Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 149 of 2019 - Lawful Sports Betting Act (432.401 - 432.419)
Section 432.416 - Internet Sports Betting Fund.

Sec. 16.
(1) The internet sports betting fund is created in the state treasury.
(2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets required to be paid into the fund under this act or from any other source for deposit into the fund. The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the fund. The state treasurer shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund investments.
(3) The board is the administrator of the fund for auditing purposes.
(4) The board shall expend money from the fund, on appropriation, for all of the following:
(a) The board's costs of regulating and enforcing internet sports betting under this act.
(b) After the expenditure under subdivision (a), each year, $500,000.00 to the compulsive gaming prevention fund created in section 3 of the compulsive gaming prevention act, 1997 PA 70, MCL 432.253.
(c) After the expenditures under subdivisions (a) and (b), each year, $2,000,000.00 to the first responder presumed coverage fund created in section 405 of the worker's disability compensation act of 1969, 1969 PA 317, MCL 418.405.
(d) All money remaining in the fund after the expenditures under subdivisions (a) to (c) is to be deposited into the state school aid fund established under section 11 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963.
History: 2019, Act 149, Imd. Eff. Dec. 20, 2019

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 432 - Gaming

Act 149 of 2019 - Lawful Sports Betting Act (432.401 - 432.419)

Section 432.401 - Short Title.

Section 432.402 - Legislative Findings and Declaration.

Section 432.403 - Definitions.

Section 432.404 - Internet Sports Betting; Conduct Generally; Inapplicability of Act to Indian Tribe; Prohibited Conduct; Limitations on Betting Platform.

Section 432.405 - Michigan Gaming Control Board; Powers and Duties; Jurisdiction; Amateur or Professional Athletic Event.

Section 432.406 - Sports Betting Operator License; Application; Fee; Form and Contents; Confidentiality; Prohibited Conduct.

Section 432.407 - Sports Betting Operator License; Issuance and Renewal; Compliance Requirements; Indian Tribe Compacts.

Section 432.408 - Sports Betting Supplier License; Application; Nonrefundable Fee; Confidentiality.

Section 432.409 - Michigan Gaming Control Board; Jurisdiction and Supervision of Internet Sports Betting Operations; Powers; Investigation.

Section 432.410 - Rules.

Section 432.410a - Source of League Data; Requirements; Notification; Tier 2 Sports Bets.

Section 432.411 - Sports Betting Operator; Duties; Age Verification Requirements; Unauthorized Use and Fraud Prevention.

Section 432.412 - Statewide Responsible Gaming Database.

Section 432.413 - Prohibited Conduct; Violations; Penalties.

Section 432.414 - Imposition of Tax; Exception.

Section 432.415 - Allocation of Tax.

Section 432.415a - Allocation of Certain Payments.

Section 432.416 - Internet Sports Betting Fund.

Section 432.416a - Monthly Report of Internet Sports Betting Operations.

Section 432.417 - Legal Shipment of Gambling Device.

Section 432.418 - Scope of Act.

Section 432.419 - Application for License; Criminal History Background Checks; Fingerpirinting.