Michigan Compiled Laws
218-1956-21 - Chapter 21 (500.2101...500.2138)
Section 500.2117 - Home Insurance; Condition of Maintaining Insurer's Certificate of Authority; Basis of Underwriting Rules; Provisions Applicable to Repair Cost Policy; Rates; Aggregation of Claims; Adjustment of Minimum Dollar Amounts.

Sec. 2117.
(1) As a condition of maintaining its certificate of authority, an insurer shall not refuse to insure, refuse to continue to insure, or limit the coverage available to an eligible person for home insurance, except in accordance with underwriting rules established under this section and section 2119.
(2) The underwriting rules that an insurer may establish for home insurance shall be based only on the following:
(a) Criteria identical to the standards set forth in section 2103(2).
(b) The physical condition of the property insured or to be insured, if the underwriting rules are objective, are directly related to the perils insured against, and, without regard to the age of the structure, are based on the specific provisions of a national, state, or local housing and safety code, a manufacturer's specification, or standards of similar specificity. If an applicant or insured obtains a certificate of compliance or habitation issued by an appropriate governmental unit or agency, certifying that a building is in substantial compliance with local housing and safety codes, the certificate creates a rebuttable presumption that the dwelling meets the insurer's underwriting rules relating to physical condition.
(c) For the renewal of a home insurance policy, the claim history of the person insured or to be insured during the 3-year period immediately preceding renewal of the policy, if that history is based on 1 or both of the following:
(i) Claim experience arising out of the insured's negligence.
(ii) Failure by the insured, after written notice from the insurer, to correct a physical condition that is directly related to a paid claim or that presents a clear risk of a significant loss under the property or liability portions of a homeowners policy.
(d) The relationship between market value and replacement cost of a dwelling insured or to be insured for a replacement cost policy, if a repair cost policy is offered by the insurer under subsection (3).
(e) For nonrenewal of a home insurance policy, the claim history under the policy, excluding liability claims, as follows:
(i) If there has been 1 or more of the following:
(A) Three paid claims within the immediately preceding 3-year period totaling $3,000.00 or more, exclusive of weather-related claims.
(B) Three paid claims within the immediately preceding 3-year period totaling $4,000.00 or more, including weather-related claims.
(ii) A history of 3 or more paid claims within an immediately preceding 3-year period if the insurer meets all of the following:
(A) Has an underwriting rule under subparagraph (i) in effect.
(B) The underwriting rule under this subparagraph is for a paid claim history that totals not less than the amount in subparagraph (i)(A) exclusive of weather-related claims and totals not less than the amount in subparagraph (i)(B) including weather-related claims.
(C) The underwriting rule under this subparagraph applies to an insured who has had a home insurance policy with the insurer for a continuous minimum period of time as determined by the insurer that may be any period of time between 5 and 10 years.
(f) Whether the number of residences within the dwelling are inconsistent with the policy forms approved by the commissioner for the insurer.
(g) Whether a dwelling has been unoccupied for more than 60 days, if there is evidence of an intent to vacate or keep the premises vacant or unoccupied, as to the applicant or insured.
(h) The existence of an adjacent physical hazard, if the hazard presents a significant risk of loss directly related to the perils insured or to be insured against for which a rate surcharge is not applicable. For purposes of this subdivision only, residential property or traffic patterns shall not be considered to cause a significant risk of loss. Nonrenewals based upon an adjacent physical hazard shall be due to a change in the hazard from that which existed at the original date of issuance of the policy.
(i) The failure of the insured or applicant to purchase an amount of insurance in excess of 80% of the replacement cost of the property to be insured under a replacement cost policy, if both of the following conditions are met:
(i) The purchase of an amount of insurance in excess of 80% of the replacement cost is a condition for sale of the policy.
(ii) The insurer offers in this state at least 1 form of a replacement cost policy for which the insurer requires only a minimum amount of insurance equal to 80% of the replacement cost of the dwelling as a condition of purchase.
(j) One or more incidents involving a threat, harassment, or physical assault by the insured or applicant for insurance on an insurer employee, agent, or agent employee while acting within the scope of his or her employment, if a report of the incident was filed with an appropriate law enforcement agency.
(3) If an insurer establishes an underwriting rule based on the relationship between the market value and replacement cost under subsection (2)(d), both of the following apply to the repair cost policy:
(a) The insurer shall offer the repair cost policy with deductibles, terms and conditions, perils insured against, and types and amounts of coverage, which are substantially equivalent to the deductibles, terms and conditions, perils insured against, and types and amounts of coverage provided by the replacement cost policy of the insurer, at least equivalent to the HO-2 form replacement cost policy filed and in effect in this state for the principal rating organization as of October 1, 1979.
(b) The insurer shall not use an underwriting rule based on the relationship between the market value and replacement cost for the repair cost policy.
(4) The rates of an insurer for a repair cost policy shall be established so that the premium for a repair cost policy shall not exceed 105% of the premium for an amount of insurance equal to 80% of the replacement cost of the dwelling under the equivalent replacement cost policy described in subsection (3)(a). Premiums for dwellings with identical replacement costs shall vary on a schedule determined by the insurer in accordance with the market value of the dwellings.
(5) Off-premises claims may be aggregated for the purposes of subsection (2)(e), irrespective of the location of the insured dwelling. All claims other than off-premises losses used in a determination for purposes of subsection (2)(e) shall be aggregated only as to an insured dwelling. The minimum dollar amounts prescribed in subsection (2)(e)(i) shall be adjusted on January 1, 2006, and on January 1 of every sixth year thereafter to reflect the aggregate annual average percentage change in the consumer price index since the previous adjustment, rounded to the nearest hundred dollars. As used in this subsection, "consumer price index" means the consumer price index for all urban consumers in the U.S. city average, as most recently reported by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, and after certification by the commissioner in an administrative bulletin.
History: Add. 1979, Act 145, Eff. Jan. 1, 1981 ;-- Am. 1980, Act 461, Imd. Eff. Jan. 15, 1981 ;-- Am. 2001, Act 25, Eff. Jan. 1, 2002 ;-- Am. 2002, Act 492, Eff. Mar. 31, 2003 ;-- Am. 2012, Act 441, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 2012 Popular Name: Act 218Popular Name: Essential InsurancePopular Name: No-Fault Insurance

