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General Provisions
§ 69-2-1. Short title - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 69-2-3. Legislative intent - The Legislature hereby finds and declares that there exists within...
§ 69-2-9. Definitions - For the purposes of Sections 69-2-7 through 69-2-41, the following...
§ 69-2-11. Emerging crop designations - Emerging crop designations shall include, but not be limited to:...
§ 69-2-13. Emerging Crops Fund; loans for agribusinesses and small business concerns; loans for planning and development districts; program to assist minority business enterprises; loans for regional crafts projects; financing agribusiness programs;... - From and after July 1, 2010, monies not loaned or...
§ 69-2-21. Full faith, credit, and taxing power of state pledged to payment of bonds - For the payment of such bonds and the interest thereon,...
§ 69-2-23. Execution, delivery, conversion, redemption, and sale of general obligation bonds - Such bonds may be executed and delivered by the state...
§ 69-2-25. Interest and interest rates on bonds - No bond issued under Sections 69-2-19 through 69-2-39 of this...
§ 69-2-27. Notice of bond sales - Notice of the sale of any such bonds shall be...
§ 69-2-29. Execution procedures for bonds and coupons - All bonds shall be executed on behalf of the state...
§ 69-2-31. Transfer and disbursement of proceeds of sale of bonds and notes - Upon the issuance and sale of bonds or notes, the...
§ 69-2-33. Duties of Attorney General with respect to bonds and notes; costs of issuing bonds and notes - Except as otherwise authorized in Section 7-5-39, the Attorney General...
§ 69-2-35. Bonds and notes as legal investments for banks and other entities - Bonds or notes issued under Sections 69-2-19 through 69-2-39 of...
§ 69-2-37. Tax treatment of bonds and notes, and income therefrom - All bonds or notes issued under Sections 69-2-19 through 69-2-39...
§ 69-2-39. Empowering clause; exemption from limitations generally imposed on state obligations - Sections 69-2-19 through 69-2-39 of this chapter, without reference to...
§ 69-2-41. Savings clause - If for any reason any section, paragraph, provision, clause or...
Voluntary Farm Debt Mediation Program
§ 69-2-51. Prospective repeal of voluntary mediation provisions - Sections 69-2-43 through 69-2-49 of this chapter, which create a...