Michigan Compiled Laws
236-1961-25 - Chapter 25 Fees (600.2501...600.2591)
Section 600.2558 - Fees of Sheriff; Increase; Mileage; Liability.

Sec. 2558.
(1) The sheriff is entitled to the fees provided in this section and section 2559.
(2) The following fees of the sheriff are allowed:
(a) For taking a bond if the sheriff is authorized to take the bond, $1.50; for a certified copy of the bond, if requested, $1.00.
(b) For every certificate on the sale of real estate, $1.50; and for each copy of the certificate, $1.50, which, together with the register's fee for filing the certificate, shall be collected as other fees on execution.
(c) For taking a bond for the liberties of the jail, $1.50.
(d) For summoning a jury upon a writ of inquiry, attending the jury, and making and returning the inquisition, $5.00.
(e) For summoning a jury pursuant to any precept or summons of any officer in any special proceeding, $5.00, and for attending the jury when required, $5.00.
(f) For bringing up a prisoner upon habeas corpus, $3.00, and for traveling each mile from the jail, 15 cents; for attending any court with that prisoner, $5.00 per day, plus actual necessary expenses.
(g) For attending before any officer with a prisoner for the purpose of having the prisoner surrendered in exoneration of his or her bail, or for attending to receive a prisoner so surrendered, who was not committed at the time, and receiving that prisoner into the sheriff's custody, in either case, $15.00.
(h) For attending a view, when ordered by the court, $15.00 per day, including the time occupied in going and returning.
(i) For making and returning an inventory and appraisal to the appraisers, $10.00 for each day actually employed, and $5.00 for each half day. The court, by rule, may adjust a schedule fixing the amount of appraisal fees if the court considers the statutory fee to be inadequate.
(j) For drafting an inventory, $1.25 for each page and for copying the inventory, 10 cents for each page.
(k) For giving notice for general or special election to the inspectors of the different townships and wards of the county, $1.00 for each township or ward, and the expenses of publishing the notices required by law, those fees and expenses to be paid by the county, as other contingent expenses of the election.
(l) For attending the supreme court by the order of the court, $10.00 for each day, to be allowed by the state treasurer on the certificate of the clerk, and paid out of the state treasury, not taxable as costs.
(m) For attending the circuit court, by the order of the court, $15.00 for each day, except in the county of Wayne; not taxable as costs. In the county of Wayne there shall be paid to the deputy sheriffs in actual attendance on the circuit court in the county such compensation as shall be fixed by the board of commissioners in accordance with the county uniform salary plan to be allowed and paid as other contingent charges of the county are paid; the number of deputies shall not exceed 2 for each judge of the third judicial circuit.
(n) For summoning grand or petit jurors to attend the circuit court, $2.00 for each juror summoned, not taxable as costs.
(o) For keeping and providing for a debtor in jail where the debtor is unable to support himself or herself, $1.00 for each day or such sum as shall be fixed by the board of commissioners, to be paid by the creditor each week, in advance, and which sum the creditor shall be entitled to recover from the debtor.
(p) For posting notices on property for foreclosure sales, $16.00 for each posting, plus mileage.
(q) For selling lands on the foreclosure of a mortgage by advertisement; and executing a deed to the purchaser and for all services required on that sale, $50.00.
(r) For each adjournment of the sale of land on the foreclosure of a mortgage by advertisement, $8.00.
(s) For serving notice of a person claiming title under a tax deed, in person and by mail, $16.00 plus mileage
(3) Mileage allowed under subsection (2) shall be computed in the same manner as provided for process served out of the circuit court under section 2559(3).
(4) Any sheriff or other officer who demands or receives any greater fees or compensation for performing any of the services mentioned in this section than as allowed by this section, shall, in addition to all other liabilities now provided by law, be liable to the party injured, for paying the illegal fees, in 3 times the amount so demanded, received, or paid, together with all costs of the action.
(5) Any sheriff or other officer who neglects or refuses any of the services required by law, after the fees specified have been tendered, shall be liable to the party injured for all damages which the party sustains by reason of that neglect or refusal.
History: 1961, Act 236, Eff. Jan. 1, 1963 ;-- Am. 1963, Act 170, Eff. Sept. 6, 1963 ;-- Am. 1974, Act 306, Eff. Jan. 1, 1975 ;-- Am. 1982, Act 173, Eff. Sept. 1, 1982 ;-- Am. 1996, Act 214, Imd. Eff. May 28, 1996 ;-- Am. 2002, Act 429, Imd. Eff. June 5, 2002

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 600 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961

Act 236 of 1961 - Revised Judicature Act of 1961 (600.101 - 600.9948)

236-1961-25 - Chapter 25 Fees (600.2501...600.2591)

Section 600.2501 - Fees; Allowance.

