Michigan Compiled Laws
R-S-1846-54-95-14-COUNTY-SURVEYORS. - County Surveyors. (54.95...54.106)
Section 54.96 - County Surveyor; Deputies, Appointment, Revocation; Oath of Office.

Sec. 96.
Each county surveyor may appoint 1 or more deputies, and may revoke such appointment at pleasure; which appointment and revocation shall be in writing, under his hand, and filed with the county clerk, and such deputies shall take the constitutional oath of office; and for the faithful performance of the duties of their office by such deputies, the said surveyor and his sureties shall be responsible.
History: R.S. 1846, Ch. 14 ;-- CL 1857, 444 ;-- CL 1871, 586 ;-- How. 615 ;-- CL 1897, 2618 ;-- CL 1915, 2480 ;-- CL 1929, 1392 ;-- CL 1948, 54.96 Compiler's Notes: This section as originally enacted was numbered section 97.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 54 - Surveyors

R.S. of 1846 - Revised Statutes of 1846 (54.95 - 54.106)

R-S-1846-54-95-14 - Chapter 14 Chapter 14. of County Officers. (54.95...54.106)

R-S-1846-54-95-14-COUNTY-SURVEYORS. - County Surveyors. (54.95...54.106)

Section 54.95 - County Surveyor; Abolition of Office; Reestablishment of Office; Eligibility for Election or Appointment; Bond.

Section 54.96 - County Surveyor; Deputies, Appointment, Revocation; Oath of Office.

Section 54.97 - County Surveyor; Certificates as Evidence.

Section 54.98 - County Surveyor; Requested Surveys.

Section 54.99 - Interest Disqualification; Surveys by Surveyor of Adjoining County.

Section 54.100 - County Surveyor; Record Book, Contents, Certification; Field Notes, Preservation, Index, Certificate; Deposit, Fireproof Vault, Location; Public Inspection; Bookkeeping Requirement.

Section 54.101 - County Surveyor; Delivery of Records to Successor, Neglect, Penalty.

Section 54.102 - County Surveyor; Contract for Copies of Original Federal Surveys, Payment, Binding; Records of Former Surveyors, Payment; Admissible as Evidence.

Section 54.103 - Survey Principles.

Section 54.105 - Residents' Corners and Lines; Re-Location, Perpetuation, Survey; Expenses, Allocation; Refusal to Pay, Lien.

Section 54.105a - Residents' Corners and Lines; Re-Location, Perpetuation, Survey Requested; Refusal to Pay Surveyor's Charges, Assessment.

Section 54.106 - County Surveyor and Deputy; Compensation; Determination; Expenses and Fees; Liability for Trespass.