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Article 1 - Districts
§ 69-27-1. Short title - This article may be known and cited as the "Soil...
§ 69-27-2. State Soil and Water Conservation Committee renamed; transfer of powers and duties to State Soil and Water Conservation Commission - The State Soil and Water Conservation Committee is hereby renamed...
§ 69-27-3. Legislative determinations and declarations of policy - It is hereby declared, as a matter of legislative determination:...
§ 69-27-5. Levee districts excepted - None of the provisions of this article shall apply to...
§ 69-27-7. Definitions - Wherever used or referred to in this article, unless a...
§ 69-27-11. Soil and Water Conservation Commission employees; office of accommodations - The State Soil and Water Conservation committee may employ an...
§ 69-27-13. General duties and powers of Commission - The State Soil and Water Conservation Commission shall have the...
§ 69-27-15. Soil and Water Conservation districts; petition for creation - Any twenty-five (25) owners of land lying within the limits...
§ 69-27-17. Soil and water conservation districts; hearing and determination of necessity therefor - Within sixty (60) days after a petition pursuant to Section...
§ 69-27-21. Results of referendum; determination of district's administrative feasibility - The committee shall publish the results of a referendum held...
§ 69-27-23. Organization of soil and water conservation district; procedure; certificate of due organization - The two (2) appointed commissioners shall present to the Secretary...
§ 69-27-25. Subsequent petitions may be filed twelve months after the negative determination - After twelve (12) months shall have expired from the date...
§ 69-27-27. Inclusion of additional territory within existing district - Petitions for including additional territory within an existing district may...
§ 69-27-29. Cities and towns, etc., to be included within district - All cities, towns, villages or other urban or suburban areas...
§ 69-27-31. Election of three commissioners for each district - Within thirty (30) days after the date of issuance by...
§ 69-27-33. Appointment, qualifications, and tenure of commissioners - The governing body of the district shall consist of five...
§ 69-27-35. Powers of districts and commissioners - A soil and water conservation district organized under the provisions...
§ 69-27-37. Adoption of land-use regulations - The commissioners of any district shall have authority to formulate...
§ 69-27-39. Enforcement of land-use regulations - The commissioners shall have authority to go upon any lands...
§ 69-27-41. Performance of work under the regulations by the commissioners - Where the commissioners of any district shall find that any...
§ 69-27-43. Board of adjustment; members; expenses - Where the commissioners of any district organized under the provisions...
§ 69-27-45. Board of adjustment; procedure; meetings; records - The board of adjustment shall adopt rules to govern its...
§ 69-27-47. Board of adjustment; hearing on land use regulations - Any landowner or operator may file a petition with the...
§ 69-27-49. Appeal from order of board of adjustment - Any petitioner aggrieved by an order of the board granting...
§ 69-27-51. Cooperation between districts - The commissioners of any two or more districts organized under...
§ 69-27-53. State agencies to cooperate - Agencies of this state which shall have jurisdiction over, or...
§ 69-27-55. Adjustment of boundaries or withdrawal of lands from district; consolidation with another district; petition - Any twenty-five (25) owners of land lying within the limits...
§ 69-27-61. Adjustment or consolidation; division of assets - The State Soil and Water Conservation Committee shall determine from...
§ 69-27-63. Discontinuance of districts - At any time after the organization of a district under...
§ 69-27-69. Controlling effect of article - In so far as any of the provisions of this...
Article 3 - Federal Aid Projects
§ 69-27-101. Mississippi State University of Agriculture and Applied Science to administer article - In order to carry out the purposes of the Soil...
§ 69-27-103. Plan - The university is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to formulate...
§ 69-27-105. Federal grants - Upon the acceptance by the Secretary of Agriculture of each...
§ 69-27-107. Powers of university - In carrying out the provisions of each plan submitted pursuant...
§ 69-27-109. Agents - For the purpose of carrying out each such plan submitted...
§ 69-27-111. Reports - The university shall render for each year an annual report...
§ 69-27-113. No liability on university - Nothing herein shall be construed or operate to impose any...
Article 5 - County Aid in Certain Counties
§ 69-27-201. Designated counties authorized to aid soil erosion work - For the purpose of preventing soil erosion and its accompanying...
§ 69-27-203. Soil erosion committee - The director of the state extension service, the director of...
§ 69-27-205. Soil erosion committees; duties, etc. - It shall be the duty of said soil erosion committee...
§ 69-27-207. Contracts between county and owner; benefit payments - All contracts entered into hereunder between a county designated in...
