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Article 1 - General
§ 81-25-3. Definitions - For purposes of this chapter: "Bank" or "insured depository institution"...
§ 81-25-5. Authority of commissioner to issue rules, regulations and orders - The commissioner is authorized and empowered to issue such rules,...
§ 81-25-7. Application in case of judicial finding of invalidity - If any provision of this chapter or the application of...
Article 3 - Domestic Banks Owned or Controlled by Foreign Banks and Other Foreign Persons
§ 81-25-51. Intention - This article is generally intended to ensure that the laws...
Article 5 - Direct Offices of Foreign Banks
§ 81-25-101. Intention - Consistent with the federal International Banking Act, the Bank Holding...
§ 81-25-105. Application to procure a license - A foreign bank, in order to procure a license under...
§ 81-25-109. Application fee - Upon applying to the commissioner under this chapter for a...
§ 81-25-125. Permissible activities - Any other activity which the foreign bank seeks to conduct...
§ 81-25-127. Revocation of license - The commissioner, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, may...
§ 81-25-129. Posting of license - Each foreign bank which is licensed to establish and maintain...
§ 81-25-131. License transfer restriction - No license issued by the commissioner in accordance with this...
§ 81-25-137. Filing of amendments to articles of incorporation - A foreign bank which is licensed to maintain a Mississippi...
§ 81-25-141. Notice of acquisition or merger - A foreign bank which is licensed to establish and maintain...
§ 81-25-151. All reports subject to subpoena and public access - All reports of examinations and investigations, correspondence and memoranda concerning...
§ 81-25-153. Records to be kept and made available upon request by commissioner - Each foreign bank which is licensed to establish and maintain...
§ 81-25-157. Requirement to give notice that deposits and credit balances are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - Each foreign bank which is licensed to establish and maintain...
§ 81-25-159. Limitations - A foreign bank which is licensed to establish and maintain...
§ 81-25-163. Ratio of assets to liabilities - 1. The financial condition of its branches and agencies located...
§ 81-25-167. Suspension or revocation of license - If, after notice and a hearing, the commissioner finds any...
§ 81-25-169. Authority of of commissioner to suspend or revoke license - If the commissioner finds that any of the factors set...
Article 7 - Mississippi Branches of Out-of-State Foreign Banks
§ 81-25-201. Intention - This article is intended generally to ensure that interstate state...