Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 293 of 1968 - Status of Minors and Child Support (722.1 - 722.6)
Section 722.4a - Petition; Filing; Signature; Verification; Contents; Affidavit; Service on Parents or Guardian; Notice of Hearing.

Sec. 4a.
(1) A minor seeking emancipation shall file a petition for emancipation in the family division of circuit court in the county where the minor resides. The petition shall be signed and verified by the minor, and shall include all of the following information:
(a) The minor's full name and birth date, and the county and state where the minor was born.
(b) A certified copy of the minor's birth certificate.
(c) The name and last known address of the minor's parents, guardian, or custodian.
(d) The minor's present address, and length of residency at that address.
(e) A declaration by the minor indicating that he or she has demonstrated the ability to manage his or her financial affairs. The minor may include any information he or she considers necessary to support the declaration.
(f) A declaration by the minor indicating that he or she has the ability to manage his or her personal and social affairs. The minor may include in this section any information he or she considers necessary to support the declaration.
(2) The petition shall include an affidavit by any of the following individuals declaring that the individual has personal knowledge of the minor's circumstances and believes that under those circumstances emancipation is in the best interests of the minor:
(a) Physician.
(b) Nurse.
(c) Member of the clergy.
(d) Psychologist.
(e) Family therapist.
(f) Certified social worker.
(g) Social worker.
(h) Social work technician.
(i) School administrator.
(j) School counselor.
(k) Teacher.
(l) Law enforcement officer.
(m) Duly regulated child care provider.
(3) A copy of the petition and a summons to appear at the hearing shall be served on the minor's parents or guardian. A notice of hearing shall be sent to the individual who provided the affidavit required under subsection (2).
History: Add. 1988, Act 403, Eff. Mar. 30, 1989 ;-- Am. 1996, Act 412, Eff. Jan. 1, 1998 Popular Name: Emancipation of Minors Act