Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 116J — Employment And Economic Development
Section 116J.435 — Innovative Business Development Public Infrastructure Grant Program.

Subdivision 1. Creation of account. An innovative business development public infrastructure account is created in the bond proceeds fund. Money in the account may only be used for capital costs of public infrastructure for eligible innovative business development projects.
Subd. 2. Definitions. For purposes of this section:
(1) "local governmental unit" means a county, city, town, special district, public higher education institution, or other political subdivision or public corporation;
(2) "governing body" means the council, board of commissioners, board of trustees, board of regents, or other body charged with governing a local governmental unit;
(3) "public infrastructure" means publicly owned physical infrastructure in this state, including, but not limited to, wastewater collection and treatment systems, drinking water systems, storm sewers, utility extensions, telecommunications infrastructure, streets, roads, bridges, parking ramps, facilities that support basic science technology and clinical research, and research infrastructure;
(4) "innovative business" means a business that is engaged in, or is committed to engage in, innovation in Minnesota in one of the following: using proprietary technology to add value to a product, process, or service in a high technology field; researching or developing a proprietary product, process, or service in a high technology field; researching, developing, or producing a new proprietary technology for use in the fields of tourism, forestry, mining, transportation, or green manufacturing;
(5) "proprietary technology" means the technical innovations that are unique and legally owned or licensed by a business and includes, without limitation, those innovations that are patented, patent pending, a subject of trade secrets, or copyrighted; and
(6) "eligible project" means an innovative business development capital improvement project in this state, including: manufacturing; technology; warehousing and distribution; research and development; innovative business incubator; agricultural processing; or industrial, office, or research park development that would be used by an innovative business.
Subd. 3. Grant program established. (a) The commissioner shall make competitive grants to local governmental units to acquire and prepare land on which public infrastructure required to support an eligible project will be located, including demolition of structures and remediation of any hazardous conditions on the land, or to predesign, design, acquire, construct, furnish, and equip public infrastructure required to support an eligible project. The local governmental unit receiving a grant must provide for the remainder of the public infrastructure costs from other sources. The commissioner may waive the requirements related to an eligible project under subdivision 2 if a project would be eligible under this section but for the fact that its location requires infrastructure improvements to residential development.
(b) The amount of a grant may not exceed the lesser of the cost of the public infrastructure or 50 percent of the sum of the cost of the public infrastructure plus the cost of the completed eligible project.
(c) The purpose of the program is to keep or enhance jobs in the area, increase the tax base, or to expand or create new economic development through the growth of new innovative businesses and organizations.
Subd. 4. Application. (a) The commissioner must develop forms and procedures for soliciting and reviewing applications for grants under this section. At a minimum, a local governmental unit must include the following information in its application:
(1) a resolution of its governing body certifying that the money required to be supplied by the local governmental unit to complete the public infrastructure is available and committed;
(2) a detailed estimate, along with necessary supporting evidence, of the total development costs for the public infrastructure and eligible project;
(3) an assessment of the potential or likely use of the site for innovative business activities after completion of the public infrastructure and eligible project;
(4) a timeline indicating the major milestones of the public infrastructure and eligible project and their anticipated completion dates;
(5) a commitment from the governing body to repay the grant if the milestones are not realized by the completion date identified in clause (4); and
(6) any additional information or material the commissioner prescribes.
(b) The determination of whether to make a grant under subdivision 3 is within the discretion of the commissioner, subject to this section. The commissioner's decisions and application of the priorities are not subject to judicial review, except for abuse of discretion.
Subd. 5. Priorities. (a) If applications for grants exceed the available appropriations, grants must be made for public infrastructure that, in the commissioner's judgment, provides the highest return in public benefits for the public costs incurred. "Public benefits" include job creation, environmental benefits to the state and region, efficient use of public transportation, efficient use of existing infrastructure, provision of affordable housing, multiuse development that constitutes community rebuilding rather than single-use development, crime reduction, blight reduction, community stabilization, and property tax base maintenance or improvement. In making this judgment, the commissioner shall give priority to eligible projects with one or more of the following characteristics:
(1) the potential of the local governmental unit to attract viable innovative businesses;
(2) proximity to public transit if located in a metropolitan county, as defined in section 473.121, subdivision 4;
(3) multijurisdictional eligible projects that take into account the need for affordable housing, transportation, and environmental impact;
(4) the eligible project is not relocating substantially the same operation from another location in the state, unless the commissioner determines the eligible project cannot be reasonably accommodated within the local governmental unit in which the business is currently located, or the business would otherwise relocate to another state or country; and
(5) the number of jobs that will be created.
(b) The factors in paragraph (a) are not listed in a rank order of priority; rather, the commissioner may weigh each factor, depending upon the facts and circumstances, as the commissioner considers appropriate.
Subd. 6. Cancellation of grant. If a grant is awarded to a local governmental unit and funds are not encumbered for the grant within four years after the award date, the grant must be canceled.
Subd. 7. Repayment of grant. If an eligible project supported by public infrastructure funded with a grant awarded under this section is not occupied by an innovative business in accordance with the grant application under subdivision 4 within five years after the date of the last grant payment, the grant recipient must repay the amount of the grant received. The commissioner must deposit all money received under this subdivision into the state treasury and credit it to the debt service account in the state bond fund.
2006 c 258 s 34; 2009 c 35 s 1,2; 2009 c 78 art 2 s 12; 2010 c 189 s 39

