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§ 31-19-1. Serial payment bonds only may be issued - No county or municipality shall issue any bonds except on...
§ 31-19-3. Penalty on officials for violations - For failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter...
§ 31-19-5. Investment of certain funds - Any funds received from the sale of bonds, notes, or...
§ 31-19-7. Ratification of bonds signed by officials not in office at the time of sale or delivery - Whenever, pursuant to statutory authority, bonds of the State of...
§ 31-19-9. Payment of county bonds and coupons at maturity - Whenever any county, road district, consolidated school district, rural school...
§ 31-19-11. Allowance for remittance - Said allowance for said remittances shall be made by the...
§ 31-19-13. Payment of municipal or drainage district bonds - Where said obligations above referred to shall have been issued...
§ 31-19-15. Remedy of bondholders - For failure or refusal to comply with the foregoing provisions,...
§ 31-19-17. Outstanding bonds may be registered - Any and all persons holding or owning any outstanding and...
§ 31-19-25. Sale of bonds to be advertised - All bonds issued pursuant to any laws of this state...
§ 31-19-27. Doubtful claims defined - A doubtful claim of the state, or of the county,...
§ 31-19-29. Compromise of doubtful claims - The Governor, on the advice of the Attorney General or...
§ 31-19-31. Bonds to the federal government for state hospitals - Any bonds hereafter issued to the United States of America...
§ 31-19-33. Limitation of actions for payment of bonds and coupons - Action against the state or any county, municipality, school district...