Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 16A — Department Of Management And Budget
Section 16A.662 — Infrastructure Development Bonds.

Subdivision 1. Infrastructure development fund. The infrastructure development fund is created as an account in the state treasury. The commissioner of management and budget shall credit to the fund income from the sources provided by law. The commissioner of management and budget shall from time to time certify to the State Board of Investment the assets of the fund not currently needed. The amount certified must be invested by the State Board of Investment subject to section 11A.24. Investment income and investment losses attributable to investment of fund assets must be credited to or borne by the fund.
Subd. 2. Bonds authorized. When authorized by law enacted in accordance with the constitution, article XI, sections 5 and 7, the commissioner may by order sell and issue bonds of the state evidencing public debt incurred for any purpose stated in the law. The bonds are general obligations of the state, and the full faith and credit of the state are pledged for their payment.
Subd. 3. Manner of issuance; maturities. The bonds must be issued and sold in accordance with section 16A.641. Sections 16A.672 and 16A.675 apply to the bonds.
Subd. 4. Debt service account; appropriation of debt service account money. There is established within the state bond fund a separate and special account designated as the infrastructure development bond debt service account. The money on hand in the debt service account must be used solely for the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds issued under Laws 1990, chapter 610, article 1, section 30, subdivision 2, and is appropriated for this purpose. This appropriation does not cancel as long as any of the bonds remain outstanding.
Subd. 5. Assessment to higher education systems. (a) In order to reduce the amount otherwise required to be transferred to the state bond fund with respect to bonds heretofore or hereafter issued under Laws 1990, chapter 610, article 1, section 30, subdivision 2, the commissioner of management and budget shall assess each higher education system for one-third the amount that would otherwise need to be transferred with respect to those bonds sold to finance capital improvement projects at institutions under the control of the system; provided that, to the extent that the amount to be transferred is for payment of principal and interest on bonds sold to finance life safety improvements, the commissioner must not assess the higher education systems for the transfer.
(b) After each sale of the bonds, the commissioner of management and budget shall notify the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and the regents of the University of Minnesota of the amounts for which each system is responsible for each year for the life of the bonds. The amounts payable each year are reduced by one-third of the net income from investment of those bond proceeds that must be allocated among the systems in proportion to the amount of principal and interest otherwise required to be paid by each. Each higher education system shall pay its annual share of debt service payments to the commissioner of management and budget by December 1 each year. If a higher education system fails to make a payment when due, the commissioner of management and budget shall reduce allotments for appropriations from the general fund otherwise payable to the system to cover the amount of the missed debt service payment. The commissioner of management and budget shall credit the payments received from the higher education systems to the infrastructure development bond debt service account in the state bond fund each December 1 before the transfer is made under subdivision 4.
Subd. 6. Appropriation from general fund. There is annually appropriated from the general fund for transfer to the infrastructure development bond debt service account the amount that, added to the amount in the infrastructure development bond debt service account on December 1 each year, after giving effect to subdivisions 4 and 5, is equal to the full amount of principal and interest to come due on all bonds to and including July 1 in the second ensuing year.
Subd. 7. Constitutional tax levy. Under the constitution, article XI, section 7, the state auditor must levy each year on all taxable property within the state a tax sufficient, with the amount then on hand in the infrastructure development bond debt service account, to pay all principal and interest on the bonds due and to become due to and including July 1 in the second ensuing year. The tax is not subject to limit as to rate or amount. However, the amount of money appropriated from other sources as provided in subdivisions 4, 5, and 6, and actually received and on hand before the levy in any year, reduces the amount of the tax otherwise required to be levied. The proceeds of the tax must be credited to the infrastructure development bond debt service account.
Subd. 8. Application and appropriation of proceeds. The proceeds of the bonds must be deposited and spent as provided in this subdivision and are appropriated for those purposes. Any accrued interest and any premium received on the sale of the bonds must be credited to the infrastructure development bond debt service account. Except as otherwise required by law, the balance of the bond proceeds shall be credited to the infrastructure development fund and spent for the purposes specified in the law authorizing the issuance of the bonds. So much of the proceeds as is necessary must be used to pay costs incurred in issuing and selling the bonds.
1990 c 610 art 1 s 37; 1991 c 233 s 39-41; 1991 c 345 art 1 s 55; 1997 c 183 art 3 s 38; 2009 c 101 art 2 s 109

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 16A - 16E — Administration And Finance

Chapter 16A — Department Of Management And Budget

Section 16A.01 — Department Of Management And Budget; Commissioner; Employees.