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 500 - Insurance Code of 1956

Act 218 of 1956 - The Insurance Code of 1956 (500.100 - 500.8302)

218-1956-21 - Chapter 21 (500.2101...500.2138)

Section 500.2101 - Meanings of Words and Phrases.

Section 500.2102 - Definitions; a to D.

Section 500.2103 - Definitions; E to I.

Section 500.2104 - Definitions; P to U.

Section 500.2105 - Automobile Insurance or Home Insurance to Conform With Chapter; Exceptions; Group Plan Requirements; Group Discounts; Applicability to Certain Insurers; Effective Date.

Section 500.2106 - Applicability of Chapters 24 and 26; File, Approval, and Use of Rates; Inconsistent Provisions.

Section 500.2107 - Filings; Review; Disputes; Approval; Order of Disapproval; Revised Filing.

Section 500.2108 - Filing of Manual or Plan; Statement of Character and Extent of Coverage; Maintaining Rates in Effect for Eligible Persons; Insurer as Member of or Subscriber to Rating Organization; Deviations; Certification, Contents, and Public I...

Section 500.2109 - Rates for Automobile Insurance and Home Insurance; Requirements; Determining Existence of Reasonable Degree of Competition.

Section 500.2110 - Development and Evaluation of Rates; Considerations; Systems of Expense Provisions; Grouping Risks by Classifications.

Section 500.2110a - Premium Discount Plan.

Section 500.2110b - Use of Automobile Repair or Automobile Glass Repair or Replacement Service; Unreasonable Restriction Prohibited; Disclosure; Notice to Consumers; Development of Plan.

Section 500.2111 - Classifications and Territorial Base Rates for Automobile Insurance or Home Insurance; Conformity With Applicable Requirements; Additional Factors.

Section 500.2111a - Completion of Traffic Accident Prevention Course; Premium Discount to Insureds 50 Years of Age and Older; Provisions.

Section 500.2111b, 500.2111c - Repealed. 1991, Act 191, Eff. Apr. 1, 1992.