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 116J - 116O — Economic Development And Planning

Chapter 116J — Employment And Economic Development

Section 116J.01 — Department Of Employment And Economic Development.

Section 116J.011 — Mission.

Section 116J.0124 — Plain Language In Written Materials.

Section 116J.0125 — Annual Report To Legislature.

Section 116J.013 — Cost-of-living Study; Annual Report.

Section 116J.014 — Cooperation With Other State Agencies.

Section 116J.03 — Definitions.

Section 116J.035 — Powers Of Commissioner; Rules.

Section 116J.401 — Designation; Duties; Data.

Section 116J.4011 — Labor Market Information Data Production Requirement.

Section 116J.403 — Rules.

Section 116J.407 — Dairy Modernization.

Section 116J.39 — Office Of Broadband Development.

Section 116J.391 — Coordination Of Broadband Infrastructure Development.

Section 116J.394 — Definitions.

Section 116J.395 — Border-to-border Broadband Development Grant Program.

Section 116J.3951 — Broadband Line Extension Program.

Section 116J.396 — Border-to-border Broadband Fund.

Section 116J.397 — Updated Broadband Deployment Data And Maps.

Section 116J.398 — Broadband Prevailing Wage Exemption.

Section 116J.399 — Broadband Easements.

Section 116J.411 — Definitions.

Section 116J.412 — Account Allocation.

Section 116J.415 — Challenge Grant Program.

Section 116J.417 — Greater Minnesota Child Care Facility Capital Grant Program.

Section 116J.421 — Rural Policy And Development Center.

Section 116J.4221 — Rural Policy And Development Center Fund.

Section 116J.423 — Minnesota 21st Century Fund.

Section 116J.424 — Iron Range Resources And Rehabilitation Contribution.

Section 116J.431 — Greater Minnesota Business Development Public Infrastructure Grant Program.

Section 116J.435 — Innovative Business Development Public Infrastructure Grant Program.

Section 116J.436 — Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure Program.

Section 116J.437 — Coordinating Economic Development And Environmental Policy.

Section 116J.438 — Minnesota Green Enterprise Assistance.

Section 116J.439 — Airport Infrastructure Renewal (air) Grant Program.

Section 116J.548 — Host Community Economic Development Grants.

Section 116J.5491 — Energy Transition Office.

Section 116J.5492 — Energy Transition Advisory Committee.

Section 116J.5493 — Minnesota Energy Transition Plan.

Section 116J.55 — Community Energy Transition Grants.

Section 116J.571 — Creation Of Accounts.

Section 116J.572 — Definitions.

Section 116J.574 — Grant Applications.

Section 116J.575 — Grants.

Section 116J.5761 — Loans.

Section 116J.5762 — Loan Applications.

Section 116J.5763 — Priorities.

Section 116J.5764 — Loan Terms And Conditions.

