Michigan Compiled Laws
236-1961-49A - Chapter 49a (600.4951...600.4969)
Section 600.4967 - Entry of Judgment; Action to Proceed to Trial Upon Rejection; Placing Copies of Evaluation, Acceptances, and Rejections in Sealed Envelope; Filing Envelope With Clerk of Court; Opening Envelope; Evaluation Not Exceeding Jurisdictio...

Sec. 4967.
(1) If all the parties accept the mediation panel's evaluation, judgment shall be entered in that amount, which shall include all fees, costs, and interest to the date of judgment.
(2) In a case involving multiple parties, judgment shall be entered as to those opposing parties who have accepted the portions of the evaluation that apply to them.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter for multiple parties, if all or part of the evaluation of the mediation panel is rejected, the action shall proceed to trial.
(4) The mediation clerk shall place a copy of the mediation evaluation and the parties' acceptances and rejections in a sealed envelope for filing with the clerk of the court. In a nonjury action, the envelope shall not be opened and the parties shall not reveal the amount of the evaluation until the judge has rendered judgment.
(5) If the mediation evaluation of an action does not exceed the jurisdictional limitation of the district court, the mediation clerk shall so inform the trial judge.
History: Add. 1986, Act 178, Eff. Oct. 1, 1986 Compiler's Notes: Section 3 of Act 178 of 1986 provides:“(1) Sections 2925b, 5805, 5838, and 5851 of Act No. 236 of the Public Acts of 1961, as amended by this amendatory act, shall not apply to causes of action arising before October 1, 1986.“(2) Sections 1483, 5838a, and 6304 of Act No. 236 of the Public Acts of 1961, as added by this amendatory act, shall apply to causes of action arising on or after October 1, 1986.“(3) Sections 1629, 1653, 2169, 2591, 2912c, 2912d, 2912e, 6098, 6301, 6303, 6305, 6306, 6307, 6309, and 6311 of Act No. 236 of the Public Acts of 1961, as added by this amendatory act, shall apply to cases filed on or after October 1, 1986.“(4) Sections 1651 and 6013 of Act No. 236 of the Public Acts of 1961, as amended by this amendatory act, shall not apply to cases filed before October 1, 1986.“(5) Chapter 49 of Act No. 236 of the Public Acts of 1961, as added by this amendatory act, shall apply to cases filed on or after January 1, 1987.“(6) Chapter 49a of Act No. 236 of the Public Acts of 1961, as added by this amendatory act, shall apply to cases filed in judicial circuits which are comprised of more than 1 county on or after July 1, 1990 and shall apply to cases filed in judicial circuits which are comprised of 1 county on or after October 1, 1988.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 600 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961

Act 236 of 1961 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961 (600.101 - 600.9948)

236-1961-49A - Chapter 49a (600.4951...600.4969)

Section 600.4951 - Mediation of Civil Action Based on Tort; Exception; Time for Referring Action to Mediation; Hearing.

Section 600.4953 - Mediation Panel; Selection and Qualifications of Member; Judge as Member; Grounds for Disqualification as Mediator.

Section 600.4955 - Mediation Clerk; Designation; Setting Time and Place for Mediation Hearing; Notice; Adjournments.

Section 600.4957 - Mediation Fee.

Section 600.4959 - Submission of Documents and Brief or Summary to Mediation Clerk; Penalty for Failure to Submit Materials.

Section 600.4961 - Right of Party to Attend Mediation Hearing; Personal Appearance to Demonstrate Unusual Conditions; Testimony Prohibited; Rules of Evidence Inapplicable; Factual Information; Limitation on Oral Presentation; Requests and Inquiries b...

Section 600.4963 - Evaluation by Panel; Notice; Indicating Award Not Unanimous; Determination That Action or Defense Is Frivolous; Posting Cash or Surety Bond; Payment of Costs and Attorney Fees; Separate Awards; Treating Claims as Single Claim.

Section 600.4965 - Filing Written Acceptance or Rejection of Evaluation; Failure to File as Rejection; Disclosure of Acceptance or Rejection; Notice; Provisions Applicable to Mediations Involving Multiple Parties.

Section 600.4967 - Entry of Judgment; Action to Proceed to Trial Upon Rejection; Placing Copies of Evaluation, Acceptances, and Rejections in Sealed Envelope; Filing Envelope With Clerk of Court; Opening Envelope; Evaluation Not Exceeding Jurisdictio...

Section 600.4969 - Payment of Actual Costs; Adjustment of Verdict; Scope of Actual Costs; Condition Prohibiting Award of Costs.