Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 628 — Accusation; Charging Instruments
Section 628.61 — Matters Inquired Into.

The grand jury shall inquire:
(1) into the condition of every person imprisoned on a criminal charge triable in the county, and not indicted;
(2) into the condition and management of the public prisons in the county; and
(3) into the willful and corrupt misconduct in office of all public officers in the county.
(10625) RL s 5283

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 625 - 634 — Criminal Procedure; Peace Officers; Privacy Of Communications

Chapter 628 — Accusation; Charging Instruments

Section 628.01 — Indictment.

Section 628.02 — Reports By Indictment.

Section 628.09 — Indictment Presented, Filed, And Recorded; Effect.

Section 628.10 — Indictments; Contents.

Section 628.12 — Requirements Of Indictment.

Section 628.13 — Fictitious Name.

Section 628.15 — Time, How Stated.

Section 628.16 — Erroneous Allegation As To Person Injured.

Section 628.17 — Words Of Statute Need Not Be Followed.

Section 628.18 — Tests Of Sufficiency.

Section 628.20 — Judgment, How Pleaded.

Section 628.21 — Private Statute, How Pleaded.

Section 628.22 — Indictment For Criminal Defamation.

Section 628.23 — Misdescription Of Forged Instrument.

Section 628.24 — Indictment For Perjury.

Section 628.25 — Compounding Felony Indictable.

Section 628.26 — Limitations.

Section 628.27 — Theft By Clerks, Agents; Evidence.

Section 628.28 — Evidence Of Ownership.

Section 628.41 — Grand Juries; Members; Quorum; Compensation.

Section 628.48 — Failure To Report; Attachment.

Section 628.54 — Causes Of Objection To Juror; How Tried; Decision Entered.

Section 628.56 — Foreperson; Jury Sworn; Charge By Court.

Section 628.57 — Jury To Retire; Clerk; Duties.

Section 628.60 — Juror Complainant, When.

Section 628.61 — Matters Inquired Into.

Section 628.62 — Access To Prisons And Records.

Section 628.63 — Grand Jury; Who May Be Present; County Attorney To Attend; Duties.

Section 628.65 — Make Disclosure, When.

Section 628.66 — Action Not To Be Questioned; Exception.

Section 628.68 — Disclosure Of Transactions Of Grand Jury.

Section 628.69 — Pretrial Diversion Program For Writers Of Dishonored Checks.