Section 116J.5765 — Nonliability.

Section 116J.578 — Bioscience Subsidy.

Section 116J.60 — Promotional Expenses.

Section 116J.617 — Tourism Loan Program.

Section 116J.63 — Sale Of Pamphlets And Publications; Fees; Advertising.

Section 116J.64 — Loans To Indians.

Section 116J.658 — Minnesota Science And Technology Economic Development Project.

Section 116J.871 — Financial Assistance Limitations; Prevailing Wage.

Section 116J.872 — Economic Response Team.

Section 116J.8731 — Minnesota Investment Fund.

Section 116J.8732 — Seed Capital Investment Credit; Commissioner's Responsibilities.

Section 116J.8737 — Small Business Investment Tax Credit.

Section 116J.8738 — Qualified Expansions Of Greater Minnesota Businesses.

Section 116J.8745 — Microenterprise Entrepreneurial Assistance.

Section 116J.8747 — Job Training Program Grant.

Section 116J.8748 — Minnesota Job Creation Fund.

Section 116J.8749 — Main Street Economic Revitalization Program.

Section 116J.551 — Creation Of Accounts.

Section 116J.552 — Definitions.

Section 116J.553 — Grant Applications.

Section 116J.554 — Grants.

Section 116J.555 — Priorities.

Section 116J.556 — Local Match Requirement.

Section 116J.557 — Cost Recovery Actions.

Section 116J.558 — Effect Of Issuance Of Grants.

Section 116J.559 — Loans.

Section 116J.66 — Business Assistance.

Section 116J.68 — Bureau Of Small Business.

Section 116J.69 — Uniform Business Licensing Policy.

Section 116J.70 — Definitions.

Section 116J.71 — New Licenses.

Section 116J.72 — Existing Licenses.

Section 116J.73 — Bureau Of Business Licenses; Declaration Of Purpose.

Section 116J.74 — Definitions.

Section 116J.76 — General Functions; Powers And Duties.

Section 116J.77 — Assistance Of Other Agencies.

Section 116J.78 — Comprehensive License Information.

Section 116J.79 — Preapplication Conferences.

Section 116J.80 — Master Application Procedure.

Section 116J.81 — License Coordination And Assistance To Applicants.

Section 116J.82 — Consolidated Hearings.

Section 116J.83 — License Authority Retained.

Section 116J.84 — Services Provided At No Charge.

Section 116J.85 — Federal And Local Government Participation.

Section 116J.86 — Compilation And Maintenance Of Statistical Data.

Section 116J.876 — Definitions.

Section 116J.8761 — Capital Access Program; Creation; Administration.

Section 116J.8762 — Commissioner; Duties.

Section 116J.8763 — Eligible Loans.

Section 116J.8764 — Enrollment Of Loans In Program.

Section 116J.8765 — Reserve Fund; Premiums.

Section 116J.8766 — Claims By Lender To Reserve Fund.

Section 116J.8767 — Subrogation Of Claims.

Section 116J.8768 — Excess Reserve Funds.

Section 116J.8769 — Termination.

Section 116J.8770 — Equity Investments.

Section 116J.8771 — Waiver.

Section 116J.881 — Small Business Loan Guarantee Program.

Section 116J.955 — Rural Rehabilitation Revolving Account.

Section 116J.966 — Commissioner's Trade Promotion Duties.

Section 116J.976 — State Approval Of Government Procurement Agreements.

Section 116J.978 — Minnesota Trade Offices In Foreign Markets.

Section 116J.9781 — Invest Minnesota.

Section 116J.979 — Minnesota Step Grants.

Section 116J.980 — Community Development.

Section 116J.982 — Community Development Corporations.

Section 116J.9922 — Central Minnesota Opportunity Grant Program.

Section 116J.9923 — Telecommuter Forward! Certification.

Section 116J.9924 — Targeted Community Capital Project Grant Program.

Section 116J.993 — Definitions.

Section 116J.994 — Regulating Local And State Business Subsidies.

Section 116J.995 — Economic Grants.

Section 116J.996 — Military Reservist Economic Injury And Veteran-owned Small Business Loans.