Subdivision 1. Penalties for failure to file or pay. (a) A person required to file a return, report, or other document with the commissioner who fails to do so is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(b) A person required to pay or to collect and remit a tax under this chapter, who fails to do so when required, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Subd. 2. Penalties for knowing failure to file or pay. (a) A person required to file a return, report, or other document with the commissioner, who knowingly, rather than accidentally, inadvertently, or negligently, fails to file it when required, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
(b) A person required to pay or to collect and remit a tax under this chapter, who knowingly, rather than accidentally, inadvertently, or negligently, fails to file it when required, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
Subd. 3. False or fraudulent returns; penalties. (a) A person who files with the commissioner a return, report, or other document, known by the person to be fraudulent or false concerning a material matter, is guilty of a felony.
(b) A person who knowingly aids or assists in, or advises in the preparation or presentation of a return, report, or other document that is fraudulent or false concerning a material matter, whether or not the falsity or fraud is committed with the knowledge or consent of the person authorized or required to present the return, report, or other document, is guilty of a felony.
Subd. 4. Importation from another state. (a) A person entering Minnesota from another state who imports or possesses more than one liter, but fewer than 25 liters of untaxed intoxicating liquor, or more than 288 ounces (nine quarts), but fewer than 6,800 ounces (225 quarts) of untaxed fermented malt beverages is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(b) A person entering Minnesota from another state who imports or possesses 25 liters or more, but fewer than 225 liters of untaxed intoxicating liquor, or 6,800 ounces (225 quarts) or more, but fewer than 34,000 ounces (1,225 quarts) of untaxed fermented malt beverages is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
(c) A person entering Minnesota from another state who imports or possesses 225 liters or more of untaxed intoxicating liquor, or 34,000 ounces (1,225 quarts) or more of untaxed fermented malt beverages is guilty of a felony.
Subd. 5. Importation from a foreign country. (a) A person entering Minnesota from a foreign country who imports or possesses more than four liters, but fewer than 100 liters of untaxed intoxicating liquor, or more than 320 ounces (ten quarts), but fewer than 8,000 ounces (250 quarts) of untaxed fermented malt beverages is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(b) A person entering Minnesota from a foreign country who imports or possesses 100 liters or more, but fewer than 500 liters of untaxed intoxicating liquor, or 8,000 ounces (250 quarts) or more, but fewer than 40,000 ounces (1,250 quarts) of untaxed fermented malt beverages is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
(c) A person entering Minnesota from a foreign country who imports or possesses 500 liters or more of untaxed intoxicating liquor, or 40,000 ounces (1,250 quarts) or more of untaxed fermented malt beverages is guilty of a felony.
Subd. 6. Penalties are additional. Criminal penalties imposed by this section are in addition to any civil penalties imposed by this chapter.
Subd. 7. Other penalties. Any violation of this chapter unless otherwise specified is a misdemeanor.
Subd. 8. Statute of limitations. Notwithstanding section 628.26, or any other provision of the criminal laws of this state, an indictment may be found and filed, or a complaint filed, upon a criminal offense named in this section, in the proper court within six years after the offense is committed.
1997 c 179 art 1 s 19
Structure Minnesota Statutes
Chapters 296 - 299 — Excise And Sales Taxes
Chapter 297G — Liquor Taxation
Section 297G.01 — Definitions.
Section 297G.02 — Administration.
Section 297G.03 — Distilled Spirits And Wine; Rate Of Tax.
Section 297G.031 — Farm Winery.
Section 297G.032 — Microdistilleries.
Section 297G.04 — Fermented Malt Beverages; Rate Of Tax.
Section 297G.05 — Use Tax; Rate Of Tax.
Section 297G.06 — Tax As Personal Debt.
Section 297G.07 — Exemptions From Tax.
Section 297G.08 — Sales To Indian Tribes.
Section 297G.09 — Returns; Payment Of Tax.
Section 297G.10 — Deposit Of Proceeds.
Section 297G.11 — Informational Reports.
Section 297G.13 — Inspection Rights.
Section 297G.14 — Physical Inventory.
Section 297G.16 — Statutes Of Limitations.
Section 297G.18 — Civil Penalties.