Section 16A.011 — Definitions.

Section 16A.012 — Warrants; Discounts.

Section 16A.013 — Gifts; Acceptance.

Section 16A.014 — Administration Of Gifts.

Section 16A.015 — Investment Of Gifts.

Section 16A.016 — Payment; Appropriation.

Section 16A.04 — Budget And Cash Projection.

Section 16A.041 — Rulemaking.

Section 16A.055 — Commissioner's Duties.

Section 16A.056 — Website With Searchable Database On State Expenditures.

Section 16A.0561 — Mapped Data On Expenditures.

Section 16A.057 — Internal Controls And Internal Auditing.

Section 16A.06 — Additional Commissioner Duties And Powers.

Section 16A.061 — May Issue Commemorative Medallions.

Section 16A.065 — Prepay Software, Subscriptions, United States Documents.

Section 16A.095 — State Budget System.

Section 16A.10 — Budget Preparation.

Section 16A.101 — Service Contracts; Expenditures.

Section 16A.102 — Budgeting Revenues Relative To Personal Income.

Section 16A.103 — Forecasts Of Revenue And Expenditures.

Section 16A.105 — Debt Capacity Forecast.

Section 16A.11 — Budget To Legislature.

Section 16A.115 — Relocation Requests.

Section 16A.122 — Work Force Planning And Reporting.

Section 16A.124 — Prompt Payment Of State Agency Bills Required.

Section 16A.1245 — Prompt Payment To Subcontractors.

Section 16A.126 — Revolving Fund Billing.

Section 16A.127 — Indirect Costs.

Section 16A.1283 — Legislative Approval Required For Fees.

Section 16A.1285 — Departmental Earnings; Charges Levied By Agency.

Section 16A.125 — State Trust Lands.

Section 16A.1286 — Statewide Systems Account.

Section 16A.129 — Other Commissioner Powers.

Section 16A.13 — Federal Tax Withholding.

Section 16A.131 — Deductions For United States Securities, Transit Cards.

Section 16A.133 — Credit Union, Parking, Other Deductions.

Section 16A.134 — Charitable Organizations Payroll Deductions.

Section 16A.138 — Officials Not To Exceed Appropriation.

Section 16A.139 — Misappropriation Of Money.

Section 16A.14 — Allotment And Encumbrance System.

Section 16A.15 — Accounting System; Allotment And Encumbrance.

Section 16A.151 — Proceeds Of Litigation Or Settlement.

Section 16A.152 — Budget Reserve And Cash Flow Accounts.

Section 16A.155 — Refunds; Charged When Paid.

Section 16A.17 — Preparation Of State Payroll.

Section 16A.18 — Accounting, Payroll For Courts, Legislature.

Section 16A.19 — Retirement, Social Security Deficiencies.

Section 16A.25 — Sale Of Securities Before Maturity.

Section 16A.26 — One Depository Account For Each Tax.

Section 16A.27 — State Funds; Deposit; Control By Commissioner.

Section 16A.271 — Depositories, Designation.

Section 16A.272 — Deposits Of Certain Funds Of Public Corporations, Security.

Section 16A.273 — Inducements To Make Deposits.

Section 16A.275 — Agency Receipts; Deposit, Report, Credit.

Section 16A.276 — Cash Overage And Shortage Account.

Section 16A.28 — Treatment Of Unused Appropriations.

Section 16A.281 — Appropriations To Legislature.

Section 16A.283 — Appropriations To Courts.

Section 16A.284 — Appropriations To Constitutional Officers.

Section 16A.285 — Allowed Appropriation Transfers.

Section 16A.36 — Grants From And Advances To United States.

Section 16A.40 — Warrants And Electronic Fund Transfers.

Section 16A.401 — Virtual Payments Authorized.

Section 16A.41 — Claims Against State.

Section 16A.42 — Claims: Form, Approval, Register.

Section 16A.43 — Warrant A Receipt.

Section 16A.44 — Commissioner May Compel Testimony.

