Michigan Compiled Laws
328-1931-XLIII - Chapter XLIII Frauds and Cheats (750.271...750.300a)
Section 750.297f - “Halal” Defined; Prohibited Acts; Violation as Misdemeanor; Presumption; Additional Prohibited Acts; Investigation and Inspection by Department of Agriculture; Rules.

Sec. 297f.
(1) As used in this section, "halal" means prepared or processed in accordance with Islamic religious requirements.
(2) A person who, with intent to defraud, does any of the following is guilty of a misdemeanor:
(a) Sells or exposes for sale in any place where food products are sold for consummation on or off the premises any meat, meat preparation, article of food, or food product, and falsely represents it to be halal, whether the meat, or meat preparation, article of food, or food product is raw or prepared for human consumption, either by direct statement orally, or in writing, which is reasonably calculated to deceive or lead a reasonable person to believe that a representation is being made that that food is halal.
(b) Falsely represents any food product or the contents of any package or container to be so constituted and prepared, by having or permitting to be inscribed on the package or container the word "halal" in English.
(c) Exposes for sale in any show window or place of business both halal and nonhalal meat or meat preparations, or halal and nonhalal food or food products, either raw or prepared for human consumption, and who fails to identify each kind of meat or meat preparation as "halal meat" or "halal food".
(d) Displays on his or her window, door, or in his or her place of business, or in handbills or other printed matter distributed inside or outside of his or her place of business, words or letters in Arabic characters other than the word "halal", or any sign, emblem, insignia, symbol, or mark in simulation of same, without also displaying in English letters of at least the same size as such characters, signs, emblems, insignia, symbols, or marks, the words "we sell halal meat and food only" or "we sell nonhalal meat and food only", or "we sell both halal and nonhalal meat and food".
(3) Possession of nonhalal food, in any place of business advertising the sale of halal food only, is presumptive evidence that the person in possession exposes the nonhalal meat and food for sale with intent to defraud.
(4) A person who does any of the following is guilty of a misdemeanor:
(a) Willfully marks, stamps, tags, brands, labels, or in any other way or by any other means of identification represents or causes to be marked, stamped, tagged, branded, labeled, or represented as halal food or food products not halal or not so prepared.
(b) Willfully removes, defaces, obliterates, covers, alters, or destroys, or causes to be removed, defaced, obliterated, covered, altered, or destroyed the original slaughterhouse plumba or any other mark, stamp, tag, brand, label, or any other means of identification affixed to foods or food products to indicate that those foods or food products are halal.
(c) Knowingly sells, disposes of, or has in his or her possession, for the purpose of resale to any person as halal, any food or food products not having affixed to the food or food product the original slaughterhouse plumba or any other mark, stamp, tag, brand, label, or other means of identification employed to indicate that that food or food product is halal or any food or food products to which such plumba, mark, stamp, tag, brand, label, or other means of identification has been fraudulently affixed.
(5) The department of agriculture shall investigate and inspect the sale of halal food products and shall enforce this act. The department of agriculture may promulgate rules for the enforcement and administration of this section under the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.
History: Add. 2002, Act 207, Imd. Eff. Apr. 29, 2002 Compiler's Notes: In subsection (2)(a), “consummation” evidently should read “consumption.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 750 - Michigan Penal Code

Act 328 of 1931 - The Michigan Penal Code (750.1 - 750.568)

328-1931-XLIII - Chapter XLIII Frauds and Cheats (750.271...750.300a)

Section 750.271 - Domestic Corporations; Securities, Fraudulent Issue and Sale.

Section 750.272 - Foreign Corporations; Stock, Fraudulently Issued, Sale.

Section 750.273 - Fraudulently Obtaining Signature; Penalty.

Section 750.274 - Note; Fraudulent Signature; Knowingly Purchasing, Collection.

Section 750.275 - Warranty Deed or Similar Words; Use.

Section 750.276 - Promise to Vendee of Grain to Sell at Fictitious Price; Signature to Note.

Section 750.277 - Promise to Vendee of Grain to Sell at Fictitious Price; Sale and Transfer.

Section 750.278 - Fraudulent Warehouse Receipts; Executing and Delivering.

Section 750.279 - Personal Property; Fraudulent Disposition.

Section 750.280 - Gross Frauds and Cheats at Common Law.

Section 750.281 - Repealed. 1996, Act 212, Imd. Eff. May 28, 1996.

Section 750.282 - Offenses Against Water, Steam, Electric, or Gas Companies, or Propane Gas Dealers or Distributors, and Boards or Municipalities Owning or Operating Plants; Misdemeanor; Felony; Civil Action Not Impaired by Criminal Prosecution; Pres...

Section 750.282a - Sale or Transfer of Electric or Natural Gas Product or Service Illegally Obtained; Violation as Felony; Penalty; Definitions.

Section 750.283 - Fruits and Vegetables Sold in Closed Package; Fraud Prevention.

Section 750.284 - Genuine Article; Selling Goods Other Than; Marking.

Section 750.285 - Repealed. 2004, Act 452, Eff. Mar. 1, 2005.

Section 750.286 - Repealed. 1964, Act 256, Eff. Aug. 28, 1964.

Section 750.287 - Sterling or Sterling Silver Marked Articles; Fraud in Sale.

Section 750.288 - Coin or Coin Silver; Fraud in Sale of Articles Marked.

Section 750.289 - Common Carrier; False Billing of Goods.

Section 750.290 - Imitation Leather; Boots and Shoes.

Section 750.291 - Boarding House Keepers; Defrauding.

Section 750.292 - Hotel, Motel, Inn, Restaurant, Cafe; Defrauding; Limitation on Proceedings.

Section 750.293 - Hotel, Motel, Inn, Restaurant, Cafe; Prima Facie Evidence.

Section 750.294 - Animals; Fraudulent Registration as Pure-Bred.

Section 750.295 - Milk and Butter Fat Production; Fraudulent Practices.

Section 750.296 - Repealed. 1984, Act 262, Imd. Eff. Dec. 14, 1984.

Section 750.297-750.297d - Repealed. 1966, Act 78, Imd. Eff. June 10, 1966.

Section 750.297e - Kosher Food Products; Definition; Sale; False Representation; Prohibited Acts; Evidence of Fraud; Inspection and Supervision of Sale of Meat; Rules; Violation as Misdemeanor.

Section 750.297f - “Halal” Defined; Prohibited Acts; Violation as Misdemeanor; Presumption; Additional Prohibited Acts; Investigation and Inspection by Department of Agriculture; Rules.

Section 750.298 - Medicine; Practicing Under False or Assumed Name.

Section 750.298a - Representation of Service as Under Supervision of Physician; Product or Appliance Approved by Medical Profession.

Section 750.299 - Agricultural Seeds; False Statement.

Section 750.300 - Insurance Company; Killing or Injuring Animals to Defraud.

Section 750.300a - Food Stamps or Coupons; Conduct as Crime; Course of Conduct as One Offense; Determination of Degree; Definitions.