Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 121A — Student Rights, Responsibilities, And Behavior
Section 121A.11 — United States Flag.

Subdivision 1. Displayed by schools. Every public school in Minnesota must display an appropriate United States flag when in session. The flag shall be displayed upon the school grounds or outside the school building, on a proper staff, on every legal holiday occurring during the school term and at such other times as the board of the district may direct. The flag must be displayed within the principal rooms of the school building at all other times while school is in session.
Subd. 2. School boards to provide flags and staffs. The board must provide the flag for each of the school buildings in their districts, together with a suitable staff to display the flag outside of the school building and proper arrangement to display the flag in the building, and a suitable receptacle for the safekeeping of the flag when not in use.
Subd. 3. Pledge of Allegiance. (a) All public and charter school students shall recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America one or more times each week. The recitation shall be conducted:
(1) by each individual classroom teacher or the teacher's surrogate; or
(2) over a school intercom system by a person designated by the school principal or other person having administrative control over the school.
A local school board or a charter school board of directors may annually, by majority vote, waive this requirement.
(b) Any student or teacher may decline to participate in recitation of the pledge.
(c) A school district or charter school that has a student handbook or school policy guide must include a statement that anyone who does not wish to participate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance for any personal reasons may elect not to do so and that students must respect another person's right to make that choice.
(d) A local school board or a charter school board of directors that waives the requirement to recite the Pledge of Allegiance under paragraph (a) may adopt a district or school policy regarding the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Subd. 4. Instruction. Unless the requirement in subdivision 3 is waived by a majority vote of the school board, a school district must instruct students in the proper etiquette toward, correct display of, and respect for the flag, and in patriotic exercises.
Ex1959 c 71 art 7 s 14; 1998 c 397 art 9 s 4,26; 2003 c 120 s 1,2

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 120 - 129C — Education Code: Prekindergarten - Grade 12

Chapter 121A — Student Rights, Responsibilities, And Behavior

Section 121A.01 — Definitions.

Section 121A.03 — Model Policy.

Section 121A.031 — School Student Bullying Policy.

Section 121A.0311 — Notice Of The Rights And Responsibilities Of Students And Parents Under The Safe And Supportive Minnesota Schools Act.

Section 121A.035 — Crisis Management Policy.

Section 121A.037 — School Safety Drills.

Section 121A.04 — Athletic Programs; Sex Discrimination.

Section 121A.05 — Policy To Refer Firearms Possessor.

Section 121A.06 — Reports Of Dangerous Weapon Incidents In School Zones.

Section 121A.065 — District Surveys To Collect Student Information; Parent Notice And Opportunity For Opting Out.

Section 121A.10 — Moment Of Silence.

Section 121A.11 — United States Flag.

Section 121A.15 — Health Standards; Immunizations; School Children.

Section 121A.16 — Early Childhood Health And Development Screening; Purpose.

Section 121A.17 — School Board Responsibilities.

Section 121A.18 — Data Use.

Section 121A.19 — Developmental Screening Aid.

Section 121A.21 — School Health Services.

Section 121A.215 — Local School District Wellness Policies; Website.

Section 121A.22 — Administration Of Drugs And Medicine.

Section 121A.2205 — Possession And Use Of Epinephrine Auto-injectors; Model Policy.

Section 121A.2207 — Life-threatening Allergies In Schools; Stock Supply Of Epinephrine Auto-injectors.

Section 121A.221 — Possession And Use Of Asthma Inhalers By Asthmatic Students.

Section 121A.222 — Possession And Use Of Nonprescription Pain Relievers By Secondary Students.

Section 121A.223 — Possession And Use Of Sunscreen.

Section 121A.23 — Programs To Prevent And Reduce The Risks Of Sexually Transmitted Infections And Diseases.

Section 121A.24 — Seizure Training And Action Plan.

Section 121A.25 — Chemical Abuse Preassessment Teams; Definitions.

Section 121A.26 — School Preassessment Teams.

Section 121A.28 — Law Enforcement Records.

Section 121A.29 — Reporting; Chemical Abuse.

Section 121A.30 — Pesticide Application At Schools.

Section 121A.31 — Safety Requirement Guidelines.

Section 121A.32 — Eye Protective Devices.

Section 121A.33 — Certain Mercury Use In Schools Prohibited.

Section 121A.335 — Lead In School Drinking Water.

Section 121A.336 — Notification Of Environmental Hazards.

Section 121A.34 — School Safety Patrols.

Section 121A.37 — Youth Sports Programs.

Section 121A.38 — Concussion Procedures.

Section 121A.39 — School Counselors.

Section 121A.40 — Citation.

Section 121A.41 — Definitions.

Section 121A.42 — Policy.

Section 121A.425 — Full And Equitable Participation In Preschool And Prekindergarten.

Section 121A.43 — Exclusion And Expulsion Of Pupils With A Disability.

Section 121A.44 — Expulsion For Possession Of Firearm.

Section 121A.45 — Grounds For Dismissal.

Section 121A.46 — Suspension Procedures.

Section 121A.47 — Exclusion And Expulsion Procedures.

Section 121A.48 — Good Faith Exception.

Section 121A.49 — Appeal.

Section 121A.50 — Judicial Review.

Section 121A.51 — Reports To Service Agency.

Section 121A.52 — Nonapplication Of Compulsory Attendance Law.

Section 121A.53 — Report To Commissioner Of Education.

Section 121A.54 — Notice Of Right To Be Reinstated.

Section 121A.55 — Policies To Be Established.

Section 121A.56 — Application.

Section 121A.575 — Alternatives To Pupil Suspension.

Section 121A.58 — Corporal Punishment.

Section 121A.582 — Student Discipline; Reasonable Force.

Section 121A.585 — Notice Of Recording Device On A School Bus.

Section 121A.59 — Bus Transportation A Privilege Not A Right.

Section 121A.60 — Definitions.

Section 121A.61 — Discipline And Removal Of Students From Class.

Section 121A.64 — Notification; Teachers' Legitimate Educational Interest.

Section 121A.65 — Review Of Policy.

Section 121A.67 — Removal By Peace Officer.

Section 121A.69 — Hazing Policy.

Section 121A.70 — Secret Fraternities And Societies.

Section 121A.72 — School Locker Policy.

Section 121A.75 — Receipt Of Records; Sharing.