of the election authority shall be returned to the election authority in the ballot envelope and shall only be returned by the voter in person, or in person by a relative of the voter who is within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, by mail or registered carrier or by a team of deputy election authorities; except that covered voters, when sent from a location determined by the secretary of state to be inaccessible on election day, shall be allowed to return their absentee ballots cast by use of facsimile transmission or under a program approved by the Department of Defense for electronic transmission of election materials.
3. In cases of an emergency declared by the President of the United States or the governor of this state where the conduct of an election may be affected, the secretary of state may provide for the delivery and return of absentee ballots by use of a facsimile transmission device or system. Any rule promulgated pursuant to this subsection shall apply to a class or classes of voters as provided for by the secretary of state.
4. No election authority shall refuse to accept and process any otherwise valid marked absentee ballot submitted in any manner by a covered voter solely on the basis of restrictions on envelope type.
5. No absentee ballot shall be delivered through a drop box and no election authority shall establish or use a drop box for the purpose of collecting absentee ballots.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 § 9.040, A.L. 1983 S.B. 234, A.L. 1993 H.B. 551 & 552 merged with S.B. 31, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1557 & 1489, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675, A.L. 2010 H.B. 1524 & 2260, A.L. 2013 S.B. 116, A.L. 2015 S.B. 34 & 105, A.L. 2016 H.B. 1480, A.L. 2020 S.B. 631, A.L. 2022 H.B. 1878)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title IX - Suffrage and Elections

Chapter 115 - Election Authorities and Conduct of Elections

Section 115.003 - Purpose clause.

Section 115.004 - Election laws, restriction on amendment of, when.

Section 115.005 - Scope of act.

Section 115.007 - Presumption against implied repealer.

Section 115.012 - Rules, promulgation, procedure.

Section 115.013 - Definitions.

Section 115.015 - Election authority established and defined.

Section 115.017 - Election commissioners, where.

Section 115.019 - Voters may petition to establish a board of election commissioners, procedure — form of petition.

Section 115.021 - Jurisdiction of election boards.

Section 115.022 - Private moneys, expenditure of, prohibited — in-kind donations permitted — private moneys distributed, when.

Section 115.023 - Election authority to conduct all elections — which authority, how determined.

Section 115.024 - Elections rescheduled or relocated due to disaster, definition — election panel established — petition to reschedule or relocate, contents — order — notice, contents — ballots — procedures — appeal.

Section 115.027 - Election commissioners, how appointed.

Section 115.029 - Election commissioners, when appointed, term of office.

Section 115.031 - Election commissioner, qualifications of.

Section 115.033 - Oath of office, bond, election commissioners.

Section 115.035 - Compensation of election commissioners.

Section 115.037 - Removal of commissioner, when.

Section 115.039 - New board to receive records and property.

Section 115.041 - Commissioners in office to complete term.

Section 115.043 - Rules and regulations, powers of election authorities.

Section 115.045 - Boards may employ staff.

Section 115.047 - Employees of board to be bipartisan.

Section 115.049 - Number of employees and salaries authorized — salary adjustments, when.

Section 115.051 - County clerk may employ election staff and fix compensation.

Section 115.053 - Election authority deputies — bipartisan requirement — duties, compensation.

Section 115.055 - Who may administer oaths.

Section 115.057 - Offices may be maintained, to be open, when.

Section 115.059 - Peace officers to assist election authority or election officials, when requested.

Section 115.063 - Political subdivision or special district, cost of elections — state to share proportionately, when.

Section 115.065 - Proportion of cost for two or more political subdivisions or special districts, how computed — exceptions — definitions — election services fund, when used.

Section 115.069 - Election judges paid by whom (Jackson County).

Section 115.071 - Election costs, how paid (Kansas City).

Section 115.073 - Election costs, how paid (Clay, Platte and Jackson counties).

Section 115.074 - Voting process and equipment, grants to upgrade or improve, award procedure — rulemaking authority.

Section 115.075 - County's election expenses to be paid from county general revenue, exception.

Section 115.076 - Administration of grant, loan, or other aid program — rulemaking authority.

Section 115.077 - Election costs to be paid to election authority, by whom, when, procedure — failure to pay costs, penalty — state payments, fund for, transfers from general revenue — rental or lease of voting machines.

