Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 78 of 1893 - Order of Hermann's Sons (457.641 - 457.646)
Section 457.641 - State Grand Lodge; Manner of Becoming Body Corporate and Politic.

Sec. 1.
That the state grand lodge of the order of Hermann's Sons in the state of Michigan that now is or may hereafter be duly instituted or organized within this state under and pursuant to the provisions of the constitution and laws of the national grand lodge of said order may become a body corporate and politic in the manner following:
First, At some regular session of such grand lodge held under and pursuant to the constitution and laws thereof, a resolution shall be put to vote of the members thereof expressing the desire and determination of said grand lodge to be incorporated and directing the proper officers thereof to perfect such incorporation pursuant to this act; and if such resolution receive a majority vote of the members present it shall be declared passed, otherwise lost;
Second, On such resolution being passed the grand president and grand secretary of said grand lodge shall prepare articles of association under their hands and the seal of the grand lodge, setting forth the number of persons then under the jurisdiction of such grand lodge, the name of the grand lodge desiring incorporation; the date of its organization, a copy from the records of said grand lodge of the resolution mentioned in subdivision first of this section, the corporate name of said grand lodge by which it shall be known in the law, the general objects and purposes of the order, and the period for which it is to be incorporated which shall not exceed 30 years;
Third, Such articles of association shall be acknowledged by the officers executing the same and shall have annexed thereto the affidavit of the grand president and the grand secretary that they are members of and occupying respectively the official positions named in such grand lodge; that the resolution, a copy of which is contained in said articles of association, was duly passed at a regular meeting of said grand lodge, and received a majority vote of the members present; that the statements in said articles of association are true to the best of their knowledge and belief; and that said grand lodge was duly instituted and is acting pursuant to the constitution and laws thereof and of the national grand lodge of said order;
Fourth, Said articles of association with such affidavit annexed thereto, shall be filed with the corporation and securities bureau of the department of commerce, and thereupon said grand lodge shall be a body corporate and politic under the name expressed in said articles of association, and by that name shall be a person in the law, capable of suing and being sued, and of transacting all the business of said order necessary, proper, or incidental to the carrying out of its objects and purposes pursuant to its constitution and laws and the constitution and laws of the national grand lodge of said order, not inconsistent herewith nor with the constitution and laws of the United States or of this state. The objects and purposes of associations organized hereunder shall be the development of social and fraternal feeling among members thereof and to provide for fraternal and mutual life insurance and fraternal benefits and assistance for the members thereof and their families.
History: 1893, Act 78, Imd. Eff. May 12, 1893 ;-- CL 1897, 8122 ;-- CL 1915, 10596 ;-- CL 1929, 10797 ;-- CL 1948, 457.641 ;-- Am. 1982, Act 116, Imd. Eff. Apr. 19, 1982