Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 239 of 1972 - Mccauley-Traxler-Law-Bowman-Mcneely Lottery Act (432.1 - 432.47)
Section 432.15 - Reports, Studies, Investigations, and Recommendations.

Sec. 15.
(1) The commissioner shall report immediately to the governor, the state treasurer and the legislature any matters that require immediate changes in the laws of this state in order to prevent abuses or evasions of this act or rules promulgated hereunder or to rectify undesirable conditions in connection with the administration or operation of the lottery.
(2) The commissioner shall make a continuous study and investigation of the lottery:
(a) To ascertain any defects in this act or in the rules by reason whereof any abuses in the administration and operation of the lottery or any evasion of this act or the rules may arise or be practiced.
(b) To formulate recommendations for changes in this act and the rules.
(c) To guard against the use of this act and the rules as a cloak for the carrying on of organized gambling and crime.
(d) To insure that this act and the rules are in a form and are administered as to serve the true purposes of this act.
(3) The commissioner shall make a continuous study and investigation of the operation and the administration of similar laws which may be in effect in other states or countries, any literature on the subject which may be published or available, any federal laws which may affect the operation of the lottery, and the reaction of citizens to existing and potential features of the lottery with a view to recommending or effecting changes that will tend to serve the purposes of this act.
History: 1972, Act 239, Imd. Eff. Aug. 1, 1972 Compiler's Notes: For transfer of the Bureau of State Lottery from the Department of Management and Budget to be an autonomous entity within the Department of Treasury, see E.R.O. No. 1991-2, compiled at MCL 12.161 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.Popular Name: Lottery Act

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 432 - Gaming

Act 239 of 1972 - Mccauley-Traxler-Law-Bowman-Mcneely Lottery Act (432.1 - 432.47)

Section 432.1 - Short Title.

Section 432.3 - Definitions.

Section 432.5 - Bureau of State Lottery; Creation; Transfer of Bureau to Department of Management and Budget as Autonomous Entity; Commissioner as Head of Bureau; Commissioner Exempt From Civil Service; Legislative Intent.

Section 432.7 - Commissioner; Qualifications; Appointment; Vacancy; Salary.

Section 432.9 - State Lottery; Establishment and Operation; Maximum Revenues; Bids and Contracts for Equipment and Services; Prohibited Activity; Joint Enterprises; Education and Treatment of Compulsive Gamblers.

Section 432.11 - Rules.

Section 432.12 - Apportionment of Revenue for Payment of Prizes; Percentage.

Section 432.13 - Reports; Monthly and Annual; Contents.

Section 432.15 - Reports, Studies, Investigations, and Recommendations.

Section 432.16 - Compulsive Gambling; Study; Toll-Free Compulsive Gaming Helpline Number.

Section 432.17 - Supervision and Administration of Lottery; Licensing of Lottery Sales Agents.

Section 432.18 - Contracts for Operation and Promotion of Lottery; Assignment; Limitations; Contracts for Advertising or Promotional Material Relating to Club Keno Game; "Nascar" Defined.

Section 432.19 - Personnel; Governmental Assistance.

Section 432.20 - Subpoenas.

Section 432.23 - License as Lottery Sales Agent; Issuance; Consideration of Factors; Receipt of Completed Application; Issuance of Certificate Within Certain Period of Time; Report; Nonassignable and Nontransferable; Bond; Display of License; Suspens...

Section 432.24 - Conviction or Administrative Disqualification of Person Holding Lottery Sales License; Transactions; Actions by Commissioner; Definitions.

Section 432.25 - Single Payment or Installments; Right to Prize Nonassignable; Discharge of Liability; Payment to Person Pursuant to Judicial Order; Payment to State Pursuant to MCL 432.32; Death of Prizewinner; Findings Required for Judicial Order;...

Section 432.27 - Price of Lottery Ticket; Sales by Person Other Than Licensed Agent; Lottery Ticket as Gift; Penalty.

Section 432.29 - Sale or Gift of Lottery Ticket to Minor; Penalty.

Section 432.30 - Falsely Making, Altering, Forging, Uttering, Passing, or Counterfeiting Lottery Ticket; Violation as Felony; Penalty.

Section 432.31 - Ineligibility of Bureau Officers, Employees, or Relatives Thereof.

Section 432.32 - Payment of Prize of $1,000.00 or More; Determination by Bureau; Compilation of Persons Having Current Liability to State; Application of Prize to Liability; Notice; Hearing; Application of Amount to Support Arrearage; Confidentiality...

Section 432.32a - Notification of Name and Identification Information to Department of Human Services.

Section 432.33 - Unclaimed Prize Money; Disposition.

Section 432.34 - Repealed. 1988, Act 516, Eff. Jan. 1, 1988.

Section 432.35 - Deposit of Moneys Collected From Sale of Lottery Tickets; Report; Lawful Functions, Activities, and Services; “Financial Institution” Defined.

Section 432.37 - Other Penalties or Disabilities Inapplicable.

Section 432.39 - Payment of Prize to Minor; Discharge of Liability.

Section 432.41 - State Lottery Fund; Creation; Payment of Prizes; Prize Structure; Investment Authority of State Treasurer; Review of Status of Installment Prize Investments; Reserves; Disposition of Earnings.

Section 432.43 - Appropriation of Money in State Lottery Fund.

Section 432.45 - Club Keno Advertising Fund; Creation; Receipt of Money or Other Assets; Money Remaining in Fund at Close of Fiscal Year; Bureau as Administrator; Distribution and Deposit of Money.

Section 432.47 - Biannual and Special Postaudits; Authority of Auditor General.