Section 16A.45 — Outstanding Unpaid Warrants, Cancellation.

Section 16A.46 — Lost Or Destroyed Warrant Duplicate; Indemnity.

Section 16A.461 — Duplicate Bonds Issued.

Section 16A.462 — Execution Of Duplicates.

Section 16A.463 — Delivery Of Duplicates; Bond.

Section 16A.464 — Bond, When Canceled.

Section 16A.47 — Commissioner's Account, Document Duties.

Section 16A.48 — Refund Of Erroneous Deposits.

Section 16A.49 — Refunds Of $1 Or Less.

Section 16A.50 — Financial Report To Legislature.

Section 16A.501 — Report On Expenditure Of Bond Proceeds.

Section 16A.502 — Nonstate Commitments To Capital Projects.

Section 16A.53 — Bookkeeping Accounts.

Section 16A.531 — Funds Created.

Section 16A.532 — Minnesota State Colleges And Universities Enterprise Account.

Section 16A.54 — General Fund Defined.

Section 16A.56 — Commissioner's Receipt And Claim Duties.

Section 16A.57 — Appropriation, Allotment, And Warrant Needed.

Section 16A.575 — Appropriations; Not Disclosing Source.

Section 16A.58 — Commissioner Custodian Of Payment Documents.

Section 16A.61 — Certificate Money To General Fund.

Section 16A.62 — Money In Abolished Fund To General Fund.

Section 16A.626 — Electronic Payments.

Section 16A.631 — Bond Proceeds Fund.

Section 16A.632 — Capital Asset Preservation And Replacement Account.

Section 16A.633 — Capital Funding; Maintaining Data And Reporting.

Section 16A.641 — State Bonds; Appropriations.

Section 16A.642 — State Bonds: Reports; Cancellations.

Section 16A.643 — Assessments If Agency Must Pay Debt Service.

Section 16A.645 — Gopher State Bonds.

Section 16A.646 — Zero Coupon Bonds.

Section 16A.647 — Tax Credit And Interest Subsidy Bonds.

Section 16A.66 — Refunding Bonds.

Section 16A.661 — General Obligation Special Tax Bonds.

Section 16A.662 — Infrastructure Development Bonds.

Section 16A.671 — Certificates Of Indebtedness.

Section 16A.672 — Bonds And Certificates Of Indebtedness.

Section 16A.673 — Certificates Of Indebtedness Issued By State, Negotiability.

Section 16A.675 — Persons Executing Obligations Not Liable.

Section 16A.68 — Federal Funds To The Game And Fish Account.

Section 16A.69 — Appropriations Into Single Project Account.

Section 16A.695 — State Bond Financed Property.

Section 16A.72 — Income Credited To General Fund; Exceptions.

Section 16A.721 — State Seminar Fees, Appropriation.

Section 16A.722 — Loss Or Damage To State Property.

Section 16A.723 — Governor's Residence; Reimbursement Of Expenses.

Section 16A.724 — Health Care Access Fund.

Section 16A.726 — Sports Facilities Transfers; Appropriations.

Section 16A.727 — Backup Revenues; Football Stadium Funding.

Section 16A.79 — Matching Federal Appropriations.

Section 16A.81 — Technology Development Lease-purchase Financing.

Section 16A.85 — Master Lease.

Section 16A.86 — Capital Project Grants To Political Subdivisions.

Section 16A.88 — Transit Assistance Fund.

Section 16A.90 — Employee Gainsharing System.

Section 16A.93 — Minnesota Pay-for-performance Act.

Section 16A.94 — Pay-for-performance Program.

Section 16A.96 — Minnesota Pay-for-performance Program; Appropriation Bonds.

Section 16A.963 — Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Appropriation Bonds.

Section 16A.964 — Public Television Equipment Appropriation Bonds.

Section 16A.965 — Stadium Appropriation Bonds.

Section 16A.966 — Response To Releases Appropriation Bonds.

Section 16A.967 — Lewis And Clark Appropriation Bonds.

Section 16A.968 — Duluth Regional Exchange District Appropriation Bonds.

Section 16A.97 — Tobacco Bonds.

Section 16A.98 — Tobacco Securitization Bonds.

Section 16A.99 — Tobacco Appropriation Bonds.