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§ 49-28-1. Eligibility for status as shoreline and beach preservation district; purpose of district - Except as otherwise provided in this section, any contiguous area...
§ 49-28-3. Petition for incorporation - A petition for the incorporation of a shoreline and beach...
§ 49-28-7. Publication of notice of intent to create district; referendum on creation of district - "FOR CREATION OF_______________DISTRICT: ( ) AGAINST CREATION OF_______________DISTRICT: ( )."...
§ 49-28-9. Adoption of resolution creating district - If no petition requiring an election is filed or if...
§ 49-28-11. Payment of costs for creation of district - If the creation of the district is initiated by petition,...
§ 49-28-13. Appeals - Any party having an interest in the subject matter and...
§ 49-28-15. District to be public corporation in perpetuity - Beginning on the date of the adoption of the resolution...
§ 49-28-17. Appointment of board of commissioners; membership; terms of office; compensation - Notwithstanding the appointive authority granted in this section to the...
§ 49-28-21. Power of eminent domain - The board of supervisors may, upon petition by the board...
§ 49-28-25. Purposes for which special improvement bond issued; district empowered to do any act to secure bonds or make them more marketable - In addition to the purposes authorized by Section 49-28-23, any...
§ 49-28-29. Special assessments - In addition to the sources of funding provided for in...
§ 49-28-31. Special assessments; bonds secured by pledge thereof - Any bonds secured by a pledge of the special assessments...
§ 49-28-33. Special assessments; payment - All special assessments levied under this chapter shall be payable...
§ 49-28-35. Distribution of costs and expenses of special improvements among the properties affected - The resolution declaring the intent of the board of commissioners...
§ 49-28-37. Written protest objecting to assessments - If the owners of a majority of the front footage...
§ 49-28-39. Financial assistance or cooperation from state or federal government - The board of commissioners of any district created under this...
§ 49-28-41. Chapter as full and complete authority - This chapter, without reference to any statute, is full and...
§ 49-28-43. Publication of financial statement - Within ninety (90) days after the close of each fiscal...
§ 49-28-45. Validation of bonds - Any bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter may...
§ 49-28-47. Chapter to be liberally construed - This chapter shall be liberally construed for the purposes herein...
§ 49-28-49. Severability - If any provisions of this chapter shall be held to...