Section 115.078 - Election administration improvements fund created, use of moneys — elections improvements revolving loan fund created, use of moneys.

Section 115.079 - Election judges, how appointed.

Section 115.081 - Number of judges to be appointed, supervisory judges, duties of.

Section 115.085 - Qualifications of election judges.

Section 115.087 - Selection of judges in counties not having a board of election commissioners.

Section 115.089 - Terms of election judges appointed by board.

Section 115.091 - Oath of election judge.

Section 115.093 - Vacancy, how filled.

Section 115.095 - Judge failing to appear, temporary judge to be appointed, how.

Section 115.097 - Judge not to be absent from polls more than one hour — not more than one judge from the same party to be absent at the same time.

Section 115.098 - Election judges, grant, loan, or other aid program to increase compensation, requirements — rulemaking authority.

Section 115.099 - Authority to supervise judges.

Section 115.101 - Judges' compensation, how set — not employees of election authority.

Section 115.102 - Election judge, service as, employer not to discriminate against — violation, penalty.

Section 115.103 - Training courses required, compensation while in training authorized.

Section 115.104 - Youth election participant — oath — nomination procedure — qualifications — election authorities and judges to direct, powers and duties — high schools may offer preparatory courses.

Section 115.105 - Challengers, how selected, qualifications — challenges, when made — challenges, how made.

Section 115.106 - Persons administering youth election admitted to polling place — oath — misconduct, removal for.

Section 115.107 - Watchers, how selected, qualifications, duties.

Section 115.109 - Oath of challengers and watchers.

Section 115.111 - Improper conduct of challenger or watcher, how handled.

Section 115.113 - Precincts, how established — new political subdivisions, duty to identify voters of.

Section 115.115 - Polling places, how designated, exception — notice to voters — voters not required to go to more than one polling place — elderly and handicapped polling places, common sites — plan for increased accessibility, contents.

Section 115.117 - Tax-supported buildings must be made available as polling places — may rent private polling place, when.

Section 115.119 - Polling place to be marked.

Section 115.121 - General election, when held — primary election, when held — general municipal election day, when held.

Section 115.123 - Public elections to be held on certain Tuesdays, exceptions — exemptions.

Section 115.124 - Nonpartisan election in political subdivision or special district, no election required if number of candidates filing is same as number of positions to be filled — exceptions — random drawing filing procedure followed when election...

Section 115.125 - Notice of election, when given — facsimile transmission used when, exceptions — late notification, procedure.

Section 115.127 - Notice of election, how, when given — striking names or issues from ballot, requirements — declaration of candidacy, filing date, when, notice requirements — candidate withdrawing, ballot reprinting, cost, how paid.

Section 115.129 - Notice of election by mail authorized, contents of.

Section 115.133 - Qualifications of voters.

Section 115.135 - Persons entitled to register, when — identification required — military service, registration, when.

Section 115.136 - Secretary of state, duties pursuant to National Voter Registration Act — list of voter registration sites — further duties of secretary of state — rules — civil action, notice.

Section 115.137 - Registered voters may vote in all elections — exception.

Section 115.139 - Unregistered voter may not vote — exception.

Section 115.140 - Handicapped and hearing-impaired persons, provision for.

Section 115.141 - Registration to be supervised by election authority.

Section 115.143 - Deputy registration officials, qualifications of, persons eligible to serve as.

Section 115.145 - Registration duties of election authority.

Section 115.147 - Deputy registration officials, duties of.

Section 115.149 - Election authorities' registration jurisdictions.

Section 115.151 - Registration complete, when.

Section 115.155 - Registration — application — oath — transfer of data to election authority — documents, preservation of.

Section 115.157 - Computerized registration system, contents, requirements — voter history and information, how entered, when released — records closed, when.

Section 115.158 - Missouri voter registration system authorized, functions — system maintenance performed — security measures implemented — verification of information — use of system for election results — information not to be used for commercial p...

Section 115.159 - Registration by mail — delivery of absentee ballots, when — provisional ballot by mail permitted, when.

Section 115.160 - Driver's license applicants to receive voter registration application, contents — rules — forwarding of application to election authority, when — documentation required.

Section 115.161 - Registration of persons unable to write.

