Michigan Compiled Laws
218-1956-52 - Chapter 52 Corporate Powers, Procedures of Stock and Mutual Insurers (500.5200...500.5290)
Section 500.5208a - Definitions; Prohibited Conduct; Probable Cause of Violation; Notice of Hearing; Opportunity to Confer and Discuss Complaint and Proceedings; Action for Damages; Hearing; Findings and Decision; Cease and Desist Order; Processing C...

Sec. 5208a.
(1) As used in this section:
(a) "Noninsured benefit plan" means a benefit plan without insurance or the noninsured portion of a benefit plan which has specific or aggregate excess loss insurance.
(b) "Process a claim" means the services performed in connection with a claim for benefits including the disbursement of benefit amounts.
(2) An insurer providing services under section 5208 in connection with a noninsured benefit plan, with respect to such services, shall not do any of the following:
(a) Misrepresent pertinent facts relating to coverage.
(b) Fail to acknowledge promptly or to act reasonably and promptly upon communications with respect to a claim for benefits.
(c) Fail to adopt and implement reasonable standards for the prompt investigation of a claim for benefits.
(d) Refuse to process claims without conducting a reasonable investigation based upon the available information.
(e) Fail to communicate affirmation or denial of coverage of a claim for benefits within a reasonable time after a claim has been received.
(f) Fail to attempt in good faith to promptly, fairly, and equitably process a claim for benefits.
(g) Knowingly compel covered individuals to institute litigation to recover amounts due under a benefit plan by offering substantially less than the amounts due.
(h) For the purpose of coercing a covered individual to accept a settlement or compromise in a claim, inform the covered individual of a policy of appealing administrative hearing decisions which are in favor of covered individuals.
(i) Delay the investigation or processing of a claim by requiring a covered individual, or the provider of services to the covered individual, to submit a preliminary claim and then requiring subsequent submission of a formal claim, seeking solely the duplication of a verification.
(j) Fail to promptly provide a reasonable explanation of the basis for denial or partial denial of a claim for benefits.
(k) Fail to promptly process a claim where liability has become reasonably clear under 1 portion of a benefit plan in order to influence a settlement under another portion of the benefit plan.
(l) Refuse to enter into a service contract nor refuse to provide services under a service contract because of race, color, creed, marital status, sex, national origin, residence, age, disability, or lawful occupation.
(3) An insurer providing services under section 5208 in connection with a noninsured benefit plan shall not, in order to induce a person to contract or to continue to contract with the insurer for the provision of services under a service contract offered by the insurer; to induce a person to lapse, forfeit, or surrender a policy or service contract issued by the insurer; or to induce a person to secure or terminate coverage with another insurer, health care corporation, health maintenance organization, or other person, directly or indirectly:
(a) Issue or deliver to the person money or any other valuable consideration.
(b) Offer to make or make an agreement relating to a service contract other than as plainly expressed in the service contract.
(c) Offer to give or pay, or give or pay, directly or indirectly, a rebate or adjustment of the rate payable on the service contract, or an advantage in the services thereunder, except as reflected in the rate and expressly provided in the service contract. Readjustment of the rate for services provided under the service contract may be made at the end of any contract year or contract period and may be made retroactive.
(d) Make, issue, or circulate, or cause to be made, issued, or circulated, any estimate, illustration, circular, or statement misrepresenting the terms of a service contract, the advantages provided thereunder, or the true nature thereof.
(e) Make a misrepresentation in a comparison, whether oral or written, between service contracts of the insurer or between service contracts of the insurer and another insurer, health care corporation, health maintenance organization, or other person.
(4) When the commissioner has probable cause to believe that an insurer is violating, or has violated subsection (2), indicating a persistent tendency to engage in conduct prohibited by that subsection, or has probable cause to believe that an insurer is violating or has violated subsection (3), he or she shall give written notice to the insurer, pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328, setting forth the general nature of the complaint against the insurer and the proceedings contemplated under this section. Before the issuance of a notice of hearing, the staff of the bureau of insurance responsible for the matters which would be at issue in the hearing shall give the insurer an opportunity to confer and discuss the possible complaint and proceedings in person with the commissioner or a representative of the commissioner, and the matter may be disposed of summarily upon agreement of the parties. This subsection shall not be construed to diminish the right of a person to bring an action for damages under this section.
(5) A hearing held pursuant to subsection (4) shall be held pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328. If, after the hearing, the commissioner determines that the insurer is violating, or has violated subsection (2), indicating a persistent tendency to engage in conduct prohibited by that subsection, or has violated or is violating subsection (3), the commissioner shall reduce his or her findings and decision to writing, and shall issue and cause to be served upon the insurer a copy of the findings and an order requiring the insurer to cease and desist from engaging in the prohibited activity. The commissioner may at any time, by order, and after notice and opportunity for a hearing, reopen and alter, modify, or set aside, in whole or in part, an order issued by him or her under this subsection, when in his or her opinion conditions of fact or law have so changed as to require that action, or if the public interest so requires.
(6) An insurer providing services under section 5208 in connection with a noninsured benefit plan shall process claims for benefits on a timely basis. When not paid on a timely basis, benefits payable to a covered individual shall bear simple interest from a date 60 days after a satisfactory claim form was received by the insurer, at a rate of 12% interest per annum. The interest shall be paid by the noninsured benefit plan in addition to, and at the time of payment of, the claim.
(7) An insurer providing services under section 5208 in connection with a noninsured benefit plan shall specify in writing the materials which constitute a satisfactory claim form not later than 30 days after receipt of a claim, unless the claim is settled within 30 days. If a claim form is not supplied as to the entire claim, the amount supported by the claim form shall be considered to be paid on a timely basis if paid within 60 days after receipt of the claim form by the insurer.
(8) An insurer providing the services under section 5208 in connection with a noninsured benefit plan shall provide in its service contract a provision that the person contracting for the services in connection with a noninsured benefit plan shall notify each covered individual what services are being provided; the fact that individuals are not insured or are only partially insured, as the case may be; which party is liable for payment of benefits; and of future changes in benefits.
(9) An insurer which violates this section shall be subject to the same penalties as provided in section 2038.
(10) The sections and subsections of this act are declared to be severable and if any court of competent jurisdiction finds that any section or subsection is invalid, the remaining sections or subsections shall remain in full force and effect.
History: Add. 1981, Act 189, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1981 ;-- Am. 1998, Act 26, Imd. Eff. Mar. 12, 1998 Popular Name: Act 218

