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General provisions
§ 79-21-1. Title - This chapter shall be known and cited as the "Co-operative...
§ 79-21-3. Declaration of policy - In order to promote, foster and encourage the intelligent and...
§ 79-21-5. Definitions - As used in this chapter: The term "member" shall include...
§ 79-21-7. A supplementary law - This chapter shall not be construed to permit the catching...
§ 79-21-9. Who may organize - Ten (10) or more persons who are residents of the...
§ 79-21-11. Purposes - An association may be organized to engage in any activity...
§ 79-21-13. Powers - Each and every association organized hereunder shall have the following...
§ 79-21-17. Articles of association - Each association formed under this chapter must prepare and file...
§ 79-21-19. General cooperative marketing association laws apply - The general co-operative marketing association laws of this state shall...
Statewide Fresh and Salt Water Co-Operatives
§ 79-21-51. Declaration of policy - In order to promote, foster and encourage the intelligent and...
§ 79-21-53. Definitions - As used in Sections 79-21-51 through 79-21-67, Mississippi Code of...
§ 79-21-57. Who may organize - Ten (10) or more persons who are residents of the...
§ 79-21-59. Purposes - An association may be organized to engage in any activity...
§ 79-21-61. Powers - Each and every association organized hereunder shall have the following...
§ 79-21-65. Articles of association - Each association formed under Sections 79-21-51 through 79-21-67 must prepare...
§ 79-21-67. General cooperative marketing association laws apply - The general cooperative marketing association laws of this state shall...