Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 294 of 1982 - Friend of the Court Act (552.501 - 552.535)
Section 552.517f - Abatement of Child Support Order Upon Incarceration of 180 Days or More; Notice; Objection and Administrative Review; Modification of Order.

Sec. 17f.
(1) The monthly amount of support payable under an order must be abated, by operation of law, effective the later of the effective date of the amendatory act that added this section or the date the payer becomes incarcerated for 180 consecutive days or more and does not have the ability to pay support. The abatement terminates according to subsection (9). Both of the following apply:
(a) It is presumed that the payer does not have the ability to pay the monthly amount of support payable under an order.
(b) If the payer has the ability to pay support, the abatement under this section does not apply.
(2) Notwithstanding section 17(1), if the payer has income or assets, the friend of the court shall initiate a review and modification according to sections 17 and 17b.
(3) The friend of the court must send a notice of abatement according to this section to the payer and recipient of support. The notice of abatement must include the effective date of the abatement and reason to object. The notice of abatement must be filed with the court. The payer and recipient of support have 21 days to object in writing based on mistake of fact or mistake of identity.
(4) The friend of the court shall not adjust the records to reflect the abatement under this section until 21 days after the friend of the court notifies each party of the proposed action and each party's right to object.
(5) Upon receipt of an objection, the friend of the court shall not adjust the records as described in subsection (4). The friend of the court shall conduct an administrative review and consider only a mistake of fact or mistake of identity in its review. If the friend of the court finds no mistake of fact or mistake of identity, the friend of the court must notify the payer and recipient of support of the administrative review determination and that subsection (1) applies. The payer or recipient of support may object to the review determination by filing a motion in the circuit court that issued the support order within 21 days after the review determination notice.
(6) If a motion is not filed in the circuit court within 21 days after the review determination notice, the friend of the court must adjust the record to reflect the abatement under this section.
(7) If the friend of the court finds a mistake of fact or mistake of identity during the administrative review required by subsection (5), the friend of the court must notify the payer and recipient of support of the administrative review determination and take action appropriate to the mistake. The review determination must be filed with the court.
(8) The adjustment to the record described in subsections (4) and (6) cannot exceed the payer's monthly amount of support and the past due support.
(9) When the payer is released from incarceration, the monthly amount of support payable under the order remains abated until the order is modified. Both of the following apply:
(a) Absent good cause to the contrary, a support payment under a modified support order is due no sooner than the first day of the first month following the 90th day after release from incarceration.
(b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a support payment due under a modified support order entered after the 90th day after release from incarceration, may be effective on the first day of the first month following the 90th day after release from incarceration. If the effective date is determined according to this subsection, the amount of support for each month since the effective date to the present date must be calculated using the actual resources of each parent during each month.
(10) Upon learning the payer is released from incarceration, the friend of the court must initiate a review within 30 days according to subsections (2) to (9) of sections 17 and 17b.
(11) The state court administrative office under the supervision and direction of the supreme court may implement a policy to assist offices of the friend of the court in implementing the abatement of support under this section. The state court administrative office must develop forms for use by offices of the friend of the court and parties to implement this section.
(12) The department of corrections and any local unit of government operating a jail must provide the title IV-D agency with the record necessary to identify payers who are or will be incarcerated for 180 consecutive days or more, the crime for which the payers are incarcerated, the payers' release date, and any information or record that assists in implementing this section as determined by the title IV-D agency. As used in this subsection, "jail" means that term as defined in section 62 of the corrections code of 1953, 1953 PA 232, MCL 791.262.
History: Add. 2020, Act 349, Eff. Dec. 30, 2021

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 552 - Divorce

Act 294 of 1982 - Friend of the Court Act (552.501 - 552.535)

Section 552.501 - Short Title; Purposes and Construction of Act.

Section 552.502 - Definitions; a to I.

Section 552.502a - Definitions; M to T.

Section 552.503 - Office of the Friend of the Court; Creation in Judicial Circuit; Exception; Separate Office in County; Vacancy; Merger; Head of Office as Friend of the Court; Friend of the Court as Employee of Circuit Court; Performance of Duties;...

Section 552.504 - Citizen Friend of the Court Advisory Committee; Establishment; Composition; Appointment; Vacancy; Terms; Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson; Court Administrative Office Guidelines; Term Limitation.

Section 552.504a - Citizen Advisory Committee; Scope; Duties; Subcommittees; Meetings Open to the Public; Exception.