§ 69-27-209. Machinery and equipment; how purchased; operation; election on question of purchase - [With regard to any county which is exempt from the...
§ 69-27-209. Machinery and equipment; how purchased; operation; election on question of purchase - [With regard to any county which is required to operate...
§ 69-27-211. Machinery and equipment; contracts with owners must be first obtained; additional machinery - The soil erosion committee shall not, except as herein otherwise...
§ 69-27-213. Machinery and equipment; certificates of indebtedness for; tax levy; payment of expenses - The board of supervisors shall have the right to issue...
§ 69-27-215. Notice of completion of contracts; special improvement tax; lien; lump sum payment, etc. - It shall be the duty of the soil erosion committee...
§ 69-27-217. Tax collector's role; collection of assessment; sale of land for non-payment; redemption - It shall be the duty of the tax collector to...
§ 69-27-219. No contracts on incumbered land - No contract shall be approved by the soil erosion committee...
§ 69-27-221. Price of equipment - No bids for furnishing equipment under the provisions of this...
§ 69-27-223. Additional equipment not purchased until - In the event of a tax levy being made to...
Article 7 - Soil and Water Conservation Cost-Share Program
§ 69-27-301. Definitions - The following words shall have the meanings ascribed herein unless...
§ 69-27-303. Administration of program - The commission shall serve as the administrator of the provisions...
§ 69-27-305. Authority to employ personnel and procure supplies - The commission and districts are authorized to employ such professional...
§ 69-27-307. Rulemaking powers - The commission shall adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations...
§ 69-27-308. Participation in water quality cost-share project - For a district commissioner to participate in any water quality...
§ 69-27-309. Use of funds appropriated for commission - The commission is authorized to use money appropriated therefor to...
§ 69-27-311. Implementation of program; recovery of improperly used grants - The commission shall have the following powers and duties to...
§ 69-27-313. Application for assistance; consideration by commission - Any eligible landowner or land operator who wishes to receive...
§ 69-27-315. Application to state-owned lands - Any agency, department, board, commission or other subdivision of government...
Article 9 - Acquisition of Heavy or Specialized Machinery or Equipment Necessary for Installation of Soil and Water Conservation Measures
§ 69-27-333. Commission to retain title to machinery and equipment - The Soil and Water Conservation Commission shall retain title to...
§ 69-27-335. Record keeping requirements; inventory of equipment - Each soil and water conservation district which receives or uses...
§ 69-27-337. Payment of amortized rental fees; collection of delinquent payments; deposit of funds - The amount paid by any such district to the commission...
§ 69-27-339. Conservation districts authorized to obtain machinery or equipment in combination - Any two (2) or more soil and water conservation districts...
§ 69-27-341. Commission authorized to promulgate rules and regulations - The commission is authorized to promulgate such rules and regulations...
§ 69-27-343. Revolving fund - There is created in the State Treasury a revolving fund...
§ 69-27-345. Authority to issue bonds to fund revolving fund - The State Soil and Water Conservation Commission is authorized, at...
§ 69-27-347. State's full faith and credit pledged; repayment of bonds - For the payment of such bonds and the interest thereon,...
§ 69-27-349. Terms of bonds; sale of bonds; expenses of issuance - Such bonds may be executed and delivered by the state...
§ 69-27-351. Interest on bonds; maturity of bonds - No bond issued under Sections 69-27-345 through 69-27-365 shall bear...
§ 69-27-353. Notice of sale of bonds - Notice of the sale of any such bonds shall be...
§ 69-27-355. Execution of bonds; signatures on bonds - All bonds shall be executed on behalf of the state...
§ 69-27-357. Deposit of proceeds of bonds; disbursements - Upon the issuance and sale of such bonds, the State...
§ 69-27-359. Attorney General to represent Bond Commission in issuing bonds; payment of costs - Except as otherwise authorized in Section 7-5-39, the Attorney General...
§ 69-27-361. Bonds as legal investments - Bonds issued under Sections 69-27-345 through 69-27-365 shall be legal...
§ 69-27-363. Bonds and income exempt from certain taxes - All bonds issued under Sections 69-27-345 through 69-27-365 and the...
§ 69-27-365. Sections 69-27-345 through 69-27-363 as complete authority for issuance of bonds - Sections 69-27-345 through 69-27-363, without reference to any statute not...
§ 69-27-367. Severability provision - If for any reason any section, paragraph, provision, clause or...
Article 11 - Natural Resources Conservation Education Fund
§ 69-27-401. Creation of fund; purpose and use of monies in fund - There is created in the State Treasury a special fund...