Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 113 of 1869 - Waterworks (486.301 - 486.318)
Section 486.316 - Purchase of Corporate Rights and Property by Municipality; Arbitration.

Sec. 16.
From and after the expiration of 25 years from the time of the organization of such company, the common council of the city, town or village, for which the said company may have erected its works, shall have the right and privilege of purchasing, from such company, all its buildings, reservoirs, fixtures, apparatus and property of such company, with all its corporate rights and privileges, at such price as may be agreed upon; and in case of disagreement between the parties, the price to be ascertained and determined by 5 disinterested persons, not residents of said city or village, 2 of whom shall be chosen by said common council, 2 by the board of directors of such company, and the fifth by the 4 so chosen, who, when thus chosen and assembled, shall have power to determine, finally and conclusively, the amount which such town, city or village shall pay for the rights, property and franchises of such company, as aforesaid.
History: 1869, Act 113, Imd. Eff. Apr. 3, 1869 ;-- CL 1871, 3370 ;-- How. 3125 ;-- CL 1897, 8515 ;-- CL 1915, 11297 ;-- CL 1929, 11890 ;-- CL 1948, 486.316

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 486 - Water and Power Companies

Act 113 of 1869 - Waterworks (486.301 - 486.318)

Section 486.301 - Waterworks in Municipalities; Incorporators; Powers.

Section 486.302 - Certificate; Contents, Filing and Recording; Body Corporate, Name.

Section 486.303 - Corporate Power to Hold Property.

Section 486.304 - Capital Stock; Fixed Amount, Increase.

Section 486.305 - Officers; Election, Term, Powers; Quorum of Stockholders; Right to Vote.

Section 486.306 - Corporate Powers.

Section 486.307 - Acquisition and Use of Lands for Purposes of Act; Survey and Map, Signing, Filing; Right of Entry.

Section 486.308 - Condemnation Proceedings.

Section 486.309 - Stock Deemed Personal Property; Certificates of Stock, Transfer; Report to Assessing Officer.

Section 486.310 - Capital Stock; Subscriptions, Calling In; Sale, Procedure, Proceeds; Rights of Purchaser.

Section 486.311 - Stockholder's Liability; Recovery Prerequisites; Contribution to Creditor.

Section 486.312 - Contract Between Municipality and Company; Obligations.

Section 486.313 - Stockholders; Annual and Special Meetings.

Section 486.314 - Officers of Company; Designation, Election, Bonding.

Section 486.315 - Ordinances of Common Council; Granting Use of Public Property; Rates of Compensation.

Section 486.316 - Purchase of Corporate Rights and Property by Municipality; Arbitration.

Section 486.317 - Municipality as Stockholder; Issuance of Bonds, Interest Rate Limit, Tax Levy; Certain Corporations as Stockholders.

Section 486.318 - Company Fully Organized; Qualification, Powers, Financial Arrangements.