Michigan Compiled Laws
R-S-1846-565-1-65 - Chapter 65 Chapter 65. of Alienation by Deed, and the Proof and Recording of Conveyances, and the Canceling of Mortgages. (565.1...565.49)
Section 565.8 - Deeds; Execution; Witnesses; Acknowledgment; Endorsement; Validity and Legality of Certain Acknowledgments and Recordations of Deeds; Recorded Deed Lacking 1 or More Witnesses.

Sec. 8.
Deeds executed within this state of lands, or any interest in lands, shall be acknowledged before any judge, clerk of a court of record, or notary public within this state. The officer taking the acknowledgment shall endorse on the deed a certificate of the acknowledgment, and the true date of taking the acknowledgment, under his or her hand. Any deed that was acknowledged before any county clerk or clerk of any circuit court, before September 18, 1903, and the acknowledgment of the deed, and, if recorded, the record of the deed, shall be as valid for all purposes so far as the acknowledgment and record are concerned, as if the deed had been acknowledged before any other officer named in this section, and the legality of the acknowledgment and record shall not be questioned in any court or place. If a deed has been recorded that lacks 1 or more witnesses and the deed has been of record for a period of 10 years or more, and is otherwise eligible to record, the record of the deed shall be effectual for all purposes of a legal record and the record of the deed or a transcript of the record may be given in evidence in all cases and the deed shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been duly executed in compliance with this section.
History: R.S. 1846, Ch. 65 ;-- CL 1857, 2727 ;-- CL 1871, 4210 ;-- How. 5658 ;-- CL 1897, 8962 ;-- Am. 1903, Act 117, Eff. Sept. 15, 1903 ;-- Am. 1905, Act 103, Imd. Eff. May 10, 1905 ;-- CL 1915, 11694 ;-- CL 1929, 13284 ;-- Am. 1937, Act 162, Imd. Eff. July 9, 1937 ;-- CL 1948, 565.8 ;-- Am. 1980, Act 488, Imd. Eff. Jan. 21, 1981 ;-- Am. 2002, Act 23, Imd. Eff. Mar. 4, 2002 Compiler's Notes: Section 2 of Act 488 of 1980 provides: “This amendatory act shall not affect any instrument validly executed and acknowledged before the effective date of this amendatory act.”Former Law: By the act of August 29, 1805, the clerk of every court was authorized to record all deeds and writings which were acknowledged or proved before such court, or any judge thereof, or any justice of the peace, or any notary public. If the party did not reside in Michigan the acknowledgment or proof was to be “before any court of law, or the mayor or any chief magistrate of any city, town, or corporation in which the party shall dwell, certified by such court, mayor, or magistrate, in the manner such acts are usually authenticated by them.” Woodward Code, p. 52, Secs. 87 and 89; Cass Code, p. 45; Terr. Laws, vol. 1, p. 38. Act of Sept. 16, 1810; Terr. Laws, vol. 1, p. 189, authorizes justices of the peace to take acknowledgments. By the act of 1820, deeds were required to be signed and sealed by the parties, and acknowledged or proved by one or more of the subscribing witnesses thereto, before one of the judges of the supreme court, or one of the justices of any county court, a notary public, or justice of the peace. Code of 1820, p. 157; Terr. Laws, vol. 1, p. 516. Deeds executed in any other territory, state, or country, were required to be acknowledged or proved and certified according to the laws and usages of such territory, state, or country. The provisions of the act of 1820 were substantially re-enacted in 1827, and continued in force until August 31, 1838. Revision of 1827, p. 258, and 1833, p. 279; Terr. Laws, vol. 2, p. 361. By the R.S. 1838, p. 257, acknowledgments might be made “before any judge of any court of record, or before any notary public or justice of the peace within the state or of the United States, or in any foreign country, or before any minister or consul of the United States in any foreign country.” And provision was made for proving deeds before a court of record, in case the grantor should die or depart from the state without having acknowledged the same. R.S. 1838, as amended by Act 115 of 1839, Sec. 17, p. 219, required two witnesses. R.S. 1838 required no witnesses to a deed. By Act 108 of 1840, p. 166, deeds might be acknowledged before a justice of the peace, judge of the circuit, district, or supreme courts of the state, or notary public, or master in chancery. If executed by a person residing in any other state or territory, the deed was required to be executed according to the laws of such state or territory. If executed by a person residing in a foreign country, it might be executed according to the laws of such country, and acknowledged before a minister plenipotentiary, consul, or charge d'affaires of the United States. This act was in force until repealed by the R.S. 1846. For acts respecting conveyances by the governor and judges, and by the mayor, recorder, and aldermen of Detroit, see Laws of 1834, p. 38; Act 47 of 1844, p. 60, as amended by Act 108 of 1846, p. 156; and Act 228 of 1850, p. 232.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 565 - Conveyances of Real Property

R.S. of 1846 - Revised Statutes of 1846 (565.1 - 565.49)

R-S-1846-565-1-65 - Chapter 65 Chapter 65. of Alienation by Deed, and the Proof and Recording of Conveyances, and the Canceling of Mortgages. (565.1...565.49)

Section 565.1 - Conveyance of Land Made by Deed.

