(a) Every new or revised numeric water quality standard must be supported by a technical support document that provides the scientific basis for the proposed standard and that has undergone external, scientific peer review. Numeric water quality standards in which the agency is adopting, without change, a United States Environmental Protection Agency criterion that has been through peer review are not subject to this paragraph. Documentation of the external peer review panel, including the name or names of the peer reviewer or reviewers, must be included in the statement of need and reasonableness for the water quality standard.
(b) Every technical support document developed by the agency must be released in draft form for public comment before peer review and before finalizing the technical support document.
(c) The commissioner must provide public notice and information about the external peer review through the request for comments published at the beginning of the rulemaking process for the numeric water quality standard, and:
(1) the request for comments must identify the draft technical support document and where the document can be found;
(2) the request for comments must include a proposed charge for the external peer review and request comments on the charge;
(3) all comments received during the public comment period must be made available to the external peer reviewers; and
(4) if the agency is not soliciting external peer review because the agency is adopting a United States Environmental Protection Agency criterion without change, that must be noted in the request for comments.
(d) The purpose of the external peer review is to evaluate whether the technical support document and proposed standard are based on sound scientific knowledge, methods, and practices. The external peer review must be conducted according to the guidance in the most recent edition of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Peer Review Handbook. Peer reviewers must not have participated in developing the scientific basis of the standard. Peer reviewers must disclose any activities or circumstances that could pose a conflict of interest or create an appearance of a loss of impartiality that could interfere with an objective review.
(e) The type of review and the number of peer reviewers depends on the nature of the science underlying the standard. A panel review must be used when the agency is developing significant new science or science that expands significantly beyond current documented scientific practices or principles.
(f) In response to the findings of the external peer review, the agency must revise the draft technical support document as appropriate. The findings of the external peer review must be documented and attached to the final technical support document, which must be an exhibit as part of the statement of need and reasonableness in the rulemaking to adopt the new or revised water quality standard. The agency must note changes in the final technical support document made in response to the external peer review.
(g) By December 15 each year, the commissioner must post on the agency's website a report identifying the water quality standards development work in progress or completed in the past year, the lead agency scientist for each development effort, and opportunities for public input.
1Sp2015 c 4 art 4 s 100; 1Sp2019 c 4 art 3 s 97
Structure Minnesota Statutes
Chapters 114C - 116I — Environmental Protection
Chapter 115 — Water Pollution Control; Sanitary Districts
Section 115.03 — Powers And Duties.
Section 115.035 — External Peer Review Of Water Quality Standards.
Section 115.04 — Disposal Systems And Point Sources.
Section 115.05 — Judicial Review.
Section 115.061 — Duty To Notify; Avoiding Water Pollution.
Section 115.063 — Hazardous And Radioactive Waste; Policy To Protect Potable Water.
Section 115.065 — Disposal Prohibited.
Section 115.067 — Below-grade Disposal Systems; Prohibition; Exception.
Section 115.069 — Radionuclide Pollution; High-level Nuclear Waste Depository.
Section 115.07 — Violations And Prohibitions.
Section 115.071 — Enforcement.
Section 115.072 — Recovering Litigation Costs And Expenses.
Section 115.073 — Enforcement Funding.
Section 115.075 — Information And Monitoring.
Section 115.076 — Background Of Permit Applicants.
Section 115.08 — Interpretation.
Section 115.09 — Citation; Water Pollution Control Act.
Section 115.1701 — Definitions.
Section 115.1703 — Ballast Water; Management Plan.
Section 115.1705 — Ballast Water Record Book.
Section 115.1707 — Consultation And Cooperation.
Section 115.42 — Policy; Long-range Plan; Purpose.
Section 115.425 — Noningested Sources; Phosphorus Reduction Goal.
Section 115.44 — Classification Of Waters; Standards Of Quality And Purity.
Section 115.449 — Public Wastewater Treatment Facilities; Proposal Requirements.
Section 115.455 — Effluent Limitations; Compliance.
Section 115.456 — Compliance Schedules.
Section 115.46 — Taxation By Municipality.
Section 115.48 — Agency Assuming Power.
Section 115.49 — Cooperation Between Municipalities; Contracts.
Section 115.50 — Towns; Powers To Act.
Section 115.51 — Enforcing Contracts Between Municipalities.
Section 115.52 — Severability.
Section 115.53 — Modifying Classification Or Standards.
Section 115.542 — Notice Requirements For Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities.
Section 115.55 — Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems.
Section 115.56 — Mandatory Licensing Program.
Section 115.57 — Loan Program; Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems And Wells.
Section 115.58 — Alternative Discharging Sewage Systems; General Permits.
Section 115.61 — Authority Of District.
Section 115.62 — Board; Membership; Term; Quorum; Officers; Compensation.
Section 115.63 — Manager Authority; Employees.
Section 115.64 — Acquiring Property.
Section 115.65 — Purpose; Duties Of District; Annexing Territory.
Section 115.66 — Severability.
Section 115.73 — Certification Required.