Section 115.162 - Secretary of state to provide voter registration applications at certain public offices — duties of voter registration agency — declination of registration.

Section 115.163 - Precinct register required — voter identification cards, procedures and uses — list of registered voters available, fee.

Section 115.165 - Transfer of registration, how, when — procedure.

Section 115.167 - Change of name of registered voter, procedure for.

Section 115.168 - Party affiliation change, procedure.

Section 115.169 - Register delivered to polls, when.

Section 115.171 - Error in precinct record, corrected when.

Section 115.173 - Applications and affidavits, where stored.

Section 115.175 - Class one election offense defined.

Section 115.177 - Registrations in effect January 1, 1978, to remain valid, exception.

Section 115.179 - Registration records to be canvassed, when.

Section 115.181 - Canvass, how conducted.

Section 115.183 - Verification list defined.

Section 115.185 - Canvassers, how selected — voter not at address, procedure followed — police protection, when.

Section 115.187 - Canvassers report to election authority — notice, form.

Section 115.189 - Information supplied by postal service in lieu of house-to-house canvass.

Section 115.191 - Investigative authorization of election authority.

Section 115.193 - Name stricken from register, conditions — notice, method, contents — improper removal from records, may be permitted to vote — inactive voter designation.

Section 115.195 - Death, felony, and misdemeanor convictions, persons adjudged incapacitated — records, when obtained.

Section 115.197 - Governor to furnish list of persons pardoned.

Section 115.199 - Deceased and incompetents removed from register, when — persons convicted and pardoned, how handled.

Section 115.203 - Prohibitions and requirements governing voter registration applications — penalty.

Section 115.205 - Voter registration solicitors, registration — required information — oath — penalty, acceptance of applications.

Section 115.219 - Complaints of certain elections violations — procedure, contents — copy of complaint — consolidation of complaints — investigation and hearing — report — contents of report — remedy.

Section 115.221 - Voting records to be inspected annually.

Section 115.225 - Automated equipment to be approved by secretary of state — standards to be met — rules, promulgation, procedure — touchscreen machines — cyber security review, requirements.

Section 115.227 - Consistent provisions of general law to apply to electronic voting systems.

Section 115.229 - Electronic voting system may be used, when.

Section 115.230 - Voter verification, electronic system or pad authorized.

Section 115.233 - Testing of automatic tabulating equipment, when done, procedure.

Section 115.235 - Preparation of marking devices required.

Section 115.237 - Ballots, contents of — straight political party ticket voting prohibited — rulemaking authority.

Section 115.239 - Placement of party candidates on ballot, how determined.

Section 115.243 - President and vice president to be considered one candidate — ballot, how printed, contents of.

Section 115.245 - Exact wording of the question certified by secretary of state to appear on ballot — all questions to require a "YES" or "NO" response.

Section 115.247 - Election authority to provide all ballots — error in ballot, procedure to correct — number of ballots provided — return of unused ballots — all ballots printed at public expense.

Section 115.249 - Standards required of voting machines.

Section 115.255 - Electronic voting machines used, paper ballots permitted, when.

Section 115.257 - Electronic voting machines to be put in order, procedure — absentee ballots, procedure — on-site storage of voting machines permitted.

Section 115.259 - Voting machines to be visible to election judges at polls.

Section 115.261 - Voting machine not to be unlocked or opened during election, exception.

Section 115.263 - No persons except voters to handle electronic voting machine during election, exception.

Section 115.265 - Inoperative electronic voting machine, procedure to follow.

Section 115.267 - Experimental use, adoption of or abandonment of electronic voting equipment authorized.

Section 115.269 - Exhibition, demonstration and instruction on electronic voting machines authorized.

Section 115.271 - Electronic voting machines may be rented out or loaned to civic or educational organizations, when, procedure.

Section 115.273 - Consistent general law to apply in jurisdictions using electronic voting machines.

Section 115.275 - Definitions relative to absentee ballots.

Section 115.277 - Persons eligible to vote absentee — reasons — voting procedure.

Section 115.279 - Application for absentee ballot, how made — procedure.

Section 115.281 - Absentee ballots to be printed, when.

Section 115.283 - Statements of absentee voters or persons providing assistance to absentee voters — forms — notary seal not required, when — charges by notaries, limitations.

