Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 462 — Planning, Zoning
Section 462.356 — Procedure To Effect Plan: Generally.

Subdivision 1. Recommendations for plan execution. Upon the recommendation by the planning agency of the comprehensive municipal plan or sections thereof, the planning agency shall study and propose to the governing body reasonable and practicable means for putting the plan or section of the plan into effect. Subject to the limitations of the following sections, such means include, but are not limited to, zoning regulations, regulations for the subdivision of land, an official map, a program for coordination of the normal public improvements and services of the municipality, urban renewal and a capital improvements program.
Subd. 2. Compliance with plan. After a comprehensive municipal plan or section thereof has been recommended by the planning agency and a copy filed with the governing body, no publicly owned interest in real property within the municipality shall be acquired or disposed of, nor shall any capital improvement be authorized by the municipality or special district or agency thereof or any other political subdivision having jurisdiction within the municipality until after the planning agency has reviewed the proposed acquisition, disposal, or capital improvement and reported in writing to the governing body or other special district or agency or political subdivision concerned, its findings as to compliance of the proposed acquisition, disposal or improvement with the comprehensive municipal plan. Failure of the planning agency to report on the proposal within 45 days after such a reference, or such other period as may be designated by the governing body shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements of this subdivision. The governing body may, by resolution adopted by two-thirds vote dispense with the requirements of this subdivision when in its judgment it finds that the proposed acquisition or disposal of real property or capital improvement has no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan.
1965 c 670 s 6

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 460 - 463 — Local Government Police Powers

Chapter 462 — Planning, Zoning

Section 462.12 — Restricted Residence Districts.

Section 462.13 — Council Given Power Of Eminent Domain.

Section 462.14 — Appraisal Of Damage.

Section 462.15 — Map, Plat, Parcel List Made, Filed; Tax, Assessments.

Section 462.16 — Power To Enact Ordinances To Enforce Council Rights.

Section 462.17 — Buildings Declared A Nuisance.

Section 462.351 — Municipal Planning And Development; Policy Statement.

Section 462.352 — Definitions.

Section 462.353 — Authority To Plan; Funds; Fees; Appeal.

Section 462.3531 — Waiver Of Rights.

Section 462.3535 — Community-based Planning.

Section 462.354 — Organization For Planning.

Section 462.355 — Adopt, Amend Comprehensive Plan; Interim Ordinance.

Section 462.356 — Procedure To Effect Plan: Generally.

Section 462.357 — Official Controls: Zoning Ordinance.

Section 462.358 — Official Controls: Subdivision Regulation; Dedication.

Section 462.3585 — Joint Planning Board.

Section 462.359 — Procedure To Effect Plan: Official Maps.

Section 462.3593 — Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings.

Section 462.3595 — Conditional Use Permits.

Section 462.3597 — Interim Uses.

Section 462.36 — Certified Copies Filed With County Recorder.

Section 462.361 — Judicial Review.

Section 462.3612 — Housing Fiscal Impact Notes.

Section 462.362 — Enforcement And Penalty.

Section 462.363 — Present Ordinances Continued.

Section 462.364 — Inconsistent Laws.

Section 462.365 — Extension Of Time For Compliance.

Section 462.371 — Regional Planning Activities.

Section 462.372 — Regional Planning Boards.

Section 462.373 — Regional Planning Board; Powers And Duties.

Section 462.374 — Adoption Of Plan By Local Units.

Section 462.375 — Regional Development Plan; Filing And Distribution.

Section 462.381 — Title.

Section 462.382 — Application.

Section 462.383 — Purpose: Government Cooperation And Coordination.

Section 462.384 — Definitions.

Section 462.385 — Designation Of Regions.

Section 462.386 — Other Planning Regions To Conform; Exception.

Section 462.387 — Regional Development Commissions; Establishment.

Section 462.388 — Commission Membership.

Section 462.389 — Development Commission Chair; Officers And Staff.

Section 462.39 — Powers And Duties.

Section 462.391 — Specific Powers And Duties.

Section 462.3911 — Prairieland Expo.

Section 462.3912 — Regional Housing Development.

Section 462.393 — Annual Report To Units, Public, Governor, Legislature.

Section 462.394 — Citizen Participation And Advisory Committees.

Section 462.395 — Duties Of State Agencies.

Section 462.396 — Grants; Levies; Budget; Accounts; Audits; Bids; Deposits.

Section 462.397 — Borrowing Money; Certificates Of Indebtedness.

Section 462.398 — Termination Of Commission.