Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 160 — Roads, General Provisions
Section 160.16 — Warning Signs And Detour Signs.

160.16 MS 1953 [Repealed, 1957 c 943 s 72] 160.16 WARNING SIGNS AND DETOUR SIGNS.
Subdivision 1. Contract to provide for warning signs. Whenever the road authorities enter into a contract for the construction or improvement of any road, culvert, or bridge thereon they shall, as a condition of the contract, provide therein that the contractor shall place suitable warning signs at the highways intersecting the road so to be constructed or improved warning the public that the road under construction or improvement is impassable at a designated place or distance from the warning sign. The signs shall be placed at such places as will obviate unnecessary travel by persons not otherwise aware of the impassable condition of the roads. Nothing in the provisions of chapters 160 to 165 shall make any town, county, or the state liable in damages for the failure of the road authorities to provide in any contract for the erection of a warning sign as is herein provided for, or the failure of any contractor to erect same in accordance herewith.
Subd. 2. Contractor to place detour signs. The contractor, lead supervisor, or person in charge of work or repairs on any public road shall, when the doing of the work or repairs necessitates the closing of a part of the road to traffic, post signs stating that the road is under repair and describing the direction and distance of the detour necessary to avoid the part of the road being repaired. The signs shall be posted at the intersection of the road under repair with the road to be traveled while detouring and at appropriate intervals along the road.
Subd. 3. Barricades. The road authorities may also provide, by contract or otherwise, for the erection of barricades, fences or other obstructions so as to prevent traffic from entering any impassable section of road or a section closed to public travel.
1959 c 500 art 1 s 16; 1986 c 444

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 160 - 174A — Transportation

Chapter 160 — Roads, General Provisions

Section 160.01 — Scope Of Chapters 160 To 165.

Section 160.02 — Definitions.

Section 160.03 — Compensation For Public Property.

Section 160.04 — Width Of Roads.

Section 160.05 — Dedication Of Roads.

Section 160.06 — Trail Or Portage Dedication.

Section 160.07 — Improvements Within Or Without Boundaries.

Section 160.08 — Controlled Access.

Section 160.085 — Recording Proposed Acquisition For Road.

Section 160.09 — Change Or Vacation Of Local Road.

Section 160.095 — Designation Of Minimum-maintenance Roads.

Section 160.10 — Roads On Mineral Lands.

Section 160.11 — Materials For Building Roads.

Section 160.12 — Temporary Roads Around Construction.

Section 160.13 — Lighting And Marking Highways.

Section 160.14 — Marking Boundaries Of Highways.

Section 160.15 — Preserving Section Or Quarter-section Corners.

Section 160.16 — Warning Signs And Detour Signs.

Section 160.165 — Mitigating Transportation Project Impacts On Business.

Section 160.17 — Road Construction Contracts; Counties And Towns.

Section 160.18 — Access To Roads; Approaches.

Section 160.19 — Drainage Ditch Crossing Railroad Right-of-way.

Section 160.20 — Drainage.

Section 160.201 — Public Road Ditches.

Section 160.21 — Snow Removal.

Section 160.215 — Snow Removal; Salt And Chemicals Restricted.

Section 160.22 — Trees.

Section 160.23 — Destruction Of Noxious Weeds.

Section 160.232 — Mowing Ditches Outside Cities.

Section 160.235 — Traffic Signal Timing Optimization.

Section 160.24 — Logging Railroads Across Highways.

Section 160.25 — Tunnels Under Highways.

Section 160.26 — Moving Buildings Over Highways.

Section 160.262 — Bikeways.

Section 160.263 — Bicycle Lanes, Routes, And Paths.

Section 160.264 — Replacing Bikeways And Pedestrian Ways.

Section 160.266 — State Bicycle Routes.

Section 160.27 — Particular Uses Of Right-of-way; Misdemeanors.

Section 160.2715 — Right-of-way Use; Misdemeanors.

Section 160.272 — Safety Rest Area And Travel Information Center Leases.

Section 160.2721 — Commercial Vehicle Drivers At Rest Areas.

Section 160.2725 — Sales At Safety Rest Areas.

Section 160.273 — Vending Machines.

Section 160.2735 — Sponsorship Of Safety Rest Areas.

Section 160.274 — Sale Of Surplus Rest Area Property.

Section 160.2745 — Safety Rest Area Account.

Section 160.2755 — Prohibited Activities At Rest Areas.

Section 160.276 — Travel Information Advertising Program.

Section 160.28 — Plans For Public Travel Facilities.

Section 160.281 — Tourist Information Center In South Dakota.

Section 160.282 — Public Travel Facilities.

Section 160.283 — Resort Information Signs; Purpose.

Section 160.284 — Resort Signs; Design And Manufacture.

Section 160.285 — Resort Signs; County Participation.

Section 160.29 — Vacation Of Public Ways By Municipality.

Section 160.292 — Information Signs For Specific Services; Definitions.

Section 160.293 — Specific Service Signs; Intended Use.

Section 160.294 — Specific Service Sign Details.

Section 160.295 — Criteria For Specific Service Signs.

Section 160.296 — Specific Service Signs; Administration; Rules.

Section 160.297 — Other Sign Laws.

Section 160.298 — Highway Sign Program; Billing, Account, Appropriation.

Section 160.80 — Sign Franchise Program.

Section 160.801 — Highway Sponsorship Program.

Section 160.81 — Highways In Scenic Areas.

Section 160.82 — Park Roads.

Section 160.83 — Rustic Roads Program.

Section 160.84 — Definitions.

Section 160.845 — Restrictions On Toll Facility.

Section 160.85 — Authority For Toll Facility.

Section 160.86 — Toll Facility Development Agreement; Requirements.

Section 160.87 — Toll Facility Cost Recovery.

Section 160.88 — Public Toll Facilities.

Section 160.89 — Toll Facility Revenue Bonds.

Section 160.90 — Law Enforcement On Toll Facilities.

Section 160.91 — Joint Authority Over Toll Facility.

Section 160.92 — Toll Facility Replacement Projects.

Section 160.93 — User Fees; High-occupancy Vehicle And Dynamic Shoulder Lanes.

Section 160.98 — Prohibition On Road And Bridge Privatization.