Section 115.284 - Absentee voting process for permanently disabled persons established — election authority, duties — application, form — list of qualified voters established.

Section 115.285 - Secretary of state may prescribe regulations as to printing absentee ballot and mailing envelopes, no cost to voter.

Section 115.286 - Absentee ballots deemed cast, when.

Section 115.287 - Absentee ballot, how delivered.

Section 115.289 - Confidentiality of applications for absentee ballots, list available to authorized persons free — certain cities and counties, special provision, violation, penalty.

Section 115.290 - Registering by mail and voting absentee ballot to provide sworn affidavit, exception.

Section 115.291 - Procedure for absentee ballots — declared emergencies, delivery and return of ballots — envelopes, refusal to accept ballot prohibited when — use of drop box prohibited.

Section 115.293 - Absentee ballots not eligible to be counted, when, procedure.

Section 115.294 - Reason for voting absentee not stated on ballot envelope, effect.

Section 115.295 - Faulty statement, effect of.

Section 115.297 - Precinct registers to show absentee ballots received — judges to be notified of late absentee ballots received — voting absentee and at polls, procedure for.

Section 115.299 - Absentee ballots, how counted.

Section 115.300 - Preparation of absentee ballot envelopes, when, by whom.

Section 115.302 - Mail-in ballots, use of not authorized.

Section 115.303 - Absentee ballot, how challenged.

Section 115.304 - Absentee voting violations, class one election offense.

Section 115.306 - Disqualification as candidate for elective public office, when — filing of affidavit, contents — tax delinquency, effect of.

Section 115.307 - Nominations, how made.

Section 115.308 - Inapplicability of sections 115.307 to 115.405, when.

Section 115.309 - New parties, names of.

Section 115.311 - Consistent general law to apply to primary elections.

Section 115.313 - Petitions to form new party or nominate independent candidates, who may sign.

Section 115.315 - New political party, how formed — citation of law.

Section 115.317 - Filing valid petition, effect — new party — failure in two consecutive elections to provide candidates, effect.

Section 115.319 - New party committeemen and committeewomen, how selected.

Section 115.321 - Independent candidate, how nominated.

Section 115.323 - Limitation on voter's signing of nominating petition.

Section 115.325 - Form of petition — signing petition, voting for candidate or party not required.

Section 115.327 - Declaration for nomination of independent candidate or formation of new party when required, form, content.

Section 115.329 - Time for filing of petitions.

Section 115.331 - Receipt to be given for filed petition.

Section 115.333 - Determination of validity or invalidity, when made — refusal to file, procedure to have court determine validity.

Section 115.335 - Validity of signatures, who shall determine — verification of signatures, procedures — rules authorized.

Section 115.337 - City election authority to assist county election authority, verify signatures, when.

Section 115.339 - Nominations, how made.

Section 115.341 - Primary elections, when held.

Section 115.343 - Winner of primary to be only candidate of that party for that office — write-in in general election deemed independent.

Section 115.345 - Notice of offices for which candidates are to be nominated, when sent — election authority to publish notice with filing date.

Section 115.347 - Declaration of candidacy required prior to name appearing on ballot — fraudulent declaration a class one offense.

Section 115.349 - Time for filing of a declaration of candidacy — form of declaration.

Section 115.351 - Candidate not to file for more than one office.

Section 115.353 - Declarations of candidacy, where filed.

Section 115.355 - Declarations of candidacy to be filed in person by candidate, exceptions.

Section 115.357 - Filing fees — declaration of inability to pay, form of.

Section 115.359 - Withdrawal of candidacy, deadline for, how made.

Section 115.361 - Filing to be reopened, when — death or withdrawal of only candidate to create vacancy on ballot, when — removal of name from ballot, when.

Section 115.363 - Party nominating committee to select candidate, when.

Section 115.364 - Previously disqualified candidate not eligible for selection by party nominating committee.

Section 115.365 - Nominating committee designated as to certain offices.

Section 115.367 - Change of district boundaries, effect on nominating committee.

Section 115.369 - Notice of vacancy, when given to nominating committee or county committee.

Section 115.371 - Majority of committee present required to nominate, exception.

