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§ 43-21-603. Disposition hearing procedure - Once the reasonable efforts requirement is bypassed, the court shall...
§ 43-21-605. Disposition alternatives in delinquency cases - The training school may retain custody of the child until...
§ 43-21-609. Dispositional alternatives in neglect and abuse cases - In neglect and abuse cases, the disposition order may include...
§ 43-21-611. Dispositional alternatives for children in need of special care - If the youth court finds at the disposition hearing that...
§ 43-21-617. Protective orders - In all cases where the child is found to be...
§ 43-21-623. Testing of juvenile delinquents under the jurisdiction of the youth court for HIV and AIDS - Any juvenile who is adjudicated a delinquent on or after...
§ 43-21-627. Alternative work program; qualified offenders; volunteers; supervision; removal from program - Each youth court is authorized to establish a youth court...