Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 50 — Savings Banks
Section 50.20 — Report To Show Liabilities.

This report shall also state all its liabilities on the morning of January first, and show:
(1) the amount due the depositors, including any dividend to be credited to them for the half year ending on that day; and
(2) all other debts or claims against it which are or may be a charge upon its assets.
It shall also state the amount deposited during the previous year and the amounts withdrawn during the same period; the whole amount of interest or profits received or earned and the amount of dividends or interest credited to depositors; the number of accounts opened or reopened; the number of accounts closed during the year; and the number of open accounts at the end of the year; and such other information as may be required by the commissioner of commerce.
(7720) RL s 3028; 1983 c 289 s 114 subd 1; 1984 c 655 art 1 s 92

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 46 - 59 — Banking

Chapter 50 — Savings Banks

Section 50.001 — Application For Certificate Of Authority; Procedure.

Section 50.01 — Expediency Ascertained.

Section 50.04 — Bonds Of Trustees Or Directors.

Section 50.05 — Bonds Of Officers And Employees.

Section 50.06 — Directors.

Section 50.065 — Officers.

Section 50.085 — Powers.

Section 50.11 — Securities Held For Safekeeping; Safe Deposit Boxes; Limitation Of Liability.

Section 50.13 — Real Estate.

Section 50.14 — Authorized Securities.

Section 50.145 — Authorized Investments; General Authority.

Section 50.146 — Authorized Investments; Corporations.

Section 50.1465 — Authorized Investments; Service Corporations.

Section 50.147 — Authorized Investments; Student Loans.

Section 50.148 — Authorized Investments; Manufactured Home Loans.

Section 50.1485 — Lending Authority.

Section 50.155 — Purchase Of Certain Mortgage Loans.

Section 50.17 — Deposit Accounts.

Section 50.171 — Treasury Tax And Loan Accounts Of The United States.

Section 50.175 — Negotiable Order Of Withdrawal Account.

Section 50.18 — Method Of Determining Surplus.

Section 50.19 — Reports To The Commissioner.

Section 50.20 — Report To Show Liabilities.

Section 50.212 — Savings Bank Regulation.

Section 50.24 — Existing Banks Conformed; Exceptions.

Section 50.245 — Branches; Acquisitions.

Section 50.25 — Banks Organized Under The Laws Of Minnesota; Capital Stock; Amendment Of Articles.

Section 50.28 — Declaratory Judgments.