Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 108 - Bond Issues, Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 108.060 - Form of ballot.

Effective - 28 Aug 1978
108.060. Form of ballot. — 1. The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:
Shall ______ County issue bonds in the amount of ______ dollars for the purpose of ______?
2. The election authority shall certify the results to the county commission.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 3294, 3295, A. 1945 p. 597 § 3297, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
Prior revisions: 1929 §§ 2907, 2908; 1919 §§ 1055, 1056; 1909 § 1262

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VIII - Public Officers and Employees, Bonds and Records

Chapter 108 - Bond Issues, Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 108.010 - County may become indebted, when — limitation.

Section 108.020 - Additional county indebtedness.

Section 108.030 - Interest and principal of indebtedness — annual tax on tangible property (county).

Section 108.040 - Election to authorize county indebtedness — petition.

Section 108.050 - Notice of election.

Section 108.060 - Form of ballot.

Section 108.070 - Vote required for approval — sale of bonds — tax to be imposed.

Section 108.080 - Bonds — denominations, interest rate — depositary (county).

Section 108.090 - County treasurer to sell bonds.

Section 108.100 - Bond registry, contents (county).

Section 108.110 - Moneys deposited in county treasury — county commission to withdraw money for purposes for which bonds were issued.

Section 108.120 - Road bonds — construction fund (county).

Section 108.130 - Funding of judgment indebtedness — bond issue therefor (county, municipality).

Section 108.140 - Political subdivisions may refund, extend, unify indebtedness.

Section 108.150 - Refunding bonds — provision for payment of interest and principal.

Section 108.160 - Record of redemption and cancellation.

Section 108.170 - Bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness, forms — rate — municipal advisor — sales price — exceptions — agreements for purchase of commodities.

Section 108.175 - Use of facsimile signatures and seals, requirements — Missouri banks or trust companies may act as agents, exception.

Section 108.180 - Bond issue — funds kept separate.

Section 108.190 - Violation a misdemeanor — penalty.

Section 108.200 - Surplus funds for purchase of bonds.

Section 108.210 - Sale of bonds and purchase of new bonds.

Section 108.220 - Unclaimed balances in bond issue, interest and sinking funds may be transferred to any other fund.

Section 108.230 - Bond issue funds exempt from attachment and execution.

Section 108.240 - Bonds to be certified by state auditor — validity — defenses.

Section 108.250 - Auditor's fee for registering bonds — transmitted to director of revenue.

Section 108.260 - Bond issues — annual statement — call before maturity — failure to make statement, penalty.

Section 108.270 - Auditor to certify annually amount required to pay interest, costs.

Section 108.280 - May levy larger tax — must certify to auditor bonds redeemed.

Section 108.290 - Registered bonds, lawful security.

Section 108.300 - Provisions not applicable to certain counties, cities or school districts.

Section 108.310 - Petition for pro forma decree.

Section 108.320 - Notice of presentation of petition — intervening petition.

Section 108.330 - Hearing — court order.

Section 108.340 - Appeal.

Section 108.350 - Court to determine appeal without delay.

Section 108.400 - Refunding bonds authorized.

Section 108.405 - Refunding bonds, how issued.

Section 108.410 - Refunding bonds to refer to sections 108.400 to 108.410 — ordinance to set denomination and rate and term within limits.

Section 108.450 - Definitions — authority to issue bonds, form — restrictions.

Section 108.455 - Bond issue, requirements and restrictions — exempt from state and local income tax.

Section 108.460 - Form and detail of bonds to be prescribed — criteria for mortgages may be established.

Section 108.465 - County defined to include certain cities.

Section 108.470 - Discrimination in granting of loans is unlawful.

Section 108.500 - Definitions.

Section 108.502 - Allocation to bond issuers, state ceiling used.

Section 108.508 - State ceiling for each calendar year, how calculated.

Section 108.510 - Allocation application, form — criteria for consideration of approval by director — rules, promulgation, procedure.

Section 108.512 - Notification of approval, rejection — expiration of approved allocation.

Section 108.518 - Extension procedure — time authorized — bonds not issued, expire when.

Section 108.520 - Certification of bonds.

Section 108.522 - Carry-forward election, procedure.

Section 108.524 - Expiration, resubmission of application.

Section 108.526 - Report of all private activity bonds issued, when — procedure.

Section 108.528 - Violations, effect.

Section 108.530 - State ceiling, revision of, director to make recommendations, when.

Section 108.532 - Allocation of state ceiling, law applicable, when.

Section 108.900 - Commissioners authorized to borrow and to issue bonds for state building and property improvements.

Section 108.901 - Bonds, when issued — denominations — interest, how set — form of bonds — treasurer's duties — auditor's duties.

Section 108.902 - Bonds, how registered.

Section 108.903 - Bonds, how sold, deposits — proceeds — expenses of sale, how paid.

Section 108.904 - Proceeds of sales paid into third state building fund — purchase preferences for Missouri products and firms, when.

Section 108.905 - Appropriations from fund, purposes — distribution.

Section 108.906 - Projects to be authorized by general assembly, exceptions.

Section 108.907 - Third state building fund, deposits, how made — interest to accrue to fund.

Section 108.908 - Third state building bond interest and sinking fund created, how used.

Section 108.909 - Third state building bond interest and sinking fund, deposits how made — interest to accrue to fund.

Section 108.910 - Tangible property tax, when levied.

Section 108.911 - Third state building bond interest and sinking fund money to stand appropriated for payment of principal and interest on bonds.

Section 108.912 - Bonds, principal and interest, how paid — repurchase, when.

Section 108.913 - Treasurer to report on bond transactions to general assembly.

Section 108.914 - Bonds to be issued as funds are required — issuance by resolution of board — written consent of governor required.

Section 108.925 - Fourth state building fund to rebuild institutions of higher learning, department of corrections and youth services division commissioners authorized to borrow and issue bonds.

Section 108.926 - Bonds, when issued — denominations — interest, how set — form of bonds — treasurer's duties — auditor's duties — facsimile signatures authorized, when.

Section 108.927 - Bonds, how registered.

Section 108.928 - Bonds, how sold, deposit — proceeds — right of commissioners to reject any bid — expenses of sale, how paid.

Section 108.929 - Proceeds of sales paid into fourth state building fund.

Section 108.930 - Investment and deposits to be made by state treasurer in fourth state building fund — interest received on deposits to be credited to fund.

Section 108.933 - Bonds, principal and interest, how paid — repurchase, when — actions by board of fund commissioners, procedure — governor's written consent required.

Section 108.1000 - Definitions — issuance of bonds, when — federal tax credits.

Section 108.1010 - Allocation of recovery zone bonds, to whom — application — rulemaking authority.

Section 108.1020 - Bonds exempt from taxation.