Section 552.504b - Information and Records to Be Provided to Citizen Advisory Committee.

Section 552.504c - Information and Records as Confidential; Disclosure; Penalty; Grounds for Dismissal.

Section 552.505 - Duties of Friend of the Court; Failure of Party to Attend Scheduled Meeting; Charging Parties for Investigation, Report and Recommendations; Waiver or Suspension of Fees; Disposition of Money Collected.

Section 552.505a - Open Friend of the Court Case; Closure.

Section 552.507 - Referee; Designation by Chief Judge; Powers; Transcript of Hearing; Cost; De Novo Court Hearing; Request; Interim Order; Review.

Section 552.507a - Making Report, Recommendation, and Supporting Documents Available to Attorneys and Parties; Informing Parties in Child Custody Dispute or Guardian Concerning Preference Expressed by Child; Availability of Information.

Section 552.508 - Expediting Relief; Methods.

Section 552.509 - Duties of Office Regarding Support Payments Providing Statement of Account to Parties; Initiating and Carrying Out Proceedings to Enforce Order Regarding Custody, Parenting Time, Health Care Coverage or Support; Enforcement Orders E...

Section 552.509a - Centralized Receipt and Disbursement of Support and Fees.

Section 552.511 - Initiating Enforcement of Support Order and Custody or Parenting Time Order; Procedure; Arrearage; Amnesty.

Section 552.511a - Payment of Health Care Expense; Complaint; Sending Copy of Complaint and Notice to Parent; Objection; Hearing.

Section 552.511b - Custody or Parenting Time Order Violations; Complaint; Sending Copy of Complaint to Individual Accused of Interfering; Action.

Section 552.512 - Reporting Information to Consumer Reporting Agency.

Section 552.513 - Alternative Dispute Resolution; Approval of Plan; "Protection Order" Defined; Agreement; Consent Order; Confidentiality of Communication; Qualifications of Person Providing Domestic Relations Mediation or Other Forms of Alternative...

Section 552.515 - Certain Actions by Employee Providing Domestic Relations Mediation; Prohibition.

Section 552.517 - Review of Child Support Order After Final Judgment; Modification Order; Calculations; Petition for Modification; Scheduling of Hearing; Petition to Require Dependent Health Care Coverage; Use of Guidelines; Costs.

Section 552.517a - Repealed. 2002, Act 571, Imd. Eff. Oct. 3, 2002.

Section 552.517b - Review of Order; Notice of Right to Request; Notice of Review; Calculation of Support Amount; Objection; Joint Meeting Expediting Resolution of Support Issues; Provisions; Modification; Frequency of Review.

Section 552.517c - Review of Support Order in Another State; Procedures.

Section 552.517d - Motion for Modification of Parenting Time Order.

Section 552.517e - Arrearage Payment Schedules; Administrative Adjustment.

Section 552.517f - Abatement of Child Support Order Upon Incarceration of 180 Days or More; Notice; Objection and Administrative Review; Modification of Order.

Section 552.518 - Information From Employer or Former Employer Relative to Parent.

Section 552.519 - State Friend of the Court Bureau; Creation; Supervision and Direction; Main Office; Duties; State Advisory Committee; Report or Recommendation; Reimbursement for Expenses; Meetings; Assistance.

Section 552.520 - Information Requested by Department of Human Services.

Section 552.521 - Person Appointed as Friend of the Court Under Former Act; Continuation; Transfer of Files, Records, Funds, and Pending Cases of Office Under Former Act; Employees of Friend of the Court Appointed Under Former Act to Become Employees...

Section 552.522 - Appointment of Attorney to Assist Friend of the Court; Compensation.

Section 552.523 - Vacancy; Appointment of Person to Position of Friend of the Court or Interim Friend of the Court; Experience or Education.

Section 552.524 - Annual Review of Performance Record of Friend of the Court; Public Notice and Comments; Written Evaluation; Written Response; Copies.

Section 552.525 - Removal of Friend of the Court; Approval.

Section 552.526 - Grievance Procedure; Record; Powers and Duties of Citizen Advisory Committee.

Section 552.527 - Compensation and Expenses of Friend of the Court and Employees.

Section 552.528 - Compilation of Data.

Section 552.531 - Repealed. 1996, Act 366, Eff. Jan. 1, 1997.

Section 552.533 - Repeal of MCL 552.251 to 552.255.

Section 552.534 - Conditional Effective Date.

Section 552.535 - Effective Date.