Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 349 — Lawful Gambling And Gambling Devices
Section 349.154 — Expenditures; Standards.

Subdivision 1. Standards for certain organizations. The board shall by rule prescribe standards that must be met annually by any licensed organization that is a 501(c)(3) or festival organization. The standards must provide:
(1) operating standards for the organization, including a maximum percentage or percentages of the organization's total expenditures that may be expended for the organization's administration and operation; and
(2) standards for any expenditure by the organization of net profits from lawful gambling, including a requirement that the expenditure be related to the primary purpose of the organization.
Subd. 2. [Repealed, 2009 c 124 s 60]
Subd. 3. [Repealed, 1991 c 336 art 2 s 53]
Subd. 3a. Expenditures for recreational, community, and athletic programs. An organization that makes a greater percentage of its lawful purpose expenditures under section 349.12, subdivision 25, paragraph (a), clause (7), on facilities or activities for one gender rather than another may not deny a reasonable request for funding of a facility or activity for the underrepresented gender if the request is for funding for a facility or activity that is a lawful purpose under that clause. An applicant for funding for a facility or activity for an underrepresented gender who believes that an application for funding was denied in violation of this subdivision may file a complaint with the board. The board shall prescribe a form for the complaint and shall furnish a copy of the form to any requester. The board shall investigate each complaint filed and, if the board finds that the organization against which the complaint was filed has violated this subdivision, shall issue an order directing the organization to take such corrective action as the board deems necessary to bring the organization into compliance with this subdivision.
1989 c 334 art 2 s 51; 1990 c 590 art 1 s 16; 1991 c 336 art 2 s 16; 1994 c 633 art 5 s 35; 1996 c 471 art 13 s 17; 1997 c 231 art 7 s 33; 1998 c 322 s 2; 2009 c 124 s 16

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 349 - 350 — Gaming

Chapter 349 — Lawful Gambling And Gambling Devices

Section 349.11 — Purpose.

Section 349.12 — Definitions.

Section 349.13 — Lawful Gambling.

Section 349.15 — Use Of Gross Profits.

Section 349.151 — Gambling Control Board.

Section 349.152 — Director.

Section 349.153 — Conflict Of Interest.

Section 349.154 — Expenditures; Standards.

Section 349.155 — Licenses; License Actions.

Section 349.16 — Organization Licenses.

Section 349.161 — Distributor Licenses.

Section 349.162 — Equipment Registered.

Section 349.163 — Licensing Of Manufacturers.

Section 349.1635 — Linked Bingo Game Provider License.

Section 349.1641 — Licenses; Summary Suspension.

Section 349.165 — Premises Permits.

Section 349.166 — Exclusions; Exemptions.

Section 349.167 — Gambling Managers.

Section 349.168 — Gambling Employees.

Section 349.169 — Filing Of Inventory And Discounts.

Section 349.17 — Conduct Of Bingo.

Section 349.1711 — Conduct Of Tipboards.

Section 349.172 — Pull-tabs; Information Required To Be Posted.

Section 349.1721 — Conduct Of Pull-tabs.

Section 349.173 — Conduct Of Raffles.

Section 349.18 — Premises Used For Gambling.

Section 349.181 — Restrictions On Who May Participate In Lawful Gambling.

Section 349.19 — Accounts, Records, And Reports.

Section 349.191 — Sales On Credit.

Section 349.211 — Prize Limits.

Section 349.2113 — Prize Payout Limit.

Section 349.2123 — Certified Physical Inventory.

Section 349.2124 — Sales To Indian Tribes.

Section 349.2125 — Contraband.

Section 349.2127 — Prohibitions.

Section 349.213 — Local Authority.

Section 349.22 — Penalty.

Section 349.23 — Validity Of Prior Agreements.

Section 349.30 — Definitions.

Section 349.31 — Gambling Device; Possession Of.

Section 349.32 — Issuing Authority To Suspend Or Revoke.

Section 349.33 — Peace Officers To Observe And Inspect Premises.

Section 349.34 — Proceedings Before Issuing Authority; Order To Show Cause.

Section 349.35 — Revocation Of License.

Section 349.36 — Duties Of County Attorney Or Attorney General.

Section 349.37 — Witnesses.

Section 349.38 — Property Owners Liability.

Section 349.39 — Appeal To District Court; Stay; Continuance Under Bond; Hearing Upon One Year Limitation On Premises.

Section 349.61 — Repeal; Termination Of Licenses.