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§ 75-58-1. Short title - This chapter shall be known as "The Mississippi Natural Gas...
§ 75-58-3. Legislative intent and purpose - It is the intent and purpose of this chapter to...
§ 75-58-5. Applicability of chapter; safe harbor provision - Applicability. - This chapter shall apply to all natural gas...
§ 75-58-7. Definitions - For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have...
§ 75-58-9. Duties and responsibilities of operators marketing gas of non-operators; payments - On or before ten (10) days after the filing with...
§ 75-58-11. Duties, responsibilities, etc. of operators and non-operators; relationship between operators and non-operators - Each consenting non-operator shall be responsible for and shall pay...
§ 75-58-13. Gas imbalances; operator statements; cash balancing; oil and other minerals; costs and expenses; deliverability tests - Gas Imbalances. - Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this...
§ 75-58-15. Interest of payments; interpleader actions; jurisdiction over disputes - Interest. - Should any person fail to make any payment...
§ 75-58-17. Right of operators and non-operators to enter into private agreements; effect of agreements - Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit the...
§ 75-58-19. Disclosure to third parties by non-operators of documents or information received from operators - All non-operators who receive information relating to a gas purchase...
§ 75-58-21. Effect of chapter upon pre-existing contractual rights and duties - This chapter does not affect contractual rights and duties existing...