Section 500.2111d - Home Insurance; Premium Discount Plan for Senior Citizens.

Section 500.2111e - Rates Increase Prohibited; Applicability of Section.

Section 500.2111f - Automobile Insurance; Premium Rate Reduction Requirements for Personal Protection Insurance Coverage; Approval by Director; Use of Savings; Applicability to Certain Increases; Inclusion of Catastrophic Claims Assessment; Severabil...

Section 500.2112 - Written Notice to Policyholder; Information Available Upon Request; Contact Information; Manner of Providing; Trade Secret.

Section 500.2113 - Private Informal Managerial-Level Conference With Insurer; Internal Procedures; Review and Determination by Commissioner; Procedure for Determination; Hearing Matter as Contested Case.

Section 500.2114 - Person or Organization Aggrieved by Filing; Application for Hearing; Specification of Grounds; Notice of Hearing; Order of Commissioner.

Section 500.2115 - Finding by Commissioner That Reasonable Degree of Competition Does Not Exist on Statewide Basis; Order Requiring Compliance With Chapter 24 or 26; Hearing; Notice; New Order.

Section 500.2116 - Condition of Licensure as Insurance Agent; Penalizing Insurance Agent.

Section 500.2116a - Automobile Insurance; Person on Active Duty in United States Armed Forces; Lapse in Coverage; Prohibited Conduct by Insurer; Conditions.

Section 500.2116b - Automobile Insurance; Lapse in Coverage; Prohibited Conduct by Insurer; Applicability.

Section 500.2117 - Home Insurance; Condition of Maintaining Insurer's Certificate of Authority; Basis of Underwriting Rules; Provisions Applicable to Repair Cost Policy; Rates; Aggregation of Claims; Adjustment of Minimum Dollar Amounts.

Section 500.2118 - Automobile Insurance; Condition of Maintaining Insurer's Certificate of Authority; Basis of Underwriting Rules.

Section 500.2119 - Underwriting Rules to Be in Writing; Inconsistent Transactions Prohibited; Uniform Application of Underwriting Rules Required; Adoption of Underwriting Rules by Insurer With More Than 1 Rating Plan; Underwriting Rules for New Appli...

Section 500.2119a - Automobile Insurance; Calculating Insurance Eligibility Points.

Section 500.2120 - Automobile Insurance; Establishment of Underwriting Rules by Affiliated Insurers; Applicability of Subsection (1); Compliance; Separate Rating Plans; Applicability of Subsection (2); Underwriting Rules Defining Applicable Rating Pl...

Section 500.2121 - Home Insurance; Criteria for Selecting Dwellings for Inspection; Inspection Program; Filing Inspection Criteria; Disapproval of Inspection Criteria; Liability.

Section 500.2122 - Declination of Insurance; Explanation of Reasons; Refusal of Application Form as Declination.

Section 500.2123 - Termination of Insurance; Delivery or Mailing of Notice; Contents of Notice; Effective Date of Termination; Conformity With Underwriting Rules; Violation of Chapter 32 Not Authorized.

Section 500.2124 - Liability for Information or Statement.

Section 500.2125 - Suspension of Insurer's Obligation Under MCL 500.2117 or 500.2118; Hearing; Duration of Suspension.

Section 500.2126 - Suspension of Acceptance of Applications; Filing and Contents of Notice; Disapproval.

Section 500.2127 - Collecting and Reporting Data; Rule; Use of Sampling Techniques.

Section 500.2128 - Repealed. 1986, Act 10, Imd. Eff. Feb. 28, 1986.

Section 500.2129 - Exemption From Chapter; Request; Form; Continuation of Exemption; Filing Annual Reporting Form; Order Discontinuing Exemption; Requalification for Exemption Prohibited; Ineligible Insurers.

Section 500.2130 - Rules Requiring Exchange of Insurance Claim Information; Liability.

Section 500.2131 - Effective Date of MCL 500.2101 to 500.2105, 500.2107, and 500.2131; Effective Date of Chapter Generally.

Section 500.2134-500.2138 - Repealed. 1991, Act 191, Eff. Apr. 1, 1992.