Section 115.373 - Candidates selected by committee to be filed with election authority, when — death of candidate selected by committee, effect of.

Section 115.377 - Certification of nomination by committee or committee chairman, form of — candidate's declaration, form of.

Section 115.379 - Death of candidate after filing deadline and before election, procedure to be followed.

Section 115.381 - Secretary of state to notify appropriate election authorities of nomination, when.

Section 115.383 - Name changes on ballot, how made.

Section 115.385 - Party emblem, when submitted to secretary of state.

Section 115.387 - Secretary of state to furnish each election authority a list of candidates for each office and the order of their filing — list, when due.

Section 115.389 - Election authority to publish list of candidates, date of election and hours the polls will open.

Section 115.391 - Sample ballots, when and how distributed.

Section 115.393 - Election authority to deliver official ballots to polls — number of ballots, how determined.

Section 115.395 - Ballot for each party at primary — candidates, how listed — ballot information, how shown.

Section 115.397 - Voter may receive only one party ballot — voters not wishing a party ballot may vote for independents and on all propositions and questions.

Section 115.399 - Presidential and vice-presidential candidates, when certified to secretary of state — declaration of candidacy of presidential electors, form of.

Section 115.401 - General election candidates, list to be sent to election authorities, when.

Section 115.403 - Forms to be prepared by secretary of state, when.

Section 115.405 - False swearing a class one offense.

Section 115.407 - Polls, hours to be open.

Section 115.409 - Who may be admitted to polling place.

Section 115.411 - Election authority to provide polling booths.

Section 115.413 - Secretary of state to furnish election authorities election laws pamphlets, each polling place to have a copy — instructions to election judges may be furnished.

Section 115.415 - Necessary equipment to be delivered to polls by election authority.

Section 115.417 - Voter instruction cards to be delivered to polls — instructions and sample ballot to be posted, how.

Section 115.419 - Sample ballots, cards to be delivered to the polls, when.

Section 115.420 - Butterfly ballot prohibited, exceptions.

Section 115.421 - Duties of election judges to be performed prior to opening of the polls.

Section 115.423 - Ballot box, procedure for handling.

Section 115.425 - Name must be on precinct register to be eligible to vote, exception.

Section 115.427 - Personal photo identification, requirements — provisional ballot, when — form of certificate — notice requirements — nondriver's license provided, when — report — precinct register requirements — mark in lieu of signature, when.

Section 115.429 - Person not allowed to vote — complaint may be filed — voter may be required to sign affidavit, when — false affidavit a class one offense.

Section 115.430 - Provisional ballots, used when, exceptions, procedure, counted when, how — rulemaking authority — free access system established — provisional ballot only used, when — no jurisdiction in state courts to extend polling hours.

Section 115.431 - Identification certificates to be initialed by judges and preserved as poll lists.

Section 115.433 - Judges to initial paper ballots, when.

Section 115.435 - Voter to proceed to voting booth, when — ballot deemed cast, when.

Section 115.436 - Physically disabled may vote at polling place, procedure.

Section 115.439 - Procedure for voting paper ballot — rulemaking authority.

Section 115.441 - Delay by voter prohibited.

Section 115.443 - Paper ballots, how marked — electronic voting machines, how voted.

Section 115.445 - No one but voter in booth, exception.

Section 115.447 - Definitions.

Section 115.449 - Ballots, when and how counted.

Section 115.451 - Judges may read and record votes before polls close, when — procedure to be followed.

Section 115.453 - Procedure for counting votes for candidates.

Section 115.455 - Procedure for counting votes on questions.

Section 115.456 - Responsibilities of election authority — counting optical scan ballots — counting paper ballots — marks indicating political party preference, how construed.

Section 115.457 - Uninitialed ballots rejected, exception.

Section 115.459 - Duties of judges after polls close (paper ballots).

Section 115.461 - Tally book, form of — tally sheet, form of — statements of returns, form of (paper ballots).

Section 115.463 - Procedure after statements of returns signed (paper ballots).

Section 115.465 - Procedure for returning voted ballots (paper ballots).

Section 115.467 - Duties of judges after polls close (electronic voting).

Section 115.468 - Write-in votes may be tallied at counting center.

Section 115.469 - Write-in votes, when counted — procedure to follow.

