Sec. 8.
(1) As used in this section, "law" means any of the following:
(a) A public act of the legislature.
(b) An initiated law adopted by the people.
(c) An executive order of the governor submitted to the legislature pursuant to section 2 of article 5 of the state constitution of 1963 and having the force of law.
(2) A reference to "Michigan Compiled Laws" shall include all sections of law, as last amended, which are assigned a compilation number by the legislative service bureau and are not subsequently repealed.
(3) Unless otherwise specifically provided, a reference to all or part of a statute, regardless of whether the words "as amended" are used in the reference, shall include the latest amendments to the statute or part.
(4) With respect to a section of the Michigan Compiled Laws which is added to a statute or amended subsequent to the most recent published compilation of the laws of this state in force, as certified by the legislative council, a reference within the title or an enacting section of a statute to the law which added or amended the section is not required, but a statute may include within the title or enacting section, or both, of the statute, a reference to the law which added or most recently amended the section subsequent to the most recent published compilation.
History: Add. 1982, Act 183, Imd. Eff. June 17, 1982
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
R.S. of 1846 - Revised Statutes of 1846 (8.1 - 8.9)
R-S-1846-8-1-1 - Chapter 1 Chapter 1. of the Statutes. (8.1...8.9)
Section 8.1 - Original Acts; Custody.
Section 8.3 - General Rules of Construction.
Section 8.3a - Approved Usage; Technical Words and Phrases.
Section 8.3b - Singular and Plural; Gender.
Section 8.3c - Authority of Majority.
Section 8.3d - “Annual Meeting” Defined.
Section 8.3e - “Grantor” and “Grantee” Defined.
Section 8.3f - “Inhabitant” Defined.
Section 8.3g - “Insane Person” Defined.
Section 8.3h - Repealed. 1978, Act 642, Eff. July 1, 1979.
Section 8.3i - “Land,”“real Estate,” and “Real Property” Defined.
Section 8.3j - “Month” and “Year” Defined.
Section 8.3k - “Oath” and “Sworn” Defined.
Section 8.3l - “Person” Defined.
Section 8.3m - “Preceding” and “Following” Defined.
Section 8.3n - "Seal" Defined.
Section 8.3o - “State” and “United States” Defined.
Section 8.3p - Repealed. 1978, Act 642, Eff. July 1, 1979.
Section 8.3q - “Written” and “In Writing” Construed.
Section 8.3r - Acts of Incorporation Deemed Public Acts.
Section 8.3s - “General Election” Defined.
Section 8.3t - “Firearm” Defined.
Section 8.3w - Section Numbers.
Section 8.4 - Effect of Repeal of Repealing Statute.
Section 8.4a - Effect of Repeal.
Section 8.4b - Catchline Not Part of Section.
Section 8.4c - “Shall Not Apply” Defined.
Section 8.6 - Statutes and Rules; Time; Computation.
Section 8.6a - Auditor General; Access to Records.
Section 8.7 - Department of Natural Resources; References.
Section 8.8 - “Law” Defined; Reference to “Michigan Compiled Laws”; Reference to Statute as Including Latest Amendments; Use of “As Amended”; Reference in Title or Enacting Section to Law Adding or Amending Section Subsequent to Most Recent Published...