(a) The commissioner shall adopt rules governing the production, testing, processing, and licensing of industrial hemp. Notwithstanding section 14.125, the commissioner's authority to adopt these rules expires June 30, 2022.
(b) Rules adopted under paragraph (a) must include, but not be limited to, provisions governing:
(1) the supervision and inspection of industrial hemp during its growth and harvest;
(2) the testing of industrial hemp to determine delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol levels;
(3) the use of background check results required under section 18K.04 to approve or deny a license application; and
(4) any other provision or procedure necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(c) Rules issued under this section must be consistent with federal law regarding the production, distribution, and sale of industrial hemp.
1Sp2015 c 4 art 2 s 43; 2020 c 89 art 4 s 17