Subdivision 1. Applicability. The alternative benefit coverage under this section applies only to an active member of the public employees police and fire retirement plan who was an active member of the former Minneapolis Police Relief Association on December 29, 2011, and who retires after December 30, 2011.
Subd. 2. Retirement annuity. (a) A member described in subdivision 1, if the member meets the eligibility requirements of paragraph (b), is only entitled to a retirement annuity under this subdivision.
(b) The member, upon application, if the person is at least age 50 and has credit for at least 20 years of allowable service, is entitled to a normal retirement annuity. The normal retirement annuity is the following amount based on the service credit of the retiring member as a Minneapolis police officer:
A member described in subdivision 1, if the member is disabled under section 353.01, subdivision 41 or 46, and has not yet attained the age of 50 years, is entitled to a disability benefit equal to 34 units.
Subd. 4. Surviving spouse benefit. A surviving spouse under section 353.01, subdivision 20, of a deceased member described in subdivision 1 is entitled to a surviving spouse benefit equal to 23 units.
Subd. 5. Surviving dependent child benefit. A surviving dependent child under section 353.01, subdivision 15a, of a deceased member described in subdivision 1 is entitled to a surviving child benefit equal to eight units.
Subd. 6. Surviving family benefit maximum. The surviving spouse and surviving dependent child under subdivisions 4 and 5 are entitled to a combined family benefit under subdivisions 4 and 5 of 41 units.
Subd. 7. Postretirement adjustments. Retirement annuities, service pensions, disability benefits, and survivor benefits after December 31, 2015, are eligible for postretirement adjustments under section 356.415, subdivision 1c. The unit value for the calculation of a retirement annuity first payable after December 31, 2015, is the calendar year 2015 unit value, plus any annual postretirement adjustment percentage amount payable after December 31, 2015, under section 356.415, subdivision 1c, paragraph (a), clause (1).
Subd. 8. Savings clause; dispute resolution. In the event of any dispute by or on behalf of any former member of the consolidating relief association after the effective date of consolidation over the amount of a benefit to which the person may be entitled, the proper interpretation of a provision of Laws 2011, First Special Session chapter 8, article 7, or the conformity of the provisions of Laws 2011, First Special Session chapter 8, article 7, to the provisions of the benefit plan of the consolidating relief association in effect immediately before the date of the consolidation, the dispute shall be submitted in writing to the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement by the person who is a party to the dispute, by the fraternal organization related to the former relief association, or by the executive director of the Public Employees Retirement Association. The Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement shall review the dispute as part of its deliberations on proposed or pending retirement legislation and shall make its recommendation on the resolution of the dispute, if any, to the appropriate committees of the senate and house of representatives with jurisdiction over public employee pension matters in the form of the necessary legislation amending the provisions of Laws 2011, First Special Session chapter 8, article 7, which proposed legislation must include retroactivity of any increase in a benefit amount to the date on which the benefit subject to dispute accrued or would have accrued.
1Sp2011 c 8 art 7 s 8,19; 2014 c 296 art 9 s 2; 2019 c 50 art 1 s 111
Structure Minnesota Statutes
Chapters 352 - 356B — Retirement
Chapter 353 — Public Employees Retirement Association
Section 353.012 — University Of Minnesota Employees; Furlough Service And Salary Credit.
Section 353.014 — Federally Protected Military Leave.
Section 353.0141 — Other Military Leave.
Section 353.0162 — Salary Credit Purchase For Periods Of Reduced Salary.
Section 353.017 — Employees Of Labor Organizations.
Section 353.028 — City Managers; Election; Deferred Compensation.
Section 353.03 — Board Of Trustees.
Section 353.031 — Disability Determination Procedures.
Section 353.05 — Custodian Of Funds.
Section 353.06 — State Board Of Investment To Invest Funds.
Section 353.08 — Legal Adviser, Attorney General; Venue.
Section 353.14 — Benefits From Other Funds.
Section 353.15 — Nonassignability And Exemption From Judicial Process.
Section 353.16 — Audit Of Books And Accounts; Insurance Laws Not Applicable.
Section 353.19 — Penalties For False Information.
Section 353.27 — General Employees Retirement Fund.
Section 353.28 — Financing Of Employer Contributions.
Section 353.29 — Retirement Annuity Upon Termination Of Membership.
Section 353.30 — Annuities Upon Retirement.
Section 353.31 — Survivor Benefits.
Section 353.32 — Refunds After Death Of Member Or Former Member.
Section 353.33 — Total And Permanent Disability Benefits.
Section 353.335 — Disabilitant Earnings Reports.
Section 353.34 — Rights Upon Termination Of Membership.
Section 353.35 — Consequences Of Refund; Repayment, Rights Restored.
Section 353.37 — Reemployment Of Annuitant.
Section 353.371 — Postretirement Option.
Section 353.46 — Savings Clauses.
Section 353.50 — Merf Consolidation Account; Establishment And Operation.
Section 353.505 — State Contributions; Former Merf Division.
Section 353.64 — Membership; Qualifications; Police Officer, Firefighter.
Section 353.65 — Contributions.
Section 353.651 — Retirement Annuity Upon Separation From Public Service.
Section 353.6511 — Alternative Retirement Benefit Coverage In Certain Instances.
Section 353.6512 — Alternative Retirement Benefit Coverage In Certain Instances.
Section 353.652 — Social Security Benefit Offset.
Section 353.656 — Disability Benefits.
Section 353.657 — Survivor Benefits.
Section 353.659 — Local Relief Association Consolidation Account Benefits.
Section 353.665 — Merger Of Certain Consolidation Accounts Into Pera-p&f.
Section 353.666 — Past Service Credit For Certain Members Extended Coverage.
Section 353.67 — Application For Annuity.
Section 353.68 — Scope And Application.
Section 353.855 — Coverage By The Public Employees Retirement Association.
Section 353.87 — Volunteer Firefighters; Participation; Limitation; And Refund.
Section 353.95 — Account For Duluth Postemployment Benefits.