Section 600.2504 - Fees; Special Allowance.

Section 600.2507 - Documents; State Officers; Request for Searches and Obtaining Certified Copies; Fees.

Section 600.2510 - “Page” Defined; Compliance With Format Prescribed by State Court Administrative Office.

Section 600.2513 - Allowable Fees, Compensation, or Reward for Service.

Section 600.2516 - Fees; for Services Actually Rendered.

Section 600.2519 - Fees; Violation; Misdemeanor; Civil Liability; Forfeiture of Office.

Section 600.2522 - Fees; Taxation for Services Actually Rendered.

Section 600.2525 - Fees; Receipt; Liability for Refusal.

Section 600.2528 - Repealed. 1993, Act 189, Imd. Eff. Oct. 8, 1993.

Section 600.2529 - Fees Paid to Clerk of Circuit Court; Payment in Full; Payment of Fees to County Treasurer; Deposit and Use to Fund Certain Services; Waiving or Suspending Fees; Affidavit of Indigency or Inability to Pay; Court Order to Pay All or...

Section 600.2530 - Deposit of Fees in Friend of the Court Fund; Exception; Appropriation by County Board of Commissioners; Remitting Sums Collected to State; Appropriation by Legislature; Remittance to Law Enforcement Agency.

Section 600.2530a - Repealed. 1992, Act 234, Eff. Mar. 31, 1993.

Section 600.2531 - Oath of Office; Administration Without Fee.

Section 600.2534 - Publication of Legal Notice, Order, Citation, Summons, Advertisement, or Other Matter; Rates.

Section 600.2537 - Repealed. 1993, Act 189, Imd. Eff. Oct. 8, 1993.

Section 600.2538 - Payments of Support or Maintenance Collected by Friend of the Court or State Disbursement Unit; Fee; Notice; Contempt for Failure or Refusal to Pay Fee; Centralized Receipt and Disbursement of Support; Creation of Attorney General'...

Section 600.2540 - Compensation of Juror for Attendance on Inquest.

Section 600.2543 - Circuit Court Reporters or Recorders; Fees for Transcripts; Fees as Part of Taxable Costs.

Section 600.2546 - Certified Copies, Exemplifications of Records, Pleadings, and Proceedings; Fee.

Section 600.2549 - Depositions and Certified Copies; Fees Taxable as Costs.

Section 600.2552 - Witness Fees; Traveling Expenses; Attorneys as Witnesses; Incarcerated Witness; Inquests; Per-Mile Rate of Reimbursement.

Section 600.2555 - Process Server; Traveling Fees.

Section 600.2558 - Fees of Sheriff; Increase; Mileage; Liability.

Section 600.2559 - Fees for Service of Process; Fee for Process With Incorrect Address; Mileage; Fee for Advertising; Liability; Charging Fee in Excess of Law; Tax Costs; "Order for the Seizure of Property" Defined.

Section 600.2561 - Coroners; Compensation or Fees.

Section 600.2564 - Repealed. 2003, Act 238, Eff. Apr. 1, 2004.

Section 600.2567 - Register of Deeds; Fees.

Section 600.2567a - Fee for Recording Instrument; Amount and Payment; Additional to Other Fees; Remittance and Disposition of Fees; Limitation; Applicability of Section; “County Plan” Defined.

Section 600.2568 - Automation Fund.

Section 600.2570 - Fees of Appraisers; Mileage.

Section 600.2573 - Repealed. 1974, Act 297, Eff. Apr. 1, 1975.

Section 600.2576 - Counties Over 1,000,000; Proceedings Relating to Realty; Fees; Dispositions.

Section 600.2579 - Supreme Court Crier; Fees.

Section 600.2582 - Service on Corporation and Securities Commission; Fee.

Section 600.2591 - Frivolous Civil Action or Defense to Civil Action; Awarding Costs and Fees to Prevailing Party; Definitions.