Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to the right of a pawnbroker to deal in secondhand property.
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Chapter 446 - Business Regulation
Act 273 of 1917 - Pawnbrokers (446.201 - 446.219)
Section 446.202 - Licenses; Issuance; Contents; Term; Transferability; Fee; Bond; Limitations.
Section 446.203 - Definitions.
Section 446.204 - Licensed Pawnbroker; Action Upon Bond.
Section 446.205 - Record of Property Received; Contents; Inspection; Form of Permanent Record.
Section 446.206 - Statement to Police of Articles Received; Contents.
Section 446.207 - Repealed. 1980, Act 199, Imd. Eff. July 10, 1980.
Section 446.208 - Purchaser's Memorandum of Pawn; Contents.
Section 446.210 - Title to Item; Sale of Pledged or Pawned Item; Time of Possession.
Section 446.214 - Pawned Property; Acceptance From Certain Persons Prohibited.
Section 446.216 - Bond of Complainant; Amount, Surety.
Section 446.217 - Transaction of Business on Sunday Unlawful.
Section 446.218 - Violation of Act; Penalty.
Section 446.219 - Violation of Act; Revocation of License; Duration.