Sec. 76.
(1) As used in this section, "county primary roads", "county local roads", and "state trunk line highways" mean the same as those terms are defined in Act No. 51 of the Public Acts of 1951, as amended, being sections 247.651 to 247.673 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. However, state trunk line highways does not include freeways as defined in section 18a of Act No. 300 of the Public Acts of 1949, being section 257.18a of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(2) Each sheriff's department shall provide the following services within the county in which it is established and shall be the law enforcement agency primarily responsible for providing the following services on county primary roads and county local roads within that county, except for those portions of the county primary roads and county local roads within the boundaries of a city or village; and on those portions of any other highway or road within the boundaries of a county park within that county:
(a) Patrolling and monitoring traffic violations.
(b) Enforcing the criminal laws of this state, violations of which are observed by or brought to the attention of the sheriff's department while providing the patrolling and monitoring required by this subsection.
(c) Investigating accidents involving motor vehicles.
(d) Providing emergency assistance to persons on or near a highway or road patrolled and monitored as required by this subsection.
(3) Upon request, by resolution, of the legislative body of a city or village, the sheriff's department of the county in which the city or village is located shall provide the services described in subsection (2)(a), (c), and (d) on those portions of county primary roads and county local roads and state trunk line highways within the boundaries of the city or village, which are designated by the city or village in the resolution. Upon request, by resolution, of the legislative body of a city or village, the sheriff's department of the county in which the city or village is located shall provide a vehicle inspection program on those portions of the county primary roads and county local roads within the boundaries of the city or village, which are designated by the legislative body of the city or village in the resolution. A resolution adopted by a city or village under this subsection shall not take effect unless the resolution is approved by the county board of commissioners of the county in which the city or village is located. A resolution of the city or village which is neither approved or disapproved by the county board of commissioners within 30 days after the resolution is received by the county board of commissioners shall be considered approved by the county board of commissioners. A resolution adopted by a city or village to request services under this subsection shall be void if the city or village reduces the number of sworn law enforcement officers employed by the city or village below the highest number of sworn law enforcement officers employed by the city or village at any time within the 36 months immediately preceding the adoption of the resolution. A concurrent resolution adopted by a majority vote of the Senate and the House of Representatives which states that the city or village is required to reduce general services because of economic conditions and is not reducing law enforcement services shall be presumptive that the city or village has not violated the strictures of this subsection.
(4) This section shall not be construed to decrease the statutory or common law powers and duties of the law enforcement agencies of this state or of a county, city, village, or township of this state.
History: Add. 1978, Act 416, Eff. Oct. 1, 1978 Compiler's Notes: Former Sec. 76 of Ch. 14 of R.S. 1846 was repealed by Act 314 of 1915.
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
R.S. of 1846 - Revised Statutes of 1846 (51.68 - 51.85)
R-S-1846-51-68-14 - Chapter 14 Chapter 14. of County Officers. (51.68...51.85)
R-S-1846-51-68-14-OF-SHERIFFS. - Of Sheriffs. (51.68...51.85)
Section 51.68 - Sheriff; Bond; Penal Sum; Approval; Surety.
Section 51.69 - Sheriff; Bond; Condition.
Section 51.71 - Undersheriff; Appointment, Vacancies.
Section 51.72 - Undersheriff; Executing Office of Sheriff; Effect of Default or Misfeasance.
Section 51.73 - Sheriff; Appointments and Revocations, Form, Filing; Oaths of Office.
Section 51.74 - Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff; Renewal of Security.
Section 51.75 - Sheriff; Custody of County Jails.
Section 51.78 - Repealed. 1952, Act 110, Eff. Sept. 18, 1952.
Section 51.79 - Survival of Action Against Sheriff or Deputies.
Section 51.82 - Sheriff; Services to State; Payment.
Section 51.83 - Sheriff's Office; Notice, Office Hours.
Section 51.84 - Service of Papers at Sheriff's Office.
Section 51.85 - Service of Papers on Sheriff at County Clerk's Office.