Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 323A — Uniform Partnership Act Of 1994
Section 323A.0303 — Statement Of Partnership Authority.

(a) A partnership may file a statement of partnership authority, which:
(1) must include:
(i) the name of the partnership;
(ii) the street address, including the zip code, of its chief executive office and of one office in this state, if there is one;
(iii) the names and mailing addresses, including zip codes, of all of the partners or of an agent appointed and maintained by the partnership for the purpose of subsection (b); and
(iv) the names of the partners authorized to execute an instrument transferring real property held in the name of the partnership; and
(2) may state the authority, or limitations on the authority, of some or all of the partners to enter into other transactions on behalf of the partnership and any other matter.
(b) If a statement of partnership authority names an agent, the agent shall maintain a list of the names and mailing addresses, including zip codes, of all of the partners and make it available to any person on request for good cause shown.
(c) If a filed statement of partnership authority is executed pursuant to section 323A.0105(c), and states the name of the partnership but does not contain all of the other information required by subsection (a), the statement nevertheless operates with respect to a person not a partner as provided in subsections (d) and (e).
(d) A filed statement of partnership authority supplements the authority of a partner to enter into transactions on behalf of the partnership as follows:
(1) Except for transfers of real property, a grant of authority contained in a filed statement of partnership authority is conclusive in favor of a person who gives value without knowledge to the contrary, so long as and to the extent that a limitation on that authority is not then contained in another filed statement. A filed cancellation of a limitation on authority revives the previous grant of authority.
(2) A grant of authority to transfer real property held in the name of the partnership contained in a filed statement of partnership authority, whether or not a certified copy of the filed statement is recorded, is conclusive in favor of a person who gives value without knowledge to the contrary, so long as and to the extent that a certified copy of a filed statement containing a limitation on that authority is not then of record. The recording of a certified copy of a filed cancellation of a limitation on authority revives the previous grant of authority.
(e) A person not a partner is deemed to know of a limitation on the authority of a partner to transfer real property held in the name of the partnership only if a certified copy of the filed statement containing the limitation on authority is of record.
(f) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (d) and (e) and sections 323A.0704 and 323A.0805, a person not a partner is not deemed to know of a limitation on the authority of a partner merely because the limitation is contained in a filed statement.
1997 c 174 art 3 s 14

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 300 - 323A — Business, Social, And Charitable Organizations

Chapter 323A — Uniform Partnership Act Of 1994

Section 323A.0101 — Definitions.

Section 323A.0102 — Knowledge And Notice.

Section 323A.0103 — Effect Of Partnership Agreement; Nonwaivable Provisions.

Section 323A.0104 — Supplemental Principles Of Law.

Section 323A.0105 — Execution, Filing, And Recording Of Statements.

Section 323A.0106 — Governing Law.

Section 323A.0107 — Partnership Subject To Amendment Or Repeal Of Chapter.

Section 323A.0201 — Partnership As Entity.

Section 323A.0202 — Formation Of Partnership.

Section 323A.0203 — Partnership Property.

Section 323A.0204 — When Property Is Partnership Property.

Section 323A.0301 — Partner Agent Of Partnership.

Section 323A.0302 — Transfer Of Partnership Property.

Section 323A.0303 — Statement Of Partnership Authority.

Section 323A.0304 — Statement Of Denial.

Section 323A.0305 — Partnership Liable For Partner's Actionable Conduct.

Section 323A.0306 — Partner's Liability.

Section 323A.0307 — Actions By And Against Partnership And Partners.

Section 323A.0308 — Liability Of Purported Partner.

Section 323A.0401 — Partner's Rights And Duties.

Section 323A.0402 — Distributions In Kind.

Section 323A.0403 — Partner's Rights And Duties With Respect To Information.

Section 323A.0404 — General Standards Of Partner's Conduct.

Section 323A.0405 — Actions By Partnership And Partners.

Section 323A.0406 — Continuation Of Partnership Beyond Definite Term Or Particular Undertaking.

Section 323A.0501 — Partner Not Co-owner Of Partnership Property.

Section 323A.0502 — Partner's Transferable Interest In Partnership.

Section 323A.0503 — Transfer Of Partner's Transferable Interest.

Section 323A.0504 — Partner's Transferable Interest Subject To Charging Order.

Section 323A.0601 — Events Causing Partner's Dissociation.

Section 323A.0602 — Partner's Power To Dissociate; Wrongful Dissociation.

Section 323A.0603 — Effect Of Partner's Dissociation.

Section 323A.0701 — Purchase Of Dissociated Partner's Interest.

Section 323A.0702 — Dissociated Partner's Power To Bind And Liability To Partnership.

Section 323A.0703 — Dissociated Partner's Liability To Other Persons.

Section 323A.0704 — Statement Of Dissociation.

Section 323A.0705 — Continued Use Of Partnership Name.

Section 323A.0801 — Events Causing Dissolution And Winding Up Of Partnership Business.

Section 323A.0802 — Partnership Continues After Dissolution.

Section 323A.0803 — Right To Wind Up Partnership Business.

Section 323A.0804 — Partner's Power To Bind Partnership After Dissolution.

Section 323A.0805 — Statement Of Dissolution.

Section 323A.0806 — Partner's Liability To Other Partners After Dissolution.

Section 323A.0807 — Settlement Of Accounts And Contributions Among Partners.

Section 323A.0901 — Definitions.

Section 323A.0902 — Conversions.

Section 323A.0903 — Filings Required For Conversion; Effective Date And Time.

Section 323A.0904 — Effect Of Conversion.

Section 323A.0905 — Merger Of Partnerships.

Section 323A.0906 — Effect Of Merger.

Section 323A.0907 — Statement Of Merger.

Section 323A.0910 — Domestication.

Section 323A.0911 — Action On Plan Of Domestication By Domesticating Partnership.

Section 323A.0912 — Filings Required For Domestication; Effective Date.

Section 323A.0913 — Effect Of Domestication.

Section 323A.0914 — Restrictions On Approval Of Mergers, Exchanges, Conversions, And Domestications.

Section 323A.1001 — Statement Of Qualification.

Section 323A.1002 — Name.

Section 323A.1003 — Annual Renewal.

Section 323A.1004 — Revocation For Failure To Replace A Required Registered Agent.

Section 323A.1101 — Law Governing Foreign Limited Liability Partnership.

Section 323A.1102 — Statement Of Foreign Qualification.

Section 323A.1103 — Effect Of Failure To Qualify.

Section 323A.1104 — Activities Not Constituting Transacting Business.

Section 323A.1105 — Action By Attorney General.

Section 323A.1201 — Short Title.

Section 323A.1202 — Applicability.

Section 323A.1203 — Effect Of Designation.