Michigan Compiled Laws
3-1895-IX - Chapter IX Finance and Taxation. (69.1... 69.27)
Section 69.22 - Raising Additional Amounts by Tax or Loan; Approval of Electors; Limitation on Taxation and Indebtedness; Exclusions From Limitation; Validation of Prior Bonds or Obligations; Computation of Net Indebtedness for Purposes of Subsection...

Sec. 22.
(1) If any greater amount is required in any year for any lawful purpose than can otherwise be raised by the council under this chapter, the amount may be raised by tax or loan, or partly by tax and partly by loan. If approved by a majority vote of the electors at an annual or special village election, the council may levy a tax that, in any year, must not exceed 2% of the assessed valuation of the real and personal property within the village, as shown by the last preceding assessment roll of the village.
(2) The amount of indebtedness incurred by the issue of bonds or otherwise, including existing indebtedness, must not exceed 10% of the assessed valuation of the real and personal property within the village subject to taxation as shown by the last preceding assessment roll of the village. Bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of special assessments even though the bonds are a general obligation of the village, motor vehicle highway fund bonds even though they are a general obligation of the village, revenue bonds, or bonds issued or contract or assessment obligations incurred to comply with an order of the department of environmental quality or a court of competent jurisdiction, even though they are a general obligation of the village and bonds issued or contract or assessment obligations incurred for water supply, sewage, drainage, or refuse disposal necessary to protect the public health by abating pollution even though they are a general obligation of the village, are not included in this limitation. Money on hand in a sinking fund limited to the payment of indebtedness may be treated as a reduction of the indebtedness to that extent. In case of fire, flood, or other calamity requiring an emergency fund for the relief of the inhabitants of the village, or for the repairing or rebuilding of any of its municipal buildings, works, bridges, or streets, the council may borrow money due in not more than 3 years and in an amount not exceeding 1/4 of 1% of the taxable valuation of the village, notwithstanding that the loan may increase the indebtedness of the village beyond the limitations fixed by this section. If a village is authorized to acquire or operate a public utility, the village may issue mortgage bonds therefor beyond the general limit of bonded indebtedness prescribed by this section. The mortgage bonds issued beyond the limit of general indebtedness prescribed by this section must not impose any liability upon the village, but must be secured only upon the property and revenues of the public utility, including its franchise, stating the terms upon which, in case of foreclosure, the purchaser may operate the public utility; which franchise must not extend for a period of more than 20 years from the date of the sale of the utility and franchise on foreclosure. All bonds issued, or contract or assessment obligations incurred, before January 30, 1974 are validated.
(3) In computing the net indebtedness for the purposes of subsection (2), there may be added to the assessed value of real and personal property in a village for a fiscal year an amount equal to the assessed value equivalent of certain village revenues as determined under this subsection. The assessed value equivalent must be calculated by dividing the sum of the following amounts by the village's millage rate for the fiscal year:
(a) The amount paid or the estimated amount required to be paid by the state to the village during the village's fiscal year for the village's use under the Glenn Steil state revenue sharing act of 1971, 1971 PA 140, MCL 141.901 to 141.921, and the amount of any eligible reimbursement to the village under the local community stabilization authority act, 2014 PA 86, MCL 123.1341 to 123.1362, except any amount distributed under section 17(4)(c) of the local community stabilization authority act, 2014 PA 86, MCL 123.1357, in excess of the village's qualified loss. The department of treasury shall certify these amounts upon request. As used in this subdivision, "qualified loss" means that term as defined in section 5 of the local community stabilization authority act, 2014 PA 86, MCL 123.1345.
(b) The amount levied by the village for its own use during the village's fiscal year from the specific tax levied under 1974 PA 198, MCL 207.551 to 207.572.
(c) The amount levied by the village for its own use during the village's fiscal year from the specific tax levied under the commercial redevelopment act, 1978 PA 255, MCL 207.651 to 207.668.
History: 1895, Act 3, Imd. Eff. Feb. 19, 1895 ;-- CL 1897, 2873 ;-- CL 1915, 2747 ;-- CL 1929, 1656 ;-- CL 1948, 69.22 ;-- Am. 1952, Act 168, Eff. Sept. 18, 1952 ;-- Am. 1969, Act 65, Eff. Mar. 20, 1970 ;-- Am. 1974, Act 4, Imd. Eff. Jan. 30, 1974 ;-- Am. 1998, Act 254, Imd. Eff. July 13, 1998 ;-- Am. 2018, Act 87, Eff. June 24, 2018

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapters 61 - 75 - Villages

Act 3 of 1895 - The General Law Village Act (61.1 - 75.12)

3-1895-IX - Chapter IX Finance and Taxation. (69.1... 69.27)

Section 69.1 - Authority of Council to Levy Taxes; General Fund.

Section 69.2 - Authority of Council to Levy Taxes; General Highway Fund.

Section 69.3 - Repealed. 1958, Act 116, Eff. Sept. 13, 1958.

Section 69.4 - Authority of Council to Levy Taxes; Cemeteries; Tax Limit.

Section 69.5 - Authority of Council to Levy Taxes; Street and Other Local Improvements; Special Assessment Proceeds.

Section 69.6 - Taxation for Payment of Interest, Principal, Sinking Fund Deposits, Evidences of Indebtedness, Assessments, or Contract Obligations; Credit for Surplus Money.

Section 69.7 - Auditing and Settling Accounts; Statement.

Section 69.7a - Commencement of Fiscal Year.

Section 69.8 - Village Taxes; Annual Assessment Roll; Contents; Certification of Determination.

Section 69.9 - Assessment Roll; Review by Township Board of Review.

Section 69.10, 69.11 - Repealed. 1967, Act 84, Eff. Nov. 2, 1967.

Section 69.12 - Annual Assessment Roll; Certification of Board of Review.

Section 69.13 - Assessment Roll; Council's Certificate to Treasurer; Contents.

Section 69.14 - Assessment Roll; Tax Apportionment by Assessor.

Section 69.15 - Delivery of Certified Assessment Roll to Treasurer; Collection Warrant; Renewal of Warrant.

Section 69.16 - Taxes; Treasurer to Collect; Fees.

Section 69.17 - Taxes; Collection by Seizure of Personal Property.

Section 69.18 - Taxes as Lien Against Property; Interest; Fees and Charges; Taxes Returned Delinquent; Resolution; Tax Bill or Enclosure to Specify Where Delinquent Taxes to Be Paid; Adding Fees and Interest to Taxes; Return of Unpaid Taxes on Real P...

Section 69.19 - Tax Sales; Proceeds, Deposit With County Treasurer.

Section 69.20 - Tax on Personal Property; Collection Suit.

Section 69.21 - Borrowing in Anticipation of Revenue Sharing or Taxes.

Section 69.22 - Raising Additional Amounts by Tax or Loan; Approval of Electors; Limitation on Taxation and Indebtedness; Exclusions From Limitation; Validation of Prior Bonds or Obligations; Computation of Net Indebtedness for Purposes of Subsection...

Section 69.22a - Repealed. 1998, Act 254, Imd. Eff. July 13, 1998.

Section 69.23 - Bonds; Approval of Electors Required; Exemption of Certain Bonds and Obligations; Expenses.

Section 69.24 - Disbursements; Procedures.

Section 69.25 - Loans; Issuance and Execution of Bonds; Validation of Prior Bonds or Indebtedness.

Section 69.26, 69.27 - Repealed. 1974, Act 4, Imd. Eff. Jan. 30, 1974.