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 500 - Insurance Code of 1956

Act 218 of 1956 - The Insurance Code of 1956 (500.100 - 500.8302)

218-1956-52 - Chapter 52 Corporate Powers, Procedures of Stock and Mutual Insurers (500.5200...500.5290)

Section 500.5200 - Applicability of Chapter.

Section 500.5202 - Life, Accident or Sickness Insurers; Reorganization Under Code.

Section 500.5204 - Companies Deemed Bodies Corporate and Politic; Corporation Law Applicable.

Section 500.5205 - Proof of Corporate Existence and Authority to Insure.

Section 500.5206 - Corporate Powers; Enumeration; Exercise by Board of Directors.

Section 500.5208 - Corporate Powers; Limitations; Applicability of Prohibition; Services Performed in Connection With Noninsured Benefit Plan; Provisions; Interference With Rights and Obligations Under Collective Bargaining Agreement Prohibited; Repo...

Section 500.5208a - Definitions; Prohibited Conduct; Probable Cause of Violation; Notice of Hearing; Opportunity to Confer and Discuss Complaint and Proceedings; Action for Damages; Hearing; Findings and Decision; Cease and Desist Order; Processing C...

Section 500.5209 - Insurer's Name; Restrictions.

Section 500.5210 - Dealing in Commodities Prohibited; Exception.

Section 500.5214 - Articles of Incorporation; Amendment.

Section 500.5215 - Articles of Domestic Stock Insurer; Amendment as to Increase, Decrease, or Reclassification of Capital Stock.

Section 500.5216 - Articles; Amendment as to Reduction of Capital; Condition; Methods of Effecting Reduction.

Section 500.5218 - Increase or Decrease of Capital Stock; Authorization by Commissioner; Approval by Stockholders; Vote; Final Approval; Par Value of Stock; Issuance of New Stock.

Section 500.5220 - Blank Forms for Amending Articles.

Section 500.5222 - Corporate Life; Extension.

Section 500.5224 - Corporate Life; Expiration, Liquidation.

Section 500.5228 - Bylaws; Adoption; Filing.

Section 500.5230 - Special Meetings of Stockholders or Members; Notice of Meetings.

Section 500.5232 - Voting Rights; Stockholders, Members, Proxies, Fiduciaries, Pledgees.

