Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 501B — Charitable Trusts
Section 501B.35 — Definitions.

Subdivision 1. Scope. The definitions in this section apply to sections 501B.31 to 501B.45 and do not modify or abridge any law or rule respecting the nature of a charitable trust or the nature and extent of the duties of a trustee except duties imposed by sections 501B.31 to 501B.45.
Subd. 2. Charitable purpose. "Charitable purpose" means an actual or purported charitable, philanthropic, religious, social service, educational, eleemosynary, or other public use or purpose.
Subd. 3. Charitable trust. "Charitable trust" means a fiduciary relationship with respect to property that arises as a result of a manifestation of an intention to create it, and that subjects the person by whom the property is held to equitable duties to deal with the property for a charitable purpose. As used in this definition, property includes all income derived from fees for services.
Subd. 4. Trustee. "Trustee" means a person or group of persons either in an individual or a joint capacity, or a director, officer, or other agent of an association, foundation, trustee corporation, corporation, or other legal entity who is vested with the control or responsibility of administering property held for a charitable purpose.
1989 c 340 art 1 s 27; 1997 c 222 s 57

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 500 - 515B — Property And Property Interests

Chapter 501B — Charitable Trusts

Section 501B.31 — Charitable Trusts.

Section 501B.32 — Private Foundations; Charitable Trusts; Split-interest Trusts.

Section 501B.33 — Citation.

Section 501B.34 — Charitable Trusts; Supervision By Attorney General.

Section 501B.35 — Definitions.

Section 501B.36 — Registration And Reporting.

Section 501B.37 — Register Of Trusts And Trustees.

Section 501B.38 — Information Filing.

Section 501B.39 — Public Inspection Of Records.

Section 501B.40 — Investigatory Powers Of The Attorney General; Custodians To Furnish Copies Of Records.

Section 501B.41 — Breach Of Trust; Proceedings To Secure Compliance.

Section 501B.42 — Contrary Provisions Of Instrument Invalid.

Section 501B.43 — Cost Of Investigations And Proceedings; Registration And Filing Fees.

Section 501B.44 — Immunity Of Charitable Trusts.

Section 501B.45 — Sale Of Banks Owned By Charitable Trusts.

Section 501B.46 — Petition For Court Order To Sell, Mortgage, Or Lease Real Property Held In Trust.

Section 501B.47 — Petition By Owner Of Present Or Future Interest For Court Order To Sell, Mortgage, Or Lease Interests In Real Property.

Section 501B.48 — When Petition May Be Granted.

Section 501B.49 — Notice Of Hearing.

Section 501B.50 — Representation Of Persons Who Are Unborn, Unascertained, Unknown, Or Minors Or Incapacitated Persons.

Section 501B.51 — Order Upon Petition; Execution Of Transaction.

Section 501B.52 — Report Of Agreement For Confirmation.

Section 501B.53 — Order Of Confirmation; Contents And Subsequent Procedures; Distribution Of Assets.

Section 501B.54 — Legal Effect Of Deed, Mortgage, Or Lease Made Under Section 501b.53.

Section 501B.55 — Date Of Creation Of Interests Affected By The Procedures In Sections 501b.46 To 501b.54.