Section 115.471 - Certification of tally book and statements of returns as to write-in votes (electronic voting).

Section 115.473 - Tally book, form of (electronic voting).

Section 115.475 - Return of ballots, memory cards, and election materials, procedure for (electronic voting).

Section 115.477 - Ballots, procedure for counting (electronic voting).

Section 115.479 - Tabulating equipment to be tested, when (electronic voting).

Section 115.481 - Official return of polling place, contents of (electronic voting).

Section 115.483 - Duties of judge after polls close (voting machines).

Section 115.491 - Supervisory judges to return ballots and supplies to election authority, when.

Section 115.493 - Ballots and records to be kept twenty-two months, may be inspected, when.

Section 115.495 - Electronic voting machine to be kept secured — machine unlocked, when — election contest, initial election data to be removed and secured before subsequent election.

Section 115.497 - Verification board to convene, when.

Section 115.499 - Verification board, how constituted.

Section 115.501 - Verification board, duties of — meetings, when.

Section 115.503 - Verification board to inspect or cause inspection of secured electronic voting machines.

Section 115.505 - Corrected returns prima facie evidence in election contests.

Section 115.507 - Announcement of results by verification board, contents, when due — abstract of votes to be official returns.

Section 115.508 - Certification of election prohibited prior to noon on Friday after election day.

Section 115.509 - Messenger to be sent for abstract of votes, when.

Section 115.511 - Board of state canvassers to convene, when — secretary of state to announce results, when.

Section 115.512 - Votes for gubernatorial candidates, how reported.

Section 115.513 - Evidence of fraud or violation of law discovered by verification board to be reported.

Section 115.515 - Tie vote in primary election, procedure to be followed.

Section 115.517 - Tie vote in general election, procedure to be followed.

Section 115.519 - Runoff election between tied candidates only.

Section 115.521 - Notice of runoff election published, when.

Section 115.523 - Certificate of nomination to issue, when — certificate of election to issue, when.

Section 115.525 - Each house of general assembly to receive list of its newly elected members, when.

Section 115.526 - Qualifications of candidates may be challenged, by whom, procedure — disqualification, when.

Section 115.527 - Challenge of nomination at primary, who may make.

Section 115.529 - Circuit court to hear primary election contests.

Section 115.531 - Petition to contest primary election, contents of — filing in incorrect circuit, procedure.

Section 115.533 - Procedure after petition filed.

Section 115.535 - Election contest to have preference in order of hearing.

Section 115.537 - Hearing on necessity for recount, when.

Section 115.539 - Circuit court to order recount of votes, when.

Section 115.541 - Recount, primary election, irregularities in election — how conducted.

Section 115.543 - Court to appoint persons making recount — persons authorized to be present during recount.

Section 115.545 - Court to render judgment, when — effect of judgment.

Section 115.547 - Contestant to post bond, when.

Section 115.549 - New primary election may be ordered, when.

Section 115.551 - Appeal, how taken.

Section 115.553 - Candidate may challenge returns — registered voter of area may contest result.

Section 115.555 - Contest of state office election to be heard by supreme court.

Section 115.557 - Election contest to be filed, when.

Section 115.559 - Procedure after filing of petition.

Section 115.561 - Commissioner to take testimony, appointed, when — powers of commissioner.

Section 115.563 - Contests for office of senator or representative to be heard by respective body.

Section 115.565 - Contests for house or senate seats, where and how filed.

Section 115.567 - Contestee, service on, how made — notice to secretary of state — time for filing answer.

Section 115.569 - Depositions, when taken — civil discovery rules to apply.

Section 115.571 - Evidence to be received, form, contents.

Section 115.573 - No appeal from decision of house or senate.

Section 115.575 - Contests for office of circuit judge, where heard — other contests, where heard — filing in incorrect circuit, procedure.

Section 115.577 - Time in which election contest may be filed.

Section 115.579 - Duty of circuit clerk upon filing of petition — answer, when due.

Section 115.581 - Case to be tried, when.

Section 115.583 - Recount of votes ordered, when.

Section 115.585 - Recounts, how conducted.

Section 115.587 - Persons conducting recount, how selected.

Section 115.589 - Records to be corrected to reflect judgment.

Section 115.591 - Contestant to post bond, when.

