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§ 41-41-201. Short title - Sections 41-41-201 through 41-41-229 may be cited as the "Uniform...
§ 41-41-203. Definitions - For purposes of Chapter 41 of Title 41, Mississippi Code...
§ 41-41-205. Individual instructions; power of attorney; decisions by primary physician; agents; guardians; validity - Click to view "State of County of On this day...
§ 41-41-209. Form for Advance Health-Care Directive - The following form may be used to create an Advance...
§ 41-41-217. Rights to disclosure of medical and health-care information - Unless otherwise specified in an advance health-care directive, a person...
§ 41-41-225. Copies have same effect as originals - A copy of a written advance health-care directive, revocation of...
§ 41-41-229. Equitable relief; Rules of Civil Procedure applicable - On petition of a patient, the patient's agent, guardian, or...