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§ 19-27-1. Oath and bond of office - There shall be elected for each county a surveyor who...
§ 19-27-3. General duties - It shall be the duty of the surveyor faithfully to...
§ 19-27-5. Record of surveys - Each county surveyor shall record, in a suitable book to...
§ 19-27-7. Appointment of deputies - The county surveyor may appoint deputies by writing, who shall...
§ 19-27-9. Swearing the chain-bearers - The surveyor shall administer an oath or affirmation to the...
§ 19-27-11. Surveyor may enter premises without consent in certain cases - In the execution of an order of survey directed to...
§ 19-27-13. Resurveying, re-marking and bounding lands and county boundary lines - The surveyor, whenever called on for that purpose by those...
§ 19-27-15. Reestablishing original marks - It shall be the duty of the surveyor, in all...
§ 19-27-17. How survey ordered for execution of judicial sales - In all cases where a survey of land may be...
§ 19-27-19. Making of survey when surveyor interested - Whenever a survey may be required of any land in...
§ 19-27-21. Maps and plats; making thereof - Whenever any city, town, or village, or addition thereto, shall...
§ 19-27-23. Maps and plats; form - Such map or plat shall in every case be made...
§ 19-27-25. Maps and plats; contents - Every such map or plat shall particularly set forth and...
§ 19-27-27. Maps and plats; recording - Such map or plat shall be recorded in the office...
§ 19-27-29. Maps and plats; penalty for selling lots before recording - If any person shall sell any lot or lots within...
§ 19-27-31. Maps and plats; alteration and vacation - If the owner of any land which shall have been...
§ 19-27-33. Establishing true meridian - The board of supervisors may employ some skilled person to...
§ 19-27-35. Surveyors to adjust instruments annually - The county surveyor shall annually adjust any instrument used by...