Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 240 — Pari-mutuel Horse Racing
Section 240.04 — Employees.

Subdivision 1. Director; duties. The director shall perform the following duties:
(1) take and preserve records of all proceedings before the commission, maintain its books, documents, and records, and make them available for public inspection as the commission directs;
(2) if so designated by the commission, act as a hearing officer in hearings which need not be conducted under the Administrative Procedure Act to conduct hearings, receive testimony and exhibits, and certify the record of proceedings to the commission;
(3) act as the commission's chief personnel officer and supervise the employment, conduct, duties, and discipline of commission employees; and
(4) perform other duties as directed by the commission.
Subd. 1a. Deputy director. The commission may appoint a deputy director who serves in the unclassified service at the commission's pleasure.
Subd. 2. Director of pari-mutuels. The commission may employ a director of pari-mutuels who serves in the unclassified service at the commission's pleasure. The director of pari-mutuels shall perform the following duties:
(1) supervise all forms of pari-mutuel betting on horse racing in the state;
(2) inspect all machinery;
(3) make reports on pari-mutuel betting as the commission directs;
(4) subject to commission approval, appoint assistants to perform duties the commission designates; and
(5) perform other duties as directed by the commission.
If no director of pari-mutuels is appointed the duties of that office are assigned to the executive director. The commission may contract with outside services or personnel to assist the executive director in the performance of these duties.
Subd. 3. Director of racing security. The commission may appoint a director of racing security to serve in the unclassified service at the commission's pleasure. The director of racing security shall enforce all laws and commission rules relating to the security and integrity of racing. The director of racing security and all other persons designated by the commission as security officers have free and open access to all areas of all facilities the commission licenses and may search without a search warrant any part of a licensed racetrack and the person of any licensee of the commission on the premises. The director of racing security may order a licensee to take, at the licensee's expense, security measures necessary to protect the integrity of racing, but the order may be appealed to the commission. Nothing in this chapter prohibits law enforcement authorities and agents from entering, in the performance of their duties, a premises licensed under Laws 1983, chapter 214.
If no director of racing security is appointed the duties of that office are assigned to the executive director. The commission may contract with outside services or personnel to assist the executive director in the performance of these duties.
Subd. 4. Veterinarian. The commission may appoint a veterinarian who must be a doctor of veterinary medicine and who serves at its pleasure in the unclassified service. The veterinarian shall, while employed by the commission, perform the following duties:
(1) supervise the formulation, administration, and evaluation of all medical tests the commission's rules require or authorize;
(2) advise the commission on all aspects of veterinary medicine relating to its powers and duties; and
(3) supervise all personnel involved in medical testing, subject to the supervision of the executive director.
If no veterinarian is appointed, the duties of that office may be assigned to the executive director. The commission may contract with outside personnel to assist the executive director in the performance of these duties.
The commission may require that a licensee reimburse it for the costs of services provided by assistant veterinarians.
Subd. 5. Other employees. Subject to applicable laws, the commission shall employ and assign duties to other officers, employees, and agents as it deems necessary to discharge its functions.
Subd. 6. Compensation. The compensation of all commission employees shall be as provided in chapter 43A.
Subd. 7. Assistance. The commission and director may request assistance from any department or agency of the state in fulfilling its duties, and shall make appropriate reimbursement for all such assistance.
1983 c 214 s 4; 1985 c 212 s 4; 1Sp1985 c 10 s 83; 1986 c 444; 1989 c 334 art 1 s 6,7

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 240 - 240A — Sports

Chapter 240 — Pari-mutuel Horse Racing

Section 240.01 — Definitions.

Section 240.011 — Appointment Of Director.

Section 240.02 — Racing Commission.

Section 240.03 — Commission Powers And Duties.

Section 240.04 — Employees.

Section 240.05 — Licenses; Classes.

Section 240.06 — Racetrack Licenses.

Section 240.07 — Racing Licenses.

Section 240.08 — Occupation Licenses.

Section 240.09 — County Fair Licenses.

Section 240.10 — License Fees.

Section 240.11 — Licenses Nontransferable.

Section 240.12 — License Agreements.

Section 240.13 — Pari-mutuel Betting.

Section 240.131 — Advance Deposit Wagering.

Section 240.135 — Card Club Revenue.

Section 240.136 — Compulsive Gambling Notice.

Section 240.14 — Racing Days.

Section 240.15 — Payments To State.

Section 240.155 — Reimbursement Accounts And Procedures.

Section 240.1561 — Appropriation For Ongoing Operation.

Section 240.16 — Stewards.

Section 240.17 — Local Option.

Section 240.18 — Breeders' Fund.

Section 240.19 — Contracts.

Section 240.20 — Appeals.

Section 240.21 — Right Of Inspection.

Section 240.22 — Fines.

Section 240.23 — Rulemaking Authority.

Section 240.24 — Medication.

Section 240.25 — Prohibited Acts.

Section 240.26 — Penalties.

Section 240.27 — Exclusion Of Certain Persons.

Section 240.28 — Conflict Of Interest.

Section 240.29 — Required Races.

Section 240.30 — Card Clubs.

Section 240.35 — Detention Of Suspects.