The judge may order any of the judgment debtor's property in the hands of the judgment debtor or of any other person, or due to the judgment debtor, not exempt from execution, to be applied toward the satisfaction of the judgment. The judgment debtor's earnings for personal services within 30 days preceding the order cannot be so applied, when it appears by the judgment debtor's affidavit that they are necessary for the use of a family supported, wholly or partly, by the judgment debtor's labor. The judge may appoint a receiver of the debtor's unexempt property, or forbid a transfer or other disposition thereof, or any interference therewith, until further order therein.
(9453) RL s 4323; 1986 c 444
Structure Minnesota Statutes
Chapters 570 - 583 — Postjudgment Remedies; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Bonds
Chapter 575 — Proceedings Supplementary To Execution
Section 575.01 — Person Indebted May Pay Sheriff.
Section 575.02 — Order For Examination Of Debtor.
Section 575.03 — Warrant Against Debtor.
Section 575.05 — Property Applied To Judgment; Receiver.