(a) For purposes of more precisely defining the Minnesota Coordinate System of 1927, the following definition by the National Ocean Survey/National Geodetic Survey is adopted:
The Minnesota Coordinate System of 1927, North Zone, is a Lambert conformal conic projection of the Clarke spheroid of 1866, having standard parallels at north latitudes 47 degrees 02 minutes and 48 degrees 38 minutes, along which parallels the scale shall be exact. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 93 degrees 06 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel 46 degrees 30 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x equals 2,000,000 feet and y equals 0 feet.
The Minnesota Coordinate System of 1927, Central Zone, is a Lambert conformal conic projection of the Clarke spheroid of 1866, having standard parallels at north latitudes 45 degrees 37 minutes and 47 degrees 03 minutes, along which parallels the scale shall be exact. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 94 degrees 15 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel 45 degrees 00 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x equals 2,000,000 feet and y equals 0 feet.
The Minnesota Coordinate System of 1927, South Zone, is a Lambert conformal conic projection of the Clarke spheroid of 1866, having standard parallels at north latitudes 43 degrees 47 minutes and 45 degrees 13 minutes, along which parallels the scale shall be exact. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 94 degrees 00 minutes west of Greenwich with the parallel 43 degrees 00 minutes north latitude, such origin being given the coordinates: x equals 2,000,000 feet and y equals 0 feet.
(b) For purposes of more precisely defining the Minnesota Coordinate System of 1983, the following definition by the National Ocean Survey/National Geodetic Survey is adopted:
The Minnesota Coordinate System of 1983, North Zone, is a Lambert conformal conic projection of the North American Geocentric Datum of 1983, having standard parallels at north latitudes 47 degrees 02 minutes and 48 degrees 38 minutes, along which parallels the scale shall be exact. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 93 degrees 06 minutes west of Greenwich with the parallel 46 degrees 30 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x equals 800,000 meters and y equals 100,000 meters.
The Minnesota Coordinate System of 1983, Central Zone, is a Lambert conformal conic projection of the North American Geocentric Datum of 1983, having standard parallels at north latitudes 45 degrees 37 minutes and 47 degrees 03 minutes, along which parallels the scale shall be exact. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 94 degrees 15 minutes west of Greenwich with the parallel 45 degrees 00 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x equals 800,000 meters and y equals 100,000 meters.
The Minnesota Coordinate System of 1983, South Zone, is a Lambert conformal conic projection of the North American Geocentric Datum of 1983, having standard parallels at North latitudes 43 degrees 47 minutes and 45 degrees 13 minutes, along which parallels the scale shall be exact. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 94 degrees 00 minutes west of Greenwich with the parallel 43 degrees 00 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x equals 800,000 meters and y equals 100,000 meters.
1945 c 165 s 5; 1985 c 299 s 35
Structure Minnesota Statutes
Chapters 500 - 515B — Property And Property Interests
Chapter 505 — Plats; Coordinates; Surveys
Section 505.01 — Plats, Donations, Purpose, Definitions.
Section 505.021 — Plat Contents; Survey; County Surveyor Approval.
Section 505.03 — Governmental Approval.
Section 505.04 — Real Estate Taxes; Recording; Copies.
Section 505.05 — Certain Statutory City Plats Declared Official.
Section 505.06 — Certain Statutory City Plats To Be Recorded.
Section 505.07 — City With New Name May Conform Plat Names.
Section 505.08 — Certified Copies; Penalties.
Section 505.09 — County Board Controls Plats Outside Municipalities.
Section 505.10 — Major Street Plan.
Section 505.11 — Board To Make Regulations.
Section 505.12 — Powers Additional.
Section 505.13 — Application; Limitation.
Section 505.15 — Certain Plats Validated.
Section 505.165 — Certain Plats Executed Or Filed Before January 1, 1915.
Section 505.17 — Certain Plats And Certificates Prima Facie Evidence.
Section 505.174 — Surveyor's Certificate Of Own Plat Error; Correction.
Section 505.175 — Certificates By Other Surveyors.
Section 505.176 — Approval Of Certificates; Filing And Recording.
Section 505.177 — Certificate As Prima Facie Evidence.
Section 505.178 — Validation Of Certain Plats.
Section 505.179 — Use Of Plat.
Section 505.1792 — Streets, Roads, Highways And Rights-of-way.
Section 505.1793 — Proposed Local Right-of-way Acquisitions; Filing.
Section 505.18 — Minnesota Coordinate System.
Section 505.19 — Zones; Land Descriptions.
Section 505.20 — X- And Y-coordinates.
Section 505.21 — Reference To Zones.
Section 505.22 — Minnesota Coordinate Systems Defined.
Section 505.23 — Where Coordinates Recorded.
Section 505.24 — Limitation Of Use.
Section 505.25 — When Use Of Coordinates Supplemental.
Section 505.26 — Description Not Exclusive.
Section 505.28 — Last Use Of 1927 Coordinate System.
Section 505.31 — Entry Upon Land; Notice.
Section 505.32 — Surveyor's Number On New Evidence; Old Evidence To Be Left.