Michigan Compiled Laws
218-1956-68 - Chapter 68 Farmers' and Other Special Mutual Property Insurers (Domestic) (500.6800...500.6886)
Section 500.6858 - Adjustment or Arbitration of Losses; Subpoenas to Witnesses; Notice.

Sec. 6858.
That any district or municipal court of a judicial district or municipality of this state is authorized and required to issue subpoenas, and compel the attendance of witnesses before the president, vice-president, secretary, board of directors, or either of the directors, or the auditor or board of auditors of any mutual insurance company organized under the laws of this state, whenever requested so to do by said officers of the insurance companies, or any 1 of them, or the insured, to give evidence in any matter touching the adjustment or arbitration of losses by fire or other cause which may come before such officer or officers; and the subpoena shall be valid to compel the attendance of a witness within the same county where such matter is to be tried, and within 30 miles of the place of such trial. The opposite party interested in the adjustment or arbitration shall be notified, without cost to him, her, or them, at least 24 hours in advance, of the time and place where such witnesses are to be examined, and he, she, or they shall have the right to appear by attorney or in person, and cross-examine all witnesses produced.
History: 1956, Act 218, Eff. Jan. 1, 1957 ;-- Am. 1991, Act 141, Imd. Eff. Nov. 25, 1991 Popular Name: Act 218

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 500 - Insurance Code of 1956

Act 218 of 1956 - The Insurance Code of 1956 (500.100 - 500.8302)

218-1956-68 - Chapter 68 Farmers' and Other Special Mutual Property Insurers (Domestic) (500.6800...500.6886)

Section 500.6800 - Scope of Chapter; Code Applicability to Domestic Farmers' Mutual Insurers.

Section 500.6802 - Formation of Mutual Plan Insurers.

Section 500.6804 - Farmers' Mutuals; Organization; Insuring Powers.

Section 500.6806 - Company Organized or Operating Under MCL 500.6804; Limit of Risk.

Section 500.6807 - Farmers' Mutuals; Coverage of Property While Off Insured Premises.

Section 500.6810-500.6820 - Repealed. 1994, Act 226, Imd. Eff. June 27, 1994.

Section 500.6822 - Certificate of Authority; Required to Transact Business; Expiration; Renewal; Revocation; Qualification for Certificate of Authority or Commencing Business.

Section 500.6823 - Property Insurance; Territorial Limitations.

Section 500.6824 - Reinsurance; Limitations.

Section 500.6826 - Records and Reports; Requirements.

Section 500.6828 - Financial Report to Members; Penalty for Violations.

Section 500.6830 - Directors and Officers; Election.

Section 500.6834 - Corporation, Board, or Association as Member.

Section 500.6838 - Premium Notes and Assessments; Liens.

Section 500.6840 - Levy of Assessment; Deficit; Farmers' Mutuals; Advance Premiums; Surplus; Membership Fees; Nonassignable Policies.

Section 500.6842 - Failure to Make Assessment; Penalty.

Section 500.6844 - Surplus Fund; Accumulation.

Section 500.6846 - Board of Directors; Borrowing Power.

Section 500.6848 - Unearned Premium Reserve; Refund.

Section 500.6850 - Investments; Real Estate; Agricultural Credit Corporation Membership.

Section 500.6854 - Insurance in Excess of Fair Value Prohibited.

Section 500.6856 - Maximum Amount Recoverable on Face of Policy; Premium, Assessments.

Section 500.6858 - Adjustment or Arbitration of Losses; Subpoenas to Witnesses; Notice.

Section 500.6859 - Adjustment or Arbitration of Losses; Service of Subpoenas; Fees.

Section 500.6860 - Adjustment or Arbitration of Losses; Compelling Attendance of Witness; Costs.

Section 500.6862 - Adjustment or Arbitration of Losses; Administration of Oath to Witness; Perjury.

Section 500.6864 - Limitation of Actions.

Section 500.6866 - Uniform Farm Mutual Fire Policy.

Section 500.6868 - Uniform Farm Mutual Fire Policy; Required Form.

Section 500.6869 - Uniform Farm Mutual Fire Policy; Conflicting Bylaws, Riders.

Section 500.6870 - Uniform Farm Mutual Fire Policy; Optional Provisions.

Section 500.6872 - Uniform Farm Mutual Fire Policy; Rate, Premium, Assessment, Expiration.

Section 500.6874 - Uniform Farm Mutual Fire Policy; Printed Descriptions and Specifications of Property.

Section 500.6876 - Repealed. 1963, Act 53, Eff. Sept. 6, 1963.

Section 500.6886 - Additional Provisions of Code Applicable to Domestic Mutual Insurers.