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Section 1.01 — Extent. - The sovereignty and jurisdiction of this state extend to all...
Section 1.02 — Jurisdiction Over Waters. - Courts and officers having jurisdiction in a county bordering upon...
Section 1.03 — Waters Included. - The concurrent jurisdiction of a county and of courts and...
Section 1.041 — Concurrent Jurisdiction Of State And United States. - Subdivision 1. Rights of state. Except as otherwise expressly provided,...
Section 1.042 — Consent Of State. - Subdivision 1. Given for certain purposes. The consent of the...
Section 1.043 — Jurisdiction, When To Vest. - The jurisdiction granted or ceded to the United States over...
Section 1.0431 — Retrocession. - Subdivision 1. General power. Notwithstanding any other law, all or...
Section 1.044 — Upper Mississippi River Wild Life And Fish Refuge. - Consent of the state of Minnesota is given to the...
Section 1.045 — State, Consent To Acquisition Of Lands. - Consent of the state of Minnesota is given to the...
Section 1.0451 — Limits On Consent To Federal Acquisitions Of Lands In St. Louis, Lake, And Cook Counties; Water And Land Ownership; Duties Of State Officials. - Subdivision 1. Ownership of navigable waters and beds. Pursuant to...
Section 1.046 — Evidence Of Consent. - The consent of the state given under sections 1.041 to...
Section 1.047 — Condemnation Proceedings In State Courts By United States. - When consent to the acquisition by the United States of...
Section 1.048 — Effect Of Repeal Of Certain Laws. - Mason's Minnesota Statutes of 1927, sections 4 and 5, as...
Section 1.049 — Acquisition Of Lands In Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge By United States. - Consent of the State of Minnesota is given to the...
Section 1.05 — Waiver Of Immunity For Violations Of Certain Federal Statutes. - Subdivision 1. Age Discrimination in Employment Act. An employee, former...
Section 1.12 — Federal Flowage Easements Over Highways. - When requested by the commissioner of transportation the governor, in...
Section 1.13 — Money Received Credited To Highway Fund. - Any payment so received for the granting of an easement...
Section 1.135 — State Seal. - Subdivision 1. Purpose. This section prescribes the design and states...
Section 1.141 — State Flag. - Subdivision 1. Adoption. The design of the state flag proposed...
Section 1.142 — State Flower. - Subdivision 1. Lady slipper. The pink and white lady slipper,...
Section 1.143 — State Tree. - Subdivision 1. Red or Norway pine. The Red pine (Pinus...
Section 1.145 — State Bird. - Subdivision 1. Loon. The loon, Gavia immer, is the official...
Section 1.146 — State Fish. - Subdivision 1. Walleye. The walleye, Stizostedion v. vitreum, is the...
Section 1.1465 — State Bee. - Subdivision 1. Rusty patched bumble bee. The rusty patched bumble...
Section 1.147 — State Gemstone. - Subdivision 1. Lake Superior agate. The Lake Superior agate is...
Section 1.1475 — State Fruit. - The Honeycrisp apple is the official fruit of the state...
Section 1.148 — State Grain. - Subdivision 1. Wild rice. Zizania aquatica, commonly known as wild...
Section 1.1485 — State Soil. - Lester is designated as the official soil of the state...
Section 1.149 — State Mushroom. - Subdivision 1. Designation. Morchella esculenta, commonly known as the morel,...
Section 1.1495 — State Drink. - Milk is adopted as the official drink of the state...
Section 1.1496 — State Muffin. - The blueberry muffin is adopted as the official muffin of...
Section 1.1497 — State Butterfly. - The Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is the official butterfly of...
Section 1.1498 — State Photograph. - Subdivision 1. Designation. The world-renowned photograph "Grace," depicting an elderly...
Section 1.1499 — State Sport. - Ice hockey is adopted as the official sport of the...
Section 1.15 — Boundary Compact; Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. - The following compact is ratified and approved: A COMPACT Entered...
Section 1.16 — Maps On File. - The maps referred to in the compact in section 1.15...
Section 1.21 — Great Lakes Basin Compact. - The Great Lakes Basin Compact is ratified, enacted into law,...
Section 1.22 — Commissioners. - In pursuance of Article IV of the compact, there shall...
Section 1.23 — State Officers, Duties. - All officers of this state shall do all things falling...
Section 1.26 — Enemy Attack, Temporary Relocation Of Seats Of Government. - Subdivision 1. Political subdivision defined. As used in this section,...
Section 1.27 — Local Interim Emergency Succession Act. - Subdivision 1. Short title. This section is the "Local Interim...
Section 1.50 — Freedom From Violence. - The state of Minnesota hereby adopts a policy of zero...
Section 1.51 — Flags Flown At Half-staff Following Public Safety Officer Death. - Each American flag and Minnesota flag flown on the grounds...