Section 115.593 - New election ordered, when.

Section 115.595 - Person holding certificate of election to hold office pending outcome — question shall be deemed decided as shown by returns pending outcome.

Section 115.597 - Appeal from circuit court decisions allowed, procedure for.

Section 115.599 - Parties may subpoena witnesses and take depositions.

Section 115.600 - Recount or new election, procedure — petition by election authority.

Section 115.601 - Recount authorized when less than one-half of one percent difference in vote — recount, defined.

Section 115.603 - Committees each established party shall maintain.

Section 115.605 - Purpose of committee.

Section 115.607 - County or city committee, eligibility requirements, selection of.

Section 115.609 - County or city committee members, when elected (St. Louis City and County).

Section 115.611 - County or city committee members, filing fees.

Section 115.613 - Committeeman and committeewoman, how selected — tie vote, effect of — if no person elected a vacancy created — single candidate, effect.

Section 115.615 - County committee to meet and organize, when.

Section 115.617 - Vacancy, how filled.

Section 115.619 - Composition of legislative, congressional, senatorial, and judicial district committees.

Section 115.620 - Proxy voting, requirements.

Section 115.621 - Congressional, legislative, senatorial and judicial district committees to meet and organize, when.

Section 115.623 - State committee to meet and organize, when.

Section 115.624 - State party committees may remove members, when.

Section 115.625 - Convention of delegates of established party authorized.

Section 115.627 - Constitution or bylaws of political committees authorized — how changed.

Section 115.628 - Voter registration records — notification of registered voters of party affiliation opportunities — declaration of party affiliation.

Section 115.629 - Four classes of election offenses.

Section 115.631 - Class one election offenses.

Section 115.633 - Class two election offenses.

Section 115.635 - Class three election offenses.

Section 115.637 - Class four election offenses.

Section 115.639 - Three hours off work to vote — interference by employer a class four offense.

Section 115.641 - Failure to perform a duty under this chapter a class four offense — exceptions.

Section 115.642 - Complaint procedures — investigations, powers and duties.

Section 115.646 - Public funds expenditure by political subdivision officer or employee, prohibited — personal appearances permitted — violation, penalty.

Section 115.650 - Citation of sections 115.650 to 115.660 — applicable definitions.

Section 115.652 - Mail-in voting may be conducted, when.

Section 115.655 - Delivery of official ballots, how — voting procedures — form of return identification envelope — replacement ballots, when — return of — counting of ballots.

Section 115.658 - Absentee voting, allowed, how — contest of election, procedure.

Section 115.660 - Secretary of state may promulgate rules.

Section 115.700 - Local issues, petition, form and procedure, when.

Section 115.776 - Caucuses, nomination for presidential candidates — delegates for national conventions.

Section 115.801 - Youth voting programs, grant, loan, or other aid program to be administered — grant program to improve federal election process — rulemaking authority.

Section 115.900 - Citation of law.

Section 115.902 - Definitions.

Section 115.904 - Applicability.

Section 115.906 - Secretary of state to implement, duties.

Section 115.908 - Federal postcard application permitted — declaration for federal write-in absentee ballot used to register to vote, when — electronic transmissions, secretary of state's duties.

Section 115.910 - Application procedure.

Section 115.912 - Timeliness of application, when.

Section 115.914 - Transmission of ballots to voters, when.

Section 115.916 - Receipt of ballot by election authority, deadline.

Section 115.918 - Federal write-in absentee ballot, used to vote, when.

Section 115.920 - Ballot to be counted, when.

Section 115.922 - Declaration to accompany ballot — penalty for misstatement of fact.

Section 115.924 - Electronic free-access system required, contents.

Section 115.926 - Electronic-mail address to be requested, use, confidentiality of.

Section 115.928 - Federal write-in absentee ballots, electronic notice, when-procedure.

Section 115.930 - Mistake or omission not to invalidate document, when — notarization not required, when.

Section 115.932 - Compliance, court may issue injunction or grant other equitable relief.

Section 115.934 - Uniformity of law to be considered.

Section 115.936 - Act to supersede other federal law, when.

Section 115.960 - Electronic signatures accepted, when — system to be used — inapplicability — petitions, authorized signatures — confidentiality of data.

Section 115.970 - Severability.