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§ 47-7-1. Probation and Parole Law - This chaptershall be known as the "Probation and Parole Law."
§ 47-7-2. Definitions - For purposesof this chapter, the following words shall have the...
§ 47-7-3. Parole of prisoners; conditions for eligibility; determination of tentative hearing date - 1. The inmate issentenced as a habitual offender under Sections...
§ 47-7-4. Conditional medical release of prisoners; criteria; supervision; revocation - The commissionerand the medical director of the department may place...
§ 47-7-11. Salaries, per diem and expenses - All salariesand expenses incurred in the carrying out of this...
§ 47-7-13. Voting and recordkeeping requirements; offices, equipment, and supplies - A majority ofthe board shall constitute a quorum for the...
§ 47-7-15. Seal of board; records and reports - The board shalladopt an official seal of which the courts...
§ 47-7-17. Examination of offender's record; eligibility for parole - Within one (1)year after his admission and at such intervals...
§ 47-7-19. Correctional system officials to permit access to offenders and to give information to board - It shall be theduty of all correctional system officials to...
§ 47-7-21. Privileged information - All informationobtained in the discharge of official duty by a...
§ 47-7-23. Rules and regulations - Except as otherwiseprovided by law, the Department of Corrections shall...
§ 47-7-25. Gratuities to paroled offender - When an offenderis placed on parole he shall receive, if...
§ 47-7-29. Effect of conviction of felony while on parole or earned-release supervision - Any prisonerwho commits a felony while at large upon parole...
§ 47-7-31. Department of correction to investigate pardon and commutation of sentence cases upon request - Upon requestof the governor the department of corrections shall investigate...
§ 47-7-35. Terms and conditions of probation; court to determine; sex offender registry check required prior to placing offender on probation - That the offendershall:
§ 47-7-36. Persons who supervise individuals placed on parole or probation shall set times and locations for required meetings that reasonably accommodate the work schedules of those individuals - Any person whosupervisesan individual placed on parole by the Parole...
§ 47-7-37.1. Revocation of probation or post-release supervision - Notwithstandingany other provision of law to the contrary, if a...
§ 47-7-39. Change of residence; transfer - If, for goodand sufficient reasons, a probationer desires to change...
§ 47-7-41. Discharge from probation - When a probationershall be discharged from probation by the court...
§ 47-7-43. Application of provisions - The provisionsof this chapter are hereby extended to all persons...
§ 47-7-45. Provisions inapplicable to Oakley Youth Development Center - The provisionsof this chapter shall not apply to probation under...
§ 47-7-49. Creation of community service revolving fund; payments by offender on probation, parole, earned-release supervision, post-release supervision, or earned probation; disposition of payments; time limit on payments - Of the remaining amount, Three Dollars ($3.00) of each payment...
§ 47-7-53. Department of Corrections to assume duties, powers and responsibilities of Parole Board - If the ParoleBoard is abolished, the Department of Corrections shall...