Section 565.3 - Quit Claim Deed; Estate Passed.

Section 565.4 - Conveyance of Greater Estate Than Possessed; Effect.

Section 565.5 - Covenants; Implication in Conveyance.

Section 565.6 - Covenants; Implication in Mortgage.

Section 565.7 - Conveyance of Land Adversely Possessed; Validity.

Section 565.8 - Deeds; Execution; Witnesses; Acknowledgment; Endorsement; Validity and Legality of Certain Acknowledgments and Recordations of Deeds; Recorded Deed Lacking 1 or More Witnesses.

Section 565.9 - Execution of Deed in Another State; Governing Law, Acknowledgment.

Section 565.10 - Execution of Deed in Another State; Seal of Officer, Certificate; Record of Prior Deeds as Evidence.

Section 565.11 - Execution of Deed in Foreign Country; Governing Law; Acknowledgment; Certificate, Seal; Validation of Certain Deeds; Record as Evidence.

Section 565.13 - Conveyance by Nonresident Married Person; Effect; Procedure.

Section 565.14 - Deed; Failure to Acknowledge; Proof by Witness of Execution.

Section 565.15 - Deed; Failure to Acknowledge; Proof of Handwriting Where Witnesses Are Unobtainable.

Section 565.16 - Deed; Refusal to Acknowledge; Application to Circuit Court; Summons to Grantor.

Section 565.17 - Deed; Proof of Execution; Certificate of Court.

Section 565.18 - Deed; Refusal to Acknowledge; Proof of Execution by Proving Handwriting.

Section 565.19 - Subscribing Witnesses; Subpoenas for Attendance.

Section 565.20 - Subscribing Witnesses; Refusal to Appear or Testify; Civil Liability; Contempt; Penalty.

Section 565.21 - Unacknowledged Deed; Filing of Copy by Person Interested; Effect.

Section 565.22 - Unacknowledged Deed; Effect of Filing; Continuation.

Section 565.23 - Certificate of Acknowledgment or Proof of Execution; Effect on Right to Have Deed Recorded.

Section 565.24 - Delivery of Instrument to Register of Deeds; Affixing Date, Hour, and Minute; Accessibility; Destruction of Information Created or Maintained Under Subsection (2); Fee; Indexing of Instrument; Applicability of Subsections (2) to (4);...

Section 565.24a - Assignment of Liber and Page or Unique Identifying Number; Satisfaction of Recording Requirements; Delivery of Instrument Rejected on Prior Occasion.

Section 565.25 - Perfecting Recording; Conditions; Exemptions; Liability for Certain Conduct; Penalties.

Section 565.26 - Repealed. 2008, Act 358, Imd. Eff. Dec. 23, 2008.

Section 565.27 - Recorded Instruments; Contents.

Section 565.28 - Register of Deeds; General Index; Contents; Computerized Index; Securing Computerized and Primary Indexes.

Section 565.29 - Unrecorded Conveyance; Validity Against Subsequent Purchaser; Relation of Quit Claim Deed to Good Faith.

Section 565.30 - Deeds of Church Pews and Slips; Recording.

Section 565.32 - Unrecorded Deed of Defeasance; Validity Against Person Without Notice.

Section 565.33 - Assignment of Mortgage; Effect of Recording.

Section 565.34 - Purchaser; Definition.

Section 565.35 - Conveyance; Definition.

Section 565.36 - Power of Attorney to Convey Lands; Inapplicability of Preceding Section; Executory Land Contract; Recording; Recording as Evidence.

Section 565.37 - Power of Attorney to Convey Lands; Recording of Revocation.

Section 565.38 - New County; Transcription of Instruments; Effect, Compensation of Register.

Section 565.39 - Device Used as Seal; Effect; Application to Official Seals.

Section 565.40 - Prior Legal Conveyances; Effect as Evidence, Recording; Conveyance Under Unacknowledged Contract, Record as Evidence.

Section 565.41 - Discharge of Mortgage; Payment of Filing Fee by Mortgagee; Date of Discharge.

Section 565.42 - Discharge of Mortgage; Certificate of Mortgagee; Circuit Court, or Register in Chancery.

Section 565.43 - Discharge of Mortgage; Recording of Certificate; Reproduced Documents; Reference to Liber and Page Containing Certificate.

Section 565.44 - Discharge of Mortgage; Refusal; Civil Liability; Penalty; Time Periods.

Section 565.46 - Proof and Acknowledgment of Deeds; Application of Law to Instruments Affecting Lands.

Section 565.47 - Recording by Register of Deeds; Acknowledgment Required.

Section 565.48 - Deed by Surviving Joint Tenant of Lands; Recording; Certified Copy of Death.

Section 565.49 - Conveyances; Same Person or Persons Among Grantors and Grantees; Joint Tenancy, Tenancy by Entireties.