Section 500.5234 - Stockholders and Members; Voting Rights, Quorum.

Section 500.5236 - Voting Rights; Inspectors of Election.

Section 500.5238 - Trustees or Directors; Residency Requirement; Director as Policyholder of Insurer; Meetings; Frequency; Oath.

Section 500.5239 - Repealed. 1988, Act 290, Eff. Jan. 1, 1989.

Section 500.5240 - Discharging Duties of Director or Officer; Commencement of Action for Failure to Perform Duties.

Section 500.5241 - Indemnification Against Expenses of Action, Suit, or Proceeding Generally.

Section 500.5242 - Indemnification Against Expenses of Action, Suit, or Proceeding; Additional Provisions.

Section 500.5242a - Indemnification Against Expenses of Action, Suit, or Proceeding; Mandatory; Standard of Conduct; Determination.

Section 500.5242b - Payment of Expenses in Advance of Final Disposition of Action, Suit, or Proceeding; Undertaking.

Section 500.5242c - Indemnification or Advancement of Expenses Not Exclusive of Other Rights; Indemnification Inuring to Benefit of Heirs, Executors, and Administrators.

Section 500.5242d - “Corporation” Defined for Purposes of MCL 500.5241 to 500.5242c.

Section 500.5243 - Repealed. 1988, Act 290, Eff. Jan. 1, 1989.

Section 500.5244 - Liability for Payment Under Invalid Law or Ordinance.

Section 500.5245 - Board of Directors; Quorum; Special Meetings; Consent to Action Taken Without Meeting.

Section 500.5246 - Officers and Agents; Appointment, Removal, Bond.

Section 500.5248 - Directors, Officers, and Employees of Domestic Insurer; Compensation.

Section 500.5252 - Director or Officer of Insurance Corporation; Receiving Money or Valuables For, or Having Pecuniary Interest In, Purchase, Sale, or Loan Prohibited; Certain Transactions Not Prohibited; Issuing Certificate of Exemption; Hearing; Re...

Section 500.5256 - Records Relating to Insurer's Business or Affairs; Locations; Production; Safekeeping of Securities, Notes, Mortgages, or Other Evidences of Indebtedness; Exceptions; Holding Certificates in Name of Nominee; Indorsement; Control or...

Section 500.5258 - Acknowledgments.

Section 500.5260 - Stock Certificates; Substitutions.

Section 500.5264 - Expenditures, Vouchers, and Affidavits.

Section 500.5266 - Dividends to Stockholders; General Provision.

Section 500.5267 - Dividends to Stockholders; Domestic Fire Insurance Company.

Section 500.5270 - Insurer's Rights as Stockholder in Other Corporations.

Section 500.5272 - Domestic Fire Insurance Company; Deficiency of Assets; Notice; Cessation of Business; Liability.

Section 500.5274 - Domestic Fire Insurance Company; Assessment of Stockholders.

Section 500.5276 - Domestic Fire Insurance Company; Liability of Directors Under New Risks Accepted During Deficiency.

Section 500.5280 - Domestic Mutual Insurer; Assets; Deficiency; Liability of Director.

Section 500.5282 - Domestic Stock Insurer; Statement of Beneficial Ownership of Equity Securities.

Section 500.5283 - Unfair Use of Information; Prevention; Actions for Recovery of Profits; Limitations; Exempt Transactions.

Section 500.5283a - Acquisition of Stock or Stock Option; Exemption From MCL 500.5283; Conditions; Definition.

Section 500.5283b - Selection of Director or Officer to Whom Stock Allocated or Options Granted; Exercise of Discretion; Director or Committee Member as Disinterested Person; Section Inapplicable to Certain Options or Equity Securities.

Section 500.5283c - Stock Purchase Plan; Limitations.

Section 500.5284 - Securities Not Owned; Sale; Failure to Deliver to Transferee; Exception.

Section 500.5285 - Nonapplication of Sections to Certain Transactions.

Section 500.5286 - Foreign or Domestic Arbitrage Transactions; Exemptions.

Section 500.5287 - Equity Security; Definition.

Section 500.5288 - Registered Equity Securities; Exemptions; Conditions.

Section 500.5289 - Insurance Commissioner; Regulatory Powers; Effect of Good Faith.

Section 500.5290 - Unlawful Solicitation; Use of Name to Solicit Proxies or Consents.