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§ 43-1-51. Creation of division; areas of responsibility - There is hereby created within the Department of Human Services...
§ 43-1-59. Allocation of departmental resources - It is the intent of the Legislature that the resources...
§ 43-1-63. Interdepartmental sharing of resources and services for preventing and detecting child abuse and neglect - The Department of Human Services shall have the authority to...
§ 43-1-65. Mississippi Child Care Quality Step System established by requiring Department of Human Services Office for Children and Youth to develop and implement pilot voluntary quality rating system (QRS) - The Department of Human Services shall establish the Mississippi Child...
§ 43-1-67. Office of Children and Youth to conduct needs assessment to determine need for program to provide incentives to certain teachers/directors who make educational advancements listed in QRS criteria - The